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CT Healthboost

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CT's healthboost to have a warm up period (have to wait until it applies) of at least 2-3 seconds OR not let them use it whilst in-combat for the same ballpark figures.


I feel like this makes it feel far less unfair while still accomplishing what it sets out to do. After such a change the amount of CT's who CAN use it can even be increased by 1-2 which seems like a fair compromise and good way to balance out any marginal shift in meta.


I understand that the teams aren't balanced before someone makes this same argument I see on every single JB thread. There are still bad and good ways to balance the game. The goal obviously isn't to buff CT's until we reach a 50% WR serverwide, nor is it to just encourage CT's to start running around headshotting people with P90's and such every single round; which is a consensus we've almost unanimously agreed on.  If I had to guess in everyone's mind there is a level where fairness meets fun, and to me this item crosses the line slightly. 

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I think its fairly difficult to use healthboost during a gunfight anyways, since even if you have the menu bound you still have to reach across your keyboard to get to the second page. I usually only find myself using it when I get a few seconds of safety after a fight / behind a wall or whatever. To me, it is fairly balanced as it is, and I don't think it being used during gunfights is really a big issue.

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23 minutes ago, Byte said:

I think its fairly difficult to use healthboost during a gunfight anyways, since even if you have the menu bound you still have to reach across your keyboard to get to the second page. I usually only find myself using it when I get a few seconds of safety after a fight / behind a wall or whatever. To me, it is fairly balanced as it is, and I don't think it being used during gunfights is really a big issue.

I've had several close quarters or time sensitive fights get screwed by the boost, knives etc it's not really a satisfying mechanic to lose to in that circumstance.

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every time i've tried to bring up a nerf to the healthboost its been shot down. 


i'm a believer in making CT side not hell for anyone who wants to play it but giving CT's overpowered unfair advantages isn't the way to balance the sides. like holy fuck is it infuriating when CT's have full control winning rounds back to back and missing out on kills because ct's have 240 HP. 


i think it's absolute horseshit this can be bought mid gun fight at the press of a button and i still firmly believe the best way to balance it is to only make it purchasable at the first 30 seconds.


the purpose of the healthboost should be to allow yourself to tank an ak hs or an awp body shot ONCE, but not bring you from 1hp to 135 at the press of a button.


the healthshot is completely useless and is being overshadowed by this overpowered bullshit.

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On 4/12/2021 at 6:18 PM, dafty said:

every time i've tried to bring up a nerf to the healthboost its been shot down. 


i'm a believer in making CT side not hell for anyone who wants to play it but giving CT's overpowered unfair advantages isn't the way to balance the sides. like holy fuck is it infuriating when CT's have full control winning rounds back to back and missing out on kills because ct's have 240 HP. 


i think it's absolute horseshit this can be bought mid gun fight at the press of a button and i still firmly believe the best way to balance it is to only make it purchasable at the first 30 seconds.


the purpose of the healthboost should be to allow yourself to tank an ak hs or an awp body shot ONCE, but not bring you from 1hp to 135 at the press of a button.


the healthshot is completely useless and is being overshadowed by this overpowered bullshit.

Wait until I heal to full while you’re knifing me. 


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On 4/12/2021 at 12:38 PM, Byte said:

I think its fairly difficult to use healthboost during a gunfight anyways, since even if you have the menu bound you still have to reach across your keyboard to get to the second page. I usually only find myself using it when I get a few seconds of safety after a fight / behind a wall or whatever. To me, it is fairly balanced as it is, and I don't think it being used during gunfights is really a big issue.

bind q "sm_menu; menuselect 8; menuselect 1; menuselect 9"


This buys the healthboost instantly and closes the menu.


Maybe just require CTs to be at full health when purchasing the health boost. If they want to heal mid round they should use a health shot, not the instant revive.

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Edited by Gentoo
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8 minutes ago, Gentoo said:

bind q "sm_menu; menuselect 8; menuselect 3"


Maybe just require CTs to be at full health when purchasing the health boost. If they want to heal mid round they should use a health shot, not the instant revive.

Gentoo single handedly killing the server with this post until something is done about it.


Who am I kidding? JB regs can't read.

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2 minutes ago, delirium said:

Gentoo single handedly killing the server with this post until something is done about it.


Who am I kidding? JB regs can't read.

I don’t know how he walks around with those massive balls, but if it makes anyone feel better people were doing this way before this thread or I wouldn’t of made it lol. 

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A change has been applied, that you can read here that should fix the bind issue. We thought we had gotten rid of the bind, but Gentoo's post included a way to continue to have a bind even though we removed it from the plugin; There was nothing we could do, that's hard coded into CS:GO. Please leave feedback on the change that was made below, or bring it up at the upcoming Community Meeting.


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