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Community Meeting - 10/14 @ 6pm EST

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Hello everyone,


We'll be holding a community meeting on Discord this Friday, 10/14, at 6pm EST. We hope to see as many of you there as possible to discuss the current state of the community and what we'll be doing as we head into the future. The more people present the better, as we're looking to hear from all of you and get your thoughts on the direction we're headed and what we can do to improve the way things are going. I'll post a tentative list of topics for the agenda below, and if you have anything you want added, please make a post.


- Introduction / Preliminary Message

- Current Focus and Direction

- Update on Current Projects

- State of Staff Team

- Donation System

- Community Interaction 

- Open Floor / Discussion


Hope to see you all there!

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7 hours ago, delirium said:

Another meeting scheduled during working/commute hours for most of the US. I'm sure all the children and unemployed degens who show up will provide intelligent, well thought out, and rational feedback.


Hey man,


I understand your frustration, however we haven't had a community meeting in quite some time and time availability for the Directors is slim. I happen to be available on Friday at 6pm EST to run the meeting, so we're having it. Whoever shows up, shows up.. and if not a lot of people do, that's ok. We can start running these meetings weekly, at various different times, and discuss the same topics over and over. There's no such thing as too much discussion, there's no such thing as too much input, and we want to hear from as many people as possible. I don't think there's any point in wasting time trying to appease the entire community, or majority of the staff, or anyone really. 


You'll never find a time that works for everyone, and wasting time trying to is needless when we can just do these more frequently. If a lot of people share your concern, we'll consider changing the time. But running this one as a tester, noting the turnout, and then immediately running another one, necessary or not, doesn't seem like a bad idea to me.

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13 hours ago, delirium said:

Another meeting scheduled during working/commute hours for most of the US. I'm sure all the children and unemployed degens who show up will provide intelligent, well thought out, and rational feedback.

Forums and Discord are open 24/7 and all you employed saviors still haven't found time to share God's wisdom 😮

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Dude, Dom, you've come a long way. Remembered when you first joined SG. Now, you've went red, got permed, and red again. Leading community meetings.

It's always great to see some old names and voices. It's great to see SG still going after so many years. I still visit from time to time, may see about helping boost playercount soon.


Also, anyone is more than welcome to add/message me here or on discord. Great meeting team~

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