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About Me

  1. kable color my favorite juice
  2. Hello everybody, The Board's kicking off this spring with a new and exciting promotion. triou is being promoted to Administrative Officer. He has been super active/dedicated towards Surf and even the community as a whole. Bearing that in mind along with Surf's resurgence in activity, we felt this was a no-brainer. His new responsibilities will include: Verify that servers are operational Reboot Dead/Lagged servers Manage Player complaints/bans Assist in training new admins Handle admin disputes Monitor the Discord server Grant access rights to Discord Give awards to members on request Search for new maps for all servers Upload maps to server and fast downloads site Edit map lists and rotations Issue player perma bans via request from SA's Teach admins how to demo/ban/screenshot proof Congratulations buddy! @triou
  3. Mace was brought onto the Expansion Committee for his previous hard work and dedication to the community. He recently displayed his interest in helping get the ball rolling with the new team, so it was a no brainer to get him on board. His new responsibilities will include: Create community events to bring our player base together Promote activity on all of our platforms including servers / forums / Discord Discuss ideas to increase activity on our platforms Research advertising & partnership opportunities Recommend general marketing ideas for the community Caido was promoted to Administrative Officer as a consolation prize for his unsuccessful and overall terrible corny joke threads. On a more serious note, he has been very active across multiple servers and super dedicated towards the betterment of the community in general. Bearing in mind his technical prowess and his dedication for our servers, this was a pivotal move to make. His new responsibilities will include: Verify that servers are operational Reboot Dead/Lagged servers Manage Player complaints/bans Assist in training new admins Handle admin disputes Monitor the Discord server Grant access rights to Discord Give awards to members on request Search for new maps for all servers Upload maps to server and fast downloads site Edit map lists and rotations Issue player perma bans via request from SA's Teach admins how to demo/ban/screenshot proof Hats off to you both! @Mace @Caido
  4. Hey everyone, Got some more exciting promotions to share with you all. Please join us in congratulating darkspace44 and Kataoka for becoming the newest additions to the Expansion Committee. Both of these individuals have expressed great interest in helping our community grow, and we have complete faith in their ability to bring forth their best efforts in doing so. They also get to gloat about being in the coolest sounding rank since Executive Officer. Their new responsibilities will include: Create community events to bring our player base together Promote activity on all of our platforms including servers / forums / Discord Discuss ideas to increase activity on our platforms Research advertising & partnership opportunities Recommend general marketing ideas for the community Welcome aboard, gentlemen! @darkspace44 @Kataoka
  5. Hey everyone, We've got another promotion to inform you all about. Elfbarf is now an Administrative Officer. He has already done a ton for our Garry's Mod TTT server alongside Huwajux. Honestly, it was only a matter of time before he would be bumped up to AO. His new responsibilities will include: Verify that servers are operational Reboot Dead/Lagged servers Manage Player complaints/bans Assist in training new admins Handle admin disputes Monitor the Discord server Grant access rights to Discord Give awards to members on request Search for new maps for all servers Upload maps to server and fast downloads site Edit map lists and rotations Issue player perma bans via request from SA's Teach admins how to demo/ban/screenshot proof Congratulations! @Elfbarf
  6. Hey everyone, SG's kicking off the new year by announcing some more changes to our staff! For our first promotion, we've dug up a fossil. Huwajux will be joining the team as an Administrative Officer. He was a great AO in the past and the Board has complete faith in his ability to help get things moving forward here. His responsibilities will include: Verify that servers are operational Reboot Dead/Lagged servers Manage Player complaints/bans Assist in training new admins Handle admin disputes Monitor the Discord server Grant access rights to Discord Give awards to members on request Search for new maps for all servers Upload maps to server and fast downloads site Edit map lists and rotations Issue player perma bans via request from SA's Teach admins how to demo/ban/screenshot proof Next up, we had some faulty wiring that needed fixing and found the right guys for the job. Please welcome Acer, Caido, and Phoenix_ as our newest Technical Administrators. The Board needed a few guys to help troubleshoot our technical issues by telling us to turn things off and on again - and no, not Dominic's mom this time you guys. Their responsibilities will include: Fix technical issues that arise day to day (servers/site) Research mods, scripts and plugin to improve our servers Develop solutions to improve our servers/mods performance Discover and fix exploits against our servers/sites Assist in data backup operations for the communities data Manage the servers, website, forums, and bansites, based on experience Keep all web services up to date and functional Assist the AO/BD staff when problems arise or others are on vacation To conclude this thread, we decided that we're going to be discontinuing the Junior Technical Administrator rank effective immediately. Our TA's are already granted certain access based on what is necessary for their work, so we felt simplifying things was the best move to make. Congratulations to everyone! @Huwajux@Acer @Caido @Phoenix_
  7. Hey guys, Just wanted to drop in and let you know that @ThRza is now a Director. Thanks.
  8. Hello everyone, Dominic is currently holding my family at gunpoint and forcing me to write this promotion thread. If you don't express your approval, he will dump an entire AK-12 magazine into my loved ones, so please join me in welcoming @Pog.To Administrative Officer! His new responsibilities include: Verify that servers are operational Reboot dead/lagged servers Assist in training new admins Search for new maps for all servers Upload maps to the servers and fast downloads site Edit map lists & rotations Congratulations!
  9. Hey guys, Just wanted to drop in and let you know that @eXtr3m3 is now a Director. Thanks.
  10. It’s been a helluva rollercoaster ride here at SG. I don’t think it’s said enough but literally everyone that is a part of Steam Gamers deserves a huge thank you. You don’t have to be a staff member here to create change; there are plenty of people here who are content with being a regular member that are involved in some way that helps with the growth of this community. You’re all contributing to the community in some way; you can play on the servers, you can help support the community by donating to help keep the place running, offer to help in some manner, or you can make suggestions and share ideas you have. Each one of you has shaped this community in some way or form that it exists today because of you. I want to personally thank each one of you from the bottom of my heart. I’ve been a member of the community for a decade now (ignore the forum date). I remember I found SG because of the Minigames server. I hopped on because the map was mg_south_park and I’m a sucker for South Park. I ended up staying because I didn’t know I’d have so much fun over a simple map. It led me to learning about other cool maps like re_skybunker and mg_speed_domination. Over the years I rotated between the other numerous servers SG had to offer back in CS:S. For someone who has stuck around for 10 years in the community, I believe that all my interactions with the many people that I’ve come across here has helped shaped me as a person as well. I know that sounds funny to read but we’re all on a gaming platform socializing with each other that it becomes a part of our lives and it’s incorporated into our daily routine to come back here so often. There is something charismatic about this place and the people who engage in it. Whether it’s for better or worse, words can’t explain how much I’ve seen this place change in 10 years. I wouldn’t be standing here as a Director of the community without the people who believed in my work as a CA that allowed me to transition to AO and eventually BD. The people who vouched for me know exactly who they are, so they are a part of my journey here and I thank them for trusting me. My time in SG has led me to coming across so many damn people that it would be absurdly long to list how each person has been influential in some way. I won’t be listing names because I don’t feel it’s fair to everyone and I don’t want anyone to feel left out because of it. Just know that I had the pleasure of getting to know you in some form; whether it was in voice on TS/Discord, playing on the servers, interacting on the forums, helping you whenever you had a question for me, etc. It’s obviously no secret that we all have our fair share of people we’ve come across that we can dislike, but it doesn’t mean I don’t acknowledge you for what you brought to the table, and I respect it and you for it. If you recognize me and we interacted in some way, I just want you to know that I cherish the memories we made together, and that I’m happy we met here in Steam Gamers. Thank you for the love. Don’t give up on Steam Gamers. I’ve been a member of multiple communities across different games, and one problem I’ve seen is that most communities don’t last as long as SG has. I want to be able to come back here in another 10 years and see how far it's made it. Will I return once again for a hat trick? Only time will tell. In the meantime, please don’t give on up this place.
  11. Well here we are, I've been involved with SG in one form or another since I was 11. I only got a computer and bought CS so that I could play on the ZM zombie server with my friends and here we are 15 years later. It's been an absolute pleasure (most of the time) being apart of this community and working towards it's betterment. I know right now is a rough patch but I genuinely believe with some of the moves that will be made that we will find ourselves stable once again. I wish I could have done more as a BD but unfortunately the promotion came at a time in my life when I didn't have much time to begin with and I couldn't make it work, this place needs a team of leaders who are active and paying attention to all facets of the community. I'm glad that after all this time I can finally walk away cleanly and with fond memories. @Dominicyou've said some pretty dumb things and acted retarded but who am i to judge. Glad at the end of the day I can say that I consider you a friend. @eXtr3m3the fuckin boy, we may not speak like we used to brother but the love still there. Call on me anytime you need it @GatorIt's been a wild ride chief, sorry I gave you so much shit but thanks for always having my back when the shits hit the fan @Hawksmeet me at the fuckin border you canadian clown Talk to you later SG
  12. Well here we are, I was VP. Now I'm TA. My responsibilities include: Fix technical issues that arise day to day (servers/site) Research mods, scripts and plugin to improve our servers Develop solutions to improve our servers/mods performance Discover and fix exploits against our servers/sites Assist in data backup operations for the communities data Manage the servers, website, forums, and bansites, based on experience Keep all web services up to date and functional Assist the AO/BD staff when problems arise or others are on vacation Thank you to @kabLe and @Revengafor your help writing this thread.
  13. Hi everyone, Due to real life events @Liam Brown hasn't been able to be active, and told me he probably won't be for quite some time. He'll hereby be stepped down and given the Legend rank. Liam, we can't thank you enough for all the things you've done for this community. You created our CSGO Store for all our cosmetics, which has been incredibly valuable for the community (and still is). You fully automated our donation system so it integrates with our CSGO servers, giving the players their ingame content automatically once they've donated. You helped set up the systems we currently have in place to make managing our servers much easier. ... And I can keep on listing of things you did for this community. For all his hard work he earned the Presidential Award back in 2018, and his dedication was still on-par since that day. Once again, thanks for everything you've done, and know that you're welcome back to the team whenever things are sorted out. Hit me up on Discord if you ever find the time to have a chat. Take care my friend, hope everything works out.
  14. Hello everyone, Hot off the press, we have some fresh promotions! First up we have @Pyro Looga moving up to Community Advisor! Their responsibilities include: Advise the higher staff on important decisions Handling player complaints and issuing bans Moderation of the forum Give awards to members on request Keep servers clean from rule breakers Issue warnings/kicks/bans Screenshot/demo proof for permanent bans Request permanent bans via on the forum Post in-game server problems on the forum Help in any way to make the servers fun Lastly we have @Borya and @touchy moving up to Administrative Officer! Their responsibilities include: Verify that servers are operational Reboot dead/lagged servers Assist in training new admins Search for new maps for all servers Upload maps to the servers and fast downloads site Edit map lists & rotations Congratulations!
  15. Hello everyone, I am pleased to announce that after a little bit of college (and hazing), we're bringing Dominic back to Director! His new responsibilities will include: Support/build/fix servers Approve admin applications Set up new Admin and Supporter access Issue admin warnings/punishments Keep the community updated of any changes Final say in all admin disputes Plan for growth (website/servers) Support forum/plugins/logos Review and implement community suggestions Promote/demote server admins Handle admin complaints Handle disputes among fellow admins Be a role model to all admins/setting by example Collect donations and manage subscriptions Manage the website, forums, and bansite Manage staffing and responsibilities Congratulations!
  16. Hello everyone, We have a very special promotion for you all today. In support of Labor Day, we wanted to show recognition for one of our hardest workers. I'm pleased to announce @kabLeis the proud owner of a $5 gift card to Subway! And he's now Director. Their new responsibilities will include: Support/build/fix servers Approve admin applications Set up new Admin and Supporter access Issue admin warnings/punishments Keep the community updated of any changes Final say in all admin disputes Plan for growth (website/servers) Support forum/plugins/logos Review and implement community suggestions Promote/demote server admins Handle admin complaints Handle disputes among fellow admins Be a role model to all admins/setting by example Collect donations and manage subscriptions Manage the website, forums, and bansite Manage staffing and responsibilities ... anything else that needs to be done
  17. Hello everyone, Please welcome Starlegendgod, Sully, touchy, Phoenix_, john jones, and Dong to Community Adviser! Their new role includes: Advise the higher staff on important decisions Handling player complaints and issuing bans Moderation of the forum Give awards to members on request Keep servers clean from rule breakers Issue warnings/kicks/bans Screenshot/demo proof for permanent bans Request permanent bans via on the forum Post in-game server problems on the forum Help in any way to make the servers fun Congratulations!
  18. I guess it's time I wrote something, as everyone is expecting me to do so. To be honest, I had half a thought to not write anything and just ghost the whole place. Really savage, I know, but it's just where my head was at. I'm not sad or remorseful, but there is something so gripping about this place that makes it hard to leave even when you're ready. I've thought of a few different ways to write this...how best to send off my last big address to all you gamers and degenerates, but honestly for me there isn't much to say. I've been here as a BD for almost two years now, and I think I was another 6 months active prior to that on top of the few of you I've known from the old days, and that's given me a lot to think about and a lot that I've seen. I think a lot of people get BD and have an agenda or have some big thing they want to fix and then they do it and they are gone. I never quite understood that, as when I looked up to BDs I always simply saw them as leaders of the community - something that will never not be needed. Coming back to this place from 4-5 years away and seeing BD as the integral leadership role set me up to try and take on the role without an agenda or really a purpose. For a long time that's all it really was for me, a job where I had to provide some leadership and do a bunch of tasks every day/week/month. Sure there are of course benefits and clout of being BD, but those fade quickly especially when the turnover of players/staff greatly outweighs your tenure here...meaning every 3-6 months there were new faces who really didn't care what color your name was. Looking back on my first year as BD, I think of it all as me really just spending a lot of time getting to know the place better and understand what it needed from me. Again, I went in thinking/knowing it at the very least needed some kind of leadership...but that's so generic and only got me so far. You go to meetings, you boss people around, you promote/demote, you do your tasks, then you work on your own projects. At some point during that repeat loop of monotony I was getting asked a lot by @ello what exactly my goal was...what was I doing here. I explained to her, best I could, that I wanted to keep this place going because it helped me when I was just some kid in high school and I wanted to make sure it lived on to be there for the kids I saw going through all the same shit I went through. Sometime during all this, Covid hit...fucking covid man...what a nightmare. Thankfully, and honestly somewhat to my surprise, everybody here really rallied together and leaned on each other in ways I didn't expect. Understandably, everyone was hurting and struggling with the reality of covid and more so the reality of being in this social lock down where we could only interact with each other online. It was during this time that I began to see a different future for SG, one that didn't require a mass amount of servers or an unhealthy obsession over our server ranks, but one where we could just gather together as group(s) of gamers and play some shit. FiveM, Among Us, Fall Guys, SCP, Crab Game, tons of Minecraft, and on and on...and every time you guys would all show up and have a great time just hanging out and playing games. All you needed was a little push and a platform to do it on and you just ran with the rest of it...was honestly amazing to watch. Unfortunately, as is the case around here...drama comes to a head from time to time and I have been the heavy hand to deal with that drama on many occasions over the past 2+ years, but along the way those demoted or banned began to all sing the same tune. In BD chat it's a sort of 'oh that's what they all say' and 'oh everyone hates the BDs eventually'...but to me, surprisingly, it slowly became the one thing I really cared about. I no longer cared about the tasks or the promoting and demoting or going to monthly meetings...worrying about what you guys were saying to me became more important. I learned to listen to what the some of the banned and demoted people had to say, what the ex- staff who had worked closely with us had to say, and most importantly I learned to listen to the average player...the inevitable lifeblood of this community. What'd I learn? Well it was quite simple...everyone just wants to be heard...and even more than that they mostly just want to see this place moving and doing something. It doesn't have to be big CSGO things, it doesn't have to be big expansion to new games, they just want there to be something to do and something to talk about. The people who really stick around nowadays are here for anything but CSGO, they are just here to chat and gather groups of people to play whatever is fun that week or that month. Honestly, that's okay. It's okay to not want to play on the servers or be CSGO focused, it's okay to just want this place to be a fun place to hang out with your friends. It's also okay to love the servers and want to poor all your efforts into that too. Just respect that everyone isn't here for exactly the same thing, but we are all here to hang out and have a good time with each other. I spent the last...probably 6 months of my time here trying to understand all this....understand where you all were coming from...and build a new base that those after me can hopefully build off of. I worked my ass off to rebuild the bridge between BD and community (and even BD and staff) and create new ways that we can all come together and interact with each other. Everyone that has worked with me and really spoke up about the issues we have/had here allowed me to see this place more and more clearly and understand what it was missing. My one hope, my one wish, is that everyone keeps building on the community...the player interactions. Nothing else matters...not what game you are playing, not what the weekly drama is, or any of that...just getting a group of nerds together on the internet and playing a game...having fun and making a memory out of it. There are things I started that I did not finish, but fear not...I know it wasn't always easy to see but @crazedkangaroohas been really involved in all the things I've brought up and created in terms of community fun with discord improvements (also @AcerI guess ), consistent community meetings, community feedback, the council (name pending), and a bunch of other cool things. I'll probably still ghost write his posts because he sucks at that and we'll all be good. I'm sorry I didn't get to stick around and see all this stuff through and honestly my reasons for leaving are cumulative rather than one specific thing. I of course am tired...the last 6 months have not been easy on me mentally here...being the 'BD spokesperson' as it's been coined meant getting all the good, but also all the critiques and in some cases just shit throwing. I'd like to think I did my best to keep things civil, even if some might comment that threads were locked unnecessarily. Idk...call your lawyer. I'll put in on record here and say I am not leaving because of any beef or Caution or any of that. I've been thinking about it for a few weeks and it just finally came to a head when me and Caution were talking. Him and me going back and forth is nothing new...been doing it for a long ass time now. We both have our ways we want to lead different parts of the community and growth and when we disagree we debate and argue and come to a conclusion. Only this time...I realized I was done...cooked. I didn't have it in me to keep up the fight for how I wanted this place to be, because I guess I'd just done what I had came to do. I have other shit in my life now guys, there is a hot ass MILF of a girlfriend (SHOUTOUT @ello) that is ready to start a new chapter with me, work is chaotic as ever, and I've found new things I want to do with my free time that help keep my mental health in check. It's just time for me to go. It's time for the list...in no particular order: @Black Rain The work wife. Love you girl @crazedkangarooMy loyal confidant. Love you too @Greggy GThe jester. Only hate for you @Nishok& @TheVirusMy oldest friends @Caution@GatorSuper AFK but I respect the grind @fantastic@ManiacHonestly loved working with you guys, great people to know. @Creten& @HawksCreten you got me back into this place and pushed me to do shit and hawks you kept me motivated when I thought I had no energy left to keep going. @TheZZL@20 scrolls@Mikey.@Chadand all the others I hounded on to act better...be better. You did good. I'm proud of you guys. @delirium& @kabLeI know our goals and visions shifted apart from each other, but you guys always had my back on shit. Big respect. @Ph3onix@Strayyz The MOTHERFUCKIN comeback kids. I know there are others but you guys are the OG. @Infinityward@KopstaWe will still game together when IW gives up nights. @Error.@rygor@Poke The don't make fun of my [ ] crew. These guys are honest and will get 10/10 wives someday. (husband for rygor) @Steven.@Dom@le victim@gween@Nolan@Astral@A Decently Paid Janitor@EasterpinkObligatory slime shoutout @Gentoo@bat@BoochPlease leave and never come back @Acerspecial shoutout. This guy works his fucking ass off and if he ever leaves we are all doomed. @Charliere@Carlito@Liam Brown@Dreamz@thuxys@Valk@Zero Two@ThRza@Asher@Leon Mordecai@ImHunterIRL@BoToBLANKET STAFF SHOUTOUT to any and all past and present. Enjoyed working with everyone who was willing to step up when we needed it. Idk I hope I got everyone, it's hard to remember all the faces from the last 2.5 years but this is a good list. I'll stick around for a week or two to make sure I pass off any info if needed and what not, but after that I'll be on to other stuff.... Love you guys.
  19. Please welcome to following individuals to their new or old roles! To Events Manager we have Zero Two! Their new responsibilities will include: Manage Events Team Organize, plan, and run events Manage/Promote special events on our servers Manage and monitor gaming tournaments (ie. SGSL) Make sure servers are ready for all special events Schedule events to fill servers in need via the steam community Work with the Administrative Team to create events that cater to community interests To Server Manager we have Dominic! Their new responsibilities will include: Verify that servers are operational Reboot dead/lagged servers Assist in training new admins Search for new maps for all servers Upload maps to the servers and fast downloads site Edit map lists & rotations To Technical Administrator we have Revenga! Their new responsibilities will include: Fix technical issues that arise day to day (servers/site) Research/manage mods, scripts, and plugins to improve our servers Develop solutions to improve our servers/mods performance Discover and fix exploits against our servers/site Assist in data backup operations for the community's data Assist AT's when problems arise or others are on vacation Lastly, to Director we have Hawks! Their new responsibilities will include: Support/build/fix servers Approve admin applications Set up new Admin and Supporter access Issue admin warnings/punishments Keep the community updated of any changes Final say in all admin disputes Plan for growth (website/servers) Support forum/plugins/logos Review and implement community suggestions Promote/demote server admins Handle admin complaints Handle disputes among fellow admins Be a role model to all admins/setting by example Collect donations and manage subscriptions Manage the website, forums, and bansite Manage staffing and responsibilities ... anything else that needs to be done
  20. Hey guys, long overdue, but if you haven't noticed I have stepped down from all staff positions, as college is coming my parents and I are very worried about my success, and I've constantly felt pressure to do things right and correctly and being in the ranks I was at just wasn't fair for people considering I felt like I was just taking up a spot. When it comes to events team, I really enjoyed managing it, @Aceris probably the best EM we've had in years and it was more than an honor to work besides you, solo carrying events team as well as minecraft you kept me motivated to get things done for the past few months, until I felt like I was just dragging you down. @BoMI've grown to like you over the years that you've been here and were a great inspiration in pursuing SG again. @Black RainGood friend and always helped me see things from a different perspective @crazedkangarooalways made sure everything was thoroughly thought about in IA chat, always helped me in creating a good environment for SG while I was staff @Greggy Ggerggy g, I've grown to known you more than just a staff member and my boss, you've helped me through my lows and helped created my highs, thank you friend. @Acerkeep fucking killing it bro, I'll always be here if you need help with anything. @deliriumI'll still post my occasional dota clips I really just needed this pressure of SG off by back, knowing that I don't have to constantly be held to a high standard has really given me relief in knowing that I am not doing the wrong thing all the time. Best of luck to all, and thank you all for the opportunities as staff. @Creten@Johnhey :3 @KopstaFrom friend group to friend group we've still been friends regardless. @Steel_hey i guess (he asked to be on here) @20 scrollsGood to see you rise through the ranks as an underdog, good job man @Strayyzbest events team member I've ever seen
  21. I was gonna write something, but I couldn't think of anything to write. Video says it all. 20 scrolls is now Lead Server Manager. (Shoutout @Error.)
  22. Whattup SG. We're happy to announce the return of a previously very dedicated and passionate server manager who has been recently pushing and successfully bringing in players to our MiniGames server. With the extra attention being given to MG we hope that its success grows and lasts. Please join me in welcoming back ThRza as your newest Server Manager. Their new responsibilities will include: Verify that servers are operational Reboot dead/lagged servers Assist in training new admins Search for new maps for all servers Upload maps to the servers and fast downloads site Edit map lists & rotations Long Live ThRza Grandma
  23. Well, I guess the time has finally come. After spending hundreds of hours in the servers, on the forums, and in the discord over the last few years I’ve decided that it’s finally time for me to step down from my Board of Directors position. As most of you have probably seen I’ve been pretty MIA following the end of the pandemic due to my other responsibilities outside of this community. I’ve been hoping that it would get better this summer and allow me the time and attention to devote to Steam-Gamers needed, but sadly I’ve only gotten busier. I don’t believe it’s fair to all of you to hold this position while not contributing to the same level that the other directors have been in the present state and when there are so many other hard-working members of this community who are currently more deserving of this position. I originally joined this community back when I was 12 years old when it was just a bunch of CS:S servers and still being run by Haggard and Spartan. Honestly, it was some of the best years of my childhood and I still have great memories from back then and all the shit we used to get up to. I can without a doubt tell you I was just as big a headache for the higher ups as some of you are to us in the present. When I first logged back into the forums after having been gone for years I was absolutely astonished to see that the torch was still burning bright and while the community had changed over the years, it was still there kicking and alive. Never in that first moment did I expect to end up in my current position 3 years later. Having the opportunity to come back generations later to contribute as a staff member has been an absolute honour and I’m absolutely blessed to have had the opportunity to work for this community again. Steam-Gamers has always been a passion project based on a collective effort and the amount of work some people volunteer into this community is absolutely unfathomable. I could go on and on about how much amazing work people have put into this community, but this list would go on for way too long if I did. Instead, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has put any amount of work into this community, whether it be as an admin, staff, higher up or even just as a regular. You guys are the ones who make this community what it is. I have the utmost faith in the current staff that they will lead this community in the right direction, not everyone will always agree with them but they genuinely want to see this place succeed. I'll never forget the laughs, memories, and all the new friendships. Thanks for everything. BUD #praiseBoTo
  24. Hopefully, this time he'll find the logs. His other name changes are a lie so please join me in welcoming back LampShade to Server Manager! His new responsibilities will include: Verify that servers are operational Reboot dead/lagged servers Assist in training new admins Search for new maps for all servers Upload maps to the servers and fast downloads site Edit map lists & rotations Oh, and Greggy G is now back to being in his dedicated support role of Lead Server Manager. Congrats everyone!
  25. CHARLIE IS ORANGE. HAWKS IS EXTREMELY FUCKED. SHE'S MANAGING TTT ALONGSIDE HUNTER. PLEASE WELCOME HER IN HER NEW RANK. Her new responsibilities will include: Verify that servers are operational Reboot dead/lagged servers Assist in training new admins Search for new maps for all servers Upload maps to the servers and fast downloads site Edit map lists & rotations THANK YOU FOR READINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
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