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New Rule - Old Ways

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Beloved community members,


In response to a growing sense of need to remove certain community members who provide nothing positive and are here only to troll and wreak havoc we have decided to establish a new rule. This is in response to comments that have been made to us regarding how certain situations are handled as well as conversations that were had at the community meeting. In times past BDs were far less lenient to those who simply wasted a lot of time and harassed staff and members alike in ways that skirted around the rules. This, ironically, led to less conflict and less hostility among those not removed from the community because they could co-exist here peacefully without the annoyance or excessive negativity.


New Rule: Do not be continuously disruptive to the community via consistent trolling, breaking rules, or speaking badly about other members/staff/the community.


This is not something that will be enforced by Admin -> IA, but something that is issued directly by the BDs. If the BDs collectively and unanimously decide that you are not fit for this community and are simply a nuisance disturbing our staff and members then we reserve the right to remove you for as long as we feel is necessary. This is already something we had the general ability to do as leaders of the community, however this is now a more written in stone statement so those attempting to skirt around the rules understand the full scope of authority and ruling that the BDs are applying.


Thank you for you time.


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To put some clarity on this - 98% of people won't find themselves being seen as disruptive by the board. As stated previously this was put in place to be used as a tool by the BDs to remove the most unwanted people in the community. Cracking a joke, doing a little trolling, or breaking the occasional rule will not put you on our radar or have you being seen as disruptive to the community. If you feel someone is truly being disruptive then message a BD about it and we will document it and take your comments into consideration when looking into that individual or a situation.


The prime example of this is of course Polarzz, someone who we had received many messages about from a variety of people basically stating that they felt he didn't belong and was doing nothing but being anti-community, insulting people, making homophobic comments etc. It was a decision that came from looking at a long span of his behavior along with those messages sent to us regarding how he was affecting them.


I've edited the wording slightly to try and clarify this.

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