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About Me

  1. So I got a little thing imported from Japan this week..... It's really NSFW, and I highly suggest that you do NOT expose this spoiler tag unless you are 18+, have a strong stomach, watch anime, etc. So, anyone else ever get really cool things in the mail like this? =]

    Hello Admins and Members of Steam-Gamers.net, Im playing everyday on your TTT server and need to say everytime nobody hold on the rules. IM 26 years old and if i play TTT than i want that everybody take care of the rules. Since like 2 Weeks no admins coming online maybe liek 1h and than offline thats not the Point. I see everyday People are leaving the Server me too because some idiots do RDM , Freeshot , T Baiting , Camping it is normal that 1 Round has nearly 10minutes ? I only want to say i cant apply for admin i know nobody knows me its ok but we need more F*** admins on the server yea im gonna Toxic because played 3 round and got of the start killed. thats not TTT and i cant see the Fun. I can pay for admin im working in my Office in my Freetime i joining CS:GO. If you guys do nothing than sorry about to say that you guys have lost 1 more player.
  3. kinda curious. drop your videos, photos, or stories on the craziest thing that happened in cs
  5. gamers Guess it is my turn. first i'd like to ask you to THANK and SHARE this post After nearly three years, with a 6 months hiatus in between, I've come to meet an end. I've been gangbanged by moving in an apartment by myself and my second college years finals. To add on top of that, I kinda stopped playing Counter-Strike as a whole, guess that's what happen when you break 4.5k hours on a game. I got the scrim position, the most relevant server with the hardest of challenges: glue the community together in a friendly semi-competitive environment. I believe after all of this hard work, the countless hours spent with the homies on teamspeak, I successfully rallied the community to me, together. I got on the media team and after 2 months, we're finally seeing the fruits of my hard work with the clip of the month. Same goes for the events I organized during those 3 years, I think we've had a good amount of fun and I'm happy my last event was very successful. We peaked meme existence in this year's favorite admin contest. I still believe my son tides was robbed of his sweet deserved victory, but this is truly where the community made justice rain from above on the haters and party poopers. I never had so much fun on the Internet, the nights spent in ts, tinychats, I must've nearly pissed my pants a couple of time. Seriously, I stopped coming to Steam-Gamers for the servers, I came back everyday for the people. I have a couple of mentions to make, and unlike Dominic, DO crucify me if I didn't put your name in here. @Dominic @euro, you're probably the first idiots I met. I hate both of you and wish you a slow death. @All Ts, You might be the dude with who I've had the most disagreements with despite people grouping us together, but I still don't regret support your 8 admins apps. @Montag @Ned, you're absolute G's, I was happy to find new buddies after I came back last year, we had so much fun and laughs everyday, happy I met y'all @Nimmy You're also one of the first homeboys I met, you're up in this bitch and I'm happy to have you around. @Im Sad @Greggy G Although Greg doesn't thank my posts and Sad is always mildly frustrated, you two are honorable in my heart. @delirium Thank you so much for your work here. You might have the least joyful voice I've heard in my life, but man was I happy to have your ass nearby. @Black Rain @Prez Thanks a fuck ton for your presences, ridiculously helped me a lot to become a better CA and AT member. @Manny @tides @WavY @Senpai @Reid99 @papa @eXtr3m3 @Brian shoutout to the söb/fast/scrim boys out in the yard @eden true fucking g, thanks for carrying my drunk ass during both of these tournaments, u deserve those karma awards you absolute monster @Gubsy forgot about your ass, but i love u @ whoever thanks this post to help me beat All Ts and Dominic, true gamers of culture. I'll still be around to break it down, I just don't have the passion to play CSGO, and I have new projects which won't allow me to be on the community as much as I have been in the past. I still love SG and you may or may not see one of my insane memes here. In a couple of months I'll regain some kind of love for the game I played so much. My english probably hasn't even improved in three years, but I'm happy to have woken up my parents screaming at people not switching off Mccree. farewell freaks, nerf this
  6. all rights reserved to gumline
  7. Post your favorite YouTube videos here, and feel free to comment on others! -Modgers
  8. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/YPTvzM
  9. #TheCrunch

    Hey guys, I'm KPC51 some of you may know me from our favorite zombie run server but for those who do not hello . But this is no ordinary greetings post because today we are going to be talking about your new favorite cereal, I'm sure by now 98.2% of you know what I'm talking about but for those few who don't it's Raisin Bran Krunch. Now believe me this is no trick, no scam into talking you into eating a healthy cerial that is high in fiber no this is not normal Raisin Bran, this is Raisin Bran Krunch. This cereal will change your life, you will know what it means to love for real, you will feel young again your dick size will increase by 2 inches in length and girth your bust will go up an entire cup size. Consuming this godly breakfast creation is honestly quite simple, our fellow member Gym Partner recomends eating it like an animal no spoon or milk just handful after handful and while I agree this can still be just as enlightening as eating it normally I highly suggest you use a bowl with some milk and a spoon to assist you. This post is not a suggestion as stated it is your new favorite cereal so go get a bowl now and share down below with your fellow steam gamers on why they should experiance this unnatural phenominon and remember #TheKrunch.
  10. General Valentine's Day thread What are you doing/What did you do for Valentine's Day? I, personally, am forever alone and will proceed to eat this entire pizza by myself.
  11. https://clyp.it/2hsiwk2f @Ahoy @michellec @Leon @Burger @xDoodles @Console and any one else that I forgot to mention but was part of this madness.
  12. Reply with FUCK KETCHUP if you like mustard better.
  13. https://holidayhole.com/ https://www.reddit.com/r/holidayhole/ This is the best hole digging of all time.
  14. Have you ever clicked on NSFW links, whilst at work, thus breaking the internet ?
  15. Pfft

    So this absolute nerd, RetroAttack, banned me off TeamSpeak. This ban wasn't needed therefore he shall be permanently banned. No one even look at him or you will be turned into a nerd. We can destroy RetroAttack if we work together, try hard enough, WE WILL NOT BECOME NERDS TODAY,
  16. Do u ever go for a walk while its raining, just so noone can see you cry
  17. How would you get away with murder?
  18. I'm leaving in two weeks guys. I'll be going to school in Australia (Australian National University, ranked #19 in the world so fuck you). I'm pretty sure I'm just filling up a quota for them. Logistically, this relationship between me and S-G just isn't gonna work cause of that 16 hour time difference between here in Boston and Canberra... So I mean I guess I can play with Eurotrash. Realistically my past two or so years I haven't nearly played as much as I used to. I repped unhealthy amounts into SG CSS PB (like 60 days of playtime). I was happily the PB admin. Anyways I'll need to focus more on school work and finding a suitable mate to pass on my muscular manlet genes. I'm going to miss this surrogate, dysfunctional family that S-G has become to me. Here's a few things I'll list as I cry: Getting perm banned for banning Omarfire with the reason "n*gger" Joining Tinychat shirtless pretty much always, starting a revolution. Wasting days, on days of my dedicated to PB, making guides and babysitting. Posting on "What are you listening to today?" just to get my post count higher Doing 100+ art requests in the requests section during my time here (in hindsight that's a shitton) Yelling at all the admins here. Becoming an SG meme. Donating more money than I should have to a virtual community All joking aside, I appreciate everyone in SG and when I graduate I hope to join again and play even more. Who knows, maybe I'll still play as much as I do during weird hours. Unnamed Newbie on receiving Legends status - "Adding this shit to my linkedin account". Thanks for the business opportunity guys Now I wanna give some personal messages. Sorry if I miss people. Tryna fit everyone in tho. @ExRev You're like a daddy to me. When I first joined SG, you were always there to teach me the way of PB babysitter. From fucking around to having to actually act serious because of hardass AO, you've been through the thick and thin. Cause of you I was confident enough to apply for admin and launch my SG career and I have to thank you for it. You're by far one of the most OG Unnamed Newbie supporters and provider of memories. I miss the old days ;) I appreciate everything you've done for me. I wish you the best with the family, kid, job, and dog @Toyz Like ExRev, you've been here for me on PB since I've joined pretty much. No matter what we've been able to share a laugh since the very beginning of our SG careers. We've had a shitton of goodtimes throughout the years and I wish you all the best. Keep lifting and making those gains my Canadian fellow. Your foodporn insta posts are dope to. I'm glad you started to play even more recently. @Im a Jackass Goddamn Chris. I'm happy you're on to better things irl but salty since you don't play anymore. Like Toyz and ExRev, you've been here since the start. You pressured me to apply for admin and never failed to make me smile. I hope all is well as you cruise around getting road head in your Mustang. @BoM You're a huge asshole but I love it. On PB you ruled with an iron fist and taught me how to not be a bitch and I can't thank you enough. You turned me from squeaker to slightly less of a squeaker. Survival of the fittest. But honestly, I couldn't have gotten to where I am without your support and guidance. Happy to call you a friend. @bethy I know you probably have nightmares of me in TTT when I'm about to shot you in the face. But hey, that's life. You've been playing with me since years ago on PB and haven't been anything short of a joy to play with. Appreciate it. @BlackEagle You're like an extra grandpa for me. Since day one, you've been on the PB server side by side with me, explaining rules and such. 100% of the time you are helpful and here's some evidence to back it up. I can't thank you enough for everything you've done, not only for me, but the community. @Veggie I remember first joining SG PB on CSS and there was the big bag Veggie. You've always been a positive influence and I have to say thank you for it. My whole SG career has been based off the first few days on the PB server. You are the perfect example of what SG stands for and an exemplary admin. @Bread You might never use your mic, but you're still always fun to play with. Here's wishing all the best to you at school. And just remember that Winchester is the superior Middlesex League school. Good luck playing tennis at the Australian Open. Make sure to visit. @R3TROATTACK I remember when you first joined. Your sensual voice took control of me and it's a pleasure I'll never forget. Honestly I'm not sure how the fuck you made it to AO, but good on you. You're a great guy and hilarious to play with. I wish you all the best sexy. @SilentGuns Although we don't play much, I have to appreciate everything the past you did with Minecraft. The Red Army provided me with hours upon hours of fun and that was 100% your hard work. There are no words to describe how much you've done for SG. @Fluttershy der Führer I remember playing with you since I started. You have never failed to make me laugh with the things you say. I wish you played more cause you'd make a fine admin if you did. Hope you're making more gains (throwback to that fitness thread you made). @floffypus So I've never really been that great of an artist, but I managed. Three or four years ago, you were my inspiration in the arts and crafts section. And although I'll obviously never come close to you in talent I appreciate everything you've done for the community and letting me make hundreds of avatars and signatures for the community members. @Epsilon We used to talk all the time back in 2011 and 2012. I'm extremely happy that you're back playing and more importantly happy a few years after some personal things. All the respect in the world to you bro. Stay strong. @Jake Yo, look what I found in my basement. @mattypoo Matt, matty matt matt. Your name is A+. You're one of those players who is always a good time no matter what. I feel like you never fail to make me laugh whether it be on the forums or in game. I remember during my admin application all the support you gave me, and I appreciate it. @ShoieP Shoeip, Shoei-P. I remember when you first joined and no one had any fucking clue how to pronounce your name. Sure, we might not play much, but that doesn't alleviate the time we had on PB. Countless hours and memories on PB have been unforgettable with you. @Raventi Rumor has it you're back. You're a wicked funny kid (or man now ;)). Here's to you getting admin again and not leaving this time. You've got some rare potential in you buddy. So don't fuck up @Fonzi Skyz I think was the name when you first joined. You've been a great friend through the thick n thin during my career here. You've also helped me be able to speak my mind regardless of what others may think. @Tsuna Tuna is one of the only fish I like. I remember when you first joined. You're a hoot and I'm glad you've made a return to SG as an honorable gamer. We need more oldies like you around to keep everyone's sex drive high. @Korean Ninja I like that you call me Matt. It makes me feel some type of way. Sorry for cyber bullying you sometimes, my mom said I should stop. @Elemental You're relatively new compared to everyone else, but we've had a shitton of fun, especially in MM. My 360 no scopes are where it's at and even though you've deranked to shit, you're still an EU fag I can deal playing with. Much love bro. @Strawberry A Tree. That's who you'll always be to me. And I'm still baffled on how the fuck you got so rich. We had incredible memories on CSS PB and I have to wish you all the best. I miss the old days when you first joined. Red Herring bros for life though. @ColdWar I still have never heard you talk. But you've earned my silent respect. Day one, you were there in SG CSS PB. @Pyro I think I'm still in the IHatePyro group. Throwback to that. You're a chill admin and have always been a chill admin. Regardless of how other people might think of you. @Caution You've always been the big guy in PB. I have to appreciate everything you've done for the server. Even if it is Star Wars skins and noises. I also appreciate your irl military work so pussies like me don't have to risk our lives. Nothing but respect and appreciation to you. @Ms. Blargh You're a PB oldie as well. I miss the old days playing on the map SG Girls on PB. Tremendous amount of fun and respect for you, my fellow Legend. @TheVirus I remember first playing SG PB and you being an admin. You were always incredibly helpful and continue to be understanding. We haven't interacted much, but I appreciate everything you've done. @Rawrie Come out of the closet already. No one likes leg snapchats. @Aff AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH "I am Legend" Unnamed Newbie 2010-2016
  19. Steam-Gamers Unofficial Fan Fics Please Enjoy our hard work; I feel this is a great way to let off steam when you get salty. If you would like to support the continuation of these wonderful stories please get good and share your ideas. Maybe we will put YOU into a story. Potato - A Love Story Fan Fic Made By: Metal The first time I saw it I was awestruck. I never saw something so beautiful like this before, It was perfect; Her skin was smooth as silk, golden as the sun and she was just laying there. I did not know what to do, She was just laying there. So I did what any person would do. I took her home. Once home, I worked hard to make sure everything was set up so she would be confortable. Once everything was done I grabbed myself a drink and headed to my room. It's the first time I actually did something for someone else other myself. I decided to head to bed. That night I could not sleep, I was worried all night about her, but I did finally fall asleep. When I woke up I headed to the rec room to see how she was doing; to my surprise, she was gone. I looked at the bright side, She was safe for the night and it's a bright new day, I only hope she was ok. So, I just sat down thinking where she could be. But you might think this is the end, However it was far from the end, it was only the begining of our story. I heard a noise from the kitchen; So I got up and walked over to it. I did not in a million years think I'd ever see anything like this. Something that could never be explained no matter how long you looked, has happened. I did not bother asking questions, all I said was... Good Morning. So I bet you are asking yourself, What did happen? Well; She became a human, and the first thing she said was; "Would you like some fries?" That day was out first day together and we have been happy ever after. *Writers notes: I hope you enjoyed this, As you can tell I got inspiration from @Rawrie I wanted to start off by making the story seem like it was like any normal story. A simple kind @Rawrie took a girl home who was on the street and it turns out, she was a Potato. Metal Gear Soulid Fan Fic made by : SouceBoss Images made by: SouceBoss All White text are hyper links to Souce's wonderful images he was created for you all. Metal doesn’t have a top on. He is hanging on a wall, burnt to the crisp. He just survived three rounds of electricity torture. He can’t give up, otherwise Souce will bite the dust. Here comes the fourth round. When the green light lit, he instantly seized up. 900 volts coursing through his body and his abs, mostly on his abs. You can say, his abs were super hot. If you put your hands on them, you would instantly get third degree burns, that's how hot they were, with and without electricity. Only the chosen one can put their hands on his abs, the reason he was on Shadow Mowcese in the first place, to find his lover. Three seconds left, “I CAN'T DO IT”, he shouts. Two, “AAAAAAHHHHHHHH”. One, “I, I giv-“, DING, round over. He passes out. He wakes up in his cell, barely able to move. The guard watching him goes to the bathroom, he has diarrhea. He hears footsteps, but he can't see anything. SLASH, his door opens. It has been cut to several pieces. Metal stands up, and there he is. The one he has seen before, Cybouce Ninja. Cybouce goes to him and places his hand on his abs. Not even a sizzle. Metal gasps and opens his eyes, “it's you, my lover”. Cybouce Ninja takes off his mask and it turns out, it's Souce Boss. The one he has been playing Jail Break with. The future president of steam hyphen gamers dot net. He can tell because he remembers a picture of souce flexing for him. They hug, and metal puts his hands on souces defined abs, it doesn't burn either. Its truly the end, isn't it? An announcement is made on the speakers, “Attention, President Caution has entered the building”. Caution, the only one standing in the way of Souce’s leadership. Metal and Souce both know exactly what to do, get Caution off power by any ways necessary. They hold hands and go towards the helipad where Caution has arrived. TO BE CONTINUED? Next Fan Fic The Legend of Newbie
  20. Talk about your favorite types of boobs and butts. Which do you prefer and how do you like them. No inappropriate pictures. We don't want this to get banned now do we? Some descriptors are: small, medium, large, XL, squishy, firm, and all of the above.
  21. If you guys didn't know, I have quit Counter Strike, the "#1 game in America" I feel over the 3 years I have been playing it, it has done nothing good to me, maybe made me a couple of good friends, allowed me to get closer, but all of these could have been done without counter strike. I quit because it was controlling my life in a negative way more than it has been positive. -Counter Strike has made more enemies than my friends, its ever-growing toxic community has been ruining and hardening our hearts to adapt into this atmosphere of negativity. It has mad such a negative change, I would take this negativity in real life expressing it to my friends and even to my own parents. -I absolutely hate this "rank labeling" created by Counter Strike, I admit I have done this too. Calling people "silver" might be a joke but it makes a lasting effect that turns into insult after insult. I have a couple of friends that still this day labels each other by their skill in this game rather than the other qualities that a person is gifted too. This destroys friendships, and I have firsthand seen that in my life. -It wasted my time and provided me a false sense of security when I played this game. It took time from my studying time and also I hated being dragged out of a game by my parents once I have started a match. -It has been a complete obstacle and my challenge to get to quit this game because I knew this game was preventing my fellowship with God and growth. This was my worldly desire that God was calling me to get over and this summer I have finally answered his calling. I am not saying playing this game is a bad thing, but encourage people to open their eyes about their addictions and how damaging it can get if it goes too far. Whether it be fame, money, school, girls, any addictions, I am writing this as a warning of how damaging addictions can really be. Maybe next time I can be the best, that no one ever was. To catch memes is my real test. To train them is my cause. I will travel around the land, searching far and wide, and maybe, just maybe, I'll get to see a true grill on the internet.
  22. :{

    this is a walrus appreciation thread, in honor of tsuna and his favorite animal
  23. [YOUTUBE]G36mVuIHmLQ[/YOUTUBE] stop your children from playing league before it starts.
  24. wheres my promotion
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