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Important rule announcement

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  • Content Count:  5678
  • Joined:  01/07/16
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Hey everyone,


We'd like to announce our new ruling regarding racism / homophobia and the like:


No racism, homophobia, or bigotry of any kind.


We felt as though our rulings were a little convoluted and all over the place. For one, the rulings weren't consistent across all of our platforms / servers - we don't think that's necessary. This new rule applies to every platform of ours and every server - no exceptions. We believe it fully adjusts us to our world today and will make for a better atmosphere, and promotes the environment we want to strive for. Previously, racism rules in some areas were lax, while others weren't. And the word 'faggot' was banned outright, but it was buried in a thread from 2021 and that doesn't cover homophobia in general. We think this rule pretty much covers all of our bases, and allows us to remove the wordiness from our rules and cut the list down, as this applies to things like Steam names and clan tags inherently. This also automatically covers things like racial and homophobic slurs, insensitive jokes, and general unpleasant behavior - all subject to our admin's discretion.



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