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Partnership with The Modding Community!

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Hello everyone,


I'm excited to announce that we have partnered with The Modding Community! The owner and founder, Christian, has a lot of experience with gaming communities and actually played at Steam-Gamers years back prior to taking on his own endeavors. His community, The Modding Community, is just the first of many different projects he's working on, all with massive potential for success and just as much potential to change the direction of gaming entirely.


We have many shared interests, and being a hub for gaming communities is just one of the ways in which we mutually benefit from partnering up. You can find our community listed on their main website at https://moddingcommunity.com/ or by clicking this link right here. We encourage you all to make an account on their forums and join our community while you're at it! Additionally, I'd like to announce that Christian has just released one of the various projects I mentioned.


Please go check out the release of the Mod Marketplace! Christian and I spoke in depth about his vision for this and it already looks stellar with more features to come. Here's the direct link: https://moddingcommunity.com/mods/ - here you'll be able to find mods for a variety of games including Minecraft, GTA, CS:GO, and many more. Additionally, help is very much wanted and appreciated in multiple areas such as content creation and social media management. Read more about that and his other projects here.


Lastly, I highly suggest joining the Discord with this link: https://discord.com/invite/mzK22dfSqQ - all updates are posted here.


Thanks everyone.





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Hey, I first just wanted to briefly introduce myself. Also, thank you for taking the time to listen to me regarding the vision and for the partnership opportunity :)

My name is Christian and I founded The Modding Community back in August. I recently turned 25 years old and Steam Gamers was the first gaming community I was a part of back in 2010 when I was 12 - 13 years old. The first server I played on from SG was the old Counter-Strike: Source Zombie Escape server and this was actually the first Counter-Strike: Source server I played on. I still play CS:S daily and it is, to this day, my favorite game due to the community and modding support (even though the game is completely dead population-wise :(). Thank you SG, for introducing me to these awesome game modes/mods ❤️ 

I've also worked on many projects in the past including open-source projects. You may find my resume and open-source projects on my GitHub profile here. With that said, my old forum account for SG was @Gamemann (you'll have a laugh at some of the ridiculous threads I made back then haha).


I'm not going to go into much detail on the entire vision of TMC because I'd end up writing twenty pages or more, lol. You may also view my presentation I made for it here, but I need to update the presentation with the newest ideas I've had. However, my end-goal with TMC is to transform a lot of game modes we've all fell in-love with such as Zombie Escape, MiniGames, JailBreak, Surf, Dodgeball, Bunny Hop, and so many more into their own open-source and free games with true cross-platform (e.g. being able to play with users from the web browser, desktop/mobile applications, and consoles) and modding support. One of the bigger products I've been working on is our unique server browser that will support HTML 5 games (games rendering inside of the web browser itself). A demo of this project as of last month may be found below.


Servers will also be sorted by distance using the client's geo-location by default. The client's location may be changed in the case you're on a VPN for example or if the geo-location is inaccurate. Server owners may set the physical location of their server. Unfortunately, measuring latency/ping isn't really possible on the web browser for most games since it doesn't support UDP (network protocol), but we'll be making a separate application in the future that will. I also plan on implementing quick-play, match-making, and arcade/leader board systems along with giving users incentives for joining smaller/newer servers in the future :)


Apart from that, I also wanted to mention some cool side projects we've been working on under The Modding Community.

  • Best Mods (bestmods.io) - An open-source project that lists mods from multiple sources on the Internet along with allowing users to upvote or downvote mods. I basically wanted to make a Google for mods, but take it a step further by featuring the top rated, downloaded, and viewed mods that will also be posted on our social media accounts for the project.
  • NextGen Modding - A collection of open-source modding tools that you may integrate into your games! Tools so far include Foundry (workshop-like tool), CreateIt (tool for creating high-level content such as maps, 3D models, textures, and more for supported game engines), and Pivot (a hub interfacing Foundry and CreateIt, but also acting as a mod installer/launcher). We will be supporting Unity, Unreal Engine 5, and Godot Engine to start.
  • Gamecom (gamecom.io) - Another open-source website that do what Best Mods does, but additionally for communities, games, and servers.
  • Best Servers (bestservers.io) - Another open-source website that will do what Best Mods does, but for servers and hosting (e.g. upvote/downvote certain packages/deals from hosting providers).

To be honest, I believe Best Mods is going to get a lot more traction before The Modding Community itself since we are displaying mods from other websites via web crawling or APIs along with its brand name (web crawlers/APIs not setup yet, but will be in the near future). Additionally, we are trying to give as much credit as possible to the mod creators and source, but if a source or mod creator doesn't want anything listed on the website, they may file a removal request here.


I am currently in the process of remaking Best Mods completely (new repository on GitHub here). Here are the search engine results for anybody curious (keep in mind it has been less than a month!)


Sadly, after migrating the project into Docker containers, the search functionality broke and since I'm rewriting the project already, I figured there was no point in trying to debug that.


If anybody has feedback, concerns, or questions, feel free to reply here or on The Modding Community website and I will reply when I can 😄


I know this is a lot and there are still endless amounts of work to do, but this is something I want to work on career/long-term wise and I have no plans to have other companies buy it out for example. The state of modding has been declining for over ten years now in my opinion and my mission is to bring new life to it with a special focus on multiplayer (e.g. community and modded servers). I'm hoping once we start getting traction, we'll start receiving more help from other developers on our open-source projects as well. However, if not, I will still be doing my best to create everything myself, it'll just take a lot longer haha.

Overall, I can definitely see this changing the direction of gaming once completed and highly benefiting communities such as Steam Gamers!

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