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Hi my name is Sizzy Wizzy and I have some genius ideas for the new server that I came up with myself with no outside help


1. Touchdown nades - if u play CSS on 99% of servers if u directly hit someone with a nade it sticks to them and one shots them, makes nade levels a lot more fun


2. Throwing knives - getting a knife kill is basically impossible against real human players on 99% of maps, a single throwing knife per life that one hit headshots would also make this a lot less difficult if ur a skilled aimer


3. Real players - Sorry I dont like bots they suck and dont shit talk back and arent funny real people are much better maybe pay some Vietnamese kids in the philippines 12 cents a day to populate?


4. Enable bhopping but dont make it automatic - Source is still alive (apart from every gun being OP as fuck) bc of its unique movement compared to every other CS game so I'd make consistent bhopping possible for skilled players but maybe punish missed bhops with a severe decrease in movement worse than it already is in source (if thats even possible)


5. Voice lines - Nothing gets me harder than hearing that big burly man scream GODLIKE!!!! after i fucking demolish 14 shitters in a row spraying down on all the SMG levels so please add that thanks and make it server wide so everyone can feel my dominant presence in the server


6. DO NOT CHANGE THE RESPAWN TIMER!!!!!!!!!!!! Its way too fast in other gun games so u cant get a bullshit position but thats the only fun part of this tumor gamemode when u get in some absolute gay ass position behind their spawn and mow every dumbass down that runs out of spawn AGAIN THE RESPAWN TIMERS ARE GREAT MAYBE EVEN MAKE THEM LONGER BC GAMES ARE A LITTLE TOO FAST!!!!


Thank u for reading and a formal hello to the new higherups bc for most of them this is a first impression on me!

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Thanks for the feedback on the new server.


I would be open to trying touchdown nades, 1 throwing knife, bhopping as you suggested, and definitely voice lines.  Most of these crossed my mind at some point, but wanted to wait to see what others thought before I put too much stuff on the server to start.  Funny enough, I was talking about the voice lines earlier today, so that will definitely be added.


On the bots though, the main reason they're on there is so the server is still playable when hardly anyone is online.  I wouldn't mind a feature that would allow everyone on the server to vote to keep them or remove them for, say 3-5 maps at a time, if such a feature exists or can be made.


What does everyone else think?

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6 hours ago, Revenga said:

What does everyone else think?

Im gonna have to go with daft for the most part bro brings up alot of good points and good suggestions. the only thing i don’t agree with is with removing the bots maybe when a certain amount of players are on for example 10 people are on then the bots dissolve in a vat of acid but besides that keep them, it makes some of the bigger maps fun to play.



also add the female unreal tournament 04 announcer ty :) 

Edited by Iota
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My responses are in red text. Agree with most, with small bits of my personal experience with each & in the server. Did drop a few suggestions here & there. 

On 1/10/2023 at 5:12 PM, sWz said:

1. Touchdown nades - if u play CSS on 99% of servers if u directly hit someone with a nade it sticks to them and one shots them, makes nade levels a lot more fun


Down for this, like you said makes it lot more interesting and enjoyable compared to chucking a nade into a crowd a dozen times hoping for a kill.


2. Throwing knives - getting a knife kill is basically impossible against real human players on 99% of maps, a single throwing knife per life that one hit headshots would also make this a lot less difficult if ur a skilled aimer


Also cool with this. Depending on the map yeah it takes fucking forever to actually get past the knife round either at halfway or to win it. With this you actually have a better chance than just hoping you don't die rushing into a crowd, especially on the bigger maps.


3. Real players - Sorry I dont like bots they suck and dont shit talk back and arent funny real people are much better maybe pay some Vietnamese kids in the philippines 12 cents a day to populate?


No idea how you could do this but I have seen other servers that have the bots talk back when they get a kill or something in chat. They're basic auto generated messages mocking you but it could be something, bot chat message suggestion thread if this happens? lmao


4. Enable bhopping but dont make it automatic - Source is still alive (apart from every gun being OP as fuck) bc of its unique movement compared to every other CS game so I'd make consistent bhopping possible for skilled players but maybe punish missed bhops with a severe decrease in movement worse than it already is in source (if thats even possible)


I'm thinking for enabling bhop, see something like the "Stamina" style on a bhop server. I could be completely wrong cause it's been a while but Stamina is a mode without autobhop and 100/150 air acceleration. You get speed for perfect jumps & lose a lot for messing up. Pretty much as OP described. 


I know you can set caps on the amount of bhopping speed you can get as seen with like a "400 velocity" style. With how small some of the maps are I feel like that wouldn't be a bad option. Simpsons came to mind when I think of TINY maps given you can walk out and start shooting within 2 seconds on it.



5. Voice lines - Nothing gets me harder than hearing that big burly man scream GODLIKE!!!! after i fucking demolish 14 shitters in a row spraying down on all the SMG levels so please add that thanks and make it server wide so everyone can feel my dominant presence in the server




6. DO NOT CHANGE THE RESPAWN TIMER!!!!!!!!!!!! Its way too fast in other gun games so u cant get a bullshit position but thats the only fun part of this tumor gamemode when u get in some absolute gay ass position behind their spawn and mow every dumbass down that runs out of spawn AGAIN THE RESPAWN TIMERS ARE GREAT MAYBE EVEN MAKE THEM LONGER BC GAMES ARE A LITTLE TOO FAST!!!!

Got no idea what the exact respawn time is (assuming you mean the spawn invincibility), but I think it's fine as is. You still got a fighting chance to figure out where you got shot from if an enemy happens to be right up in your shit in spawn.


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