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Forum Utilization / Reformatting

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I personally don't see the point of removing the forums. I understand not putting an emphasis on the forums, but giving up on it seems so weird? We haven't done anything to boost the forums in ages, so why throw it away? If anything, remove the clutter from the forums, and leave it where it is. If people choose to hop on and make posts, let them. No one is being forced to use them. Even with discord having it's own forum section feature, I personally hate the way it looks and would never use it. I feel like there's a lot of people that share that sentiment as well.  


1 hour ago, Ejivis said:

Archiving the forums is also a bad idea unless you're completely giving up on them.  Again, by doing that you are also saying you are giving up on any influx of players from CS2 community servers anytime within the next year or two.  We've seen and heard many times that money is not an issue keeping things online, so with that being said, it makes absolutely zero sense to decommission the forums.  Please give one valid reason why this should be done.

I couldn't agree with you more, the forums, although not active, is still a place to exist; if there isn't problems with holding the forums due to monetary constraints, why close them at all? 


1 hour ago, Ejivis said:

If we want new members to join then we have to actively go out and recruit them.  You will also need more than 2 permanent servers for them to play on.  Again, this should be fixed once Valve get their stuff together with CS2 and community modders make leaps with plugins.  We cannot do anything about that right now.  Every community is suffering.  The only alternative is to find new games to host dedicated servers for in the meantime. 

There aren't too many games that have community servers, and some games that do have community servers are either completely dead, or not worth our time to even try and implement. Though we do have certain games that have caught our eyes such as Battlebit, which has a really good community server basis. And we also want to look into Sandstorm and such.

And with what we should do with the discord, I personally think- remove certain channels like the insurgency one, destiny 2, politics, food, all that stuff. Heavily unused and adds a lot of clutter. Simplify the discord and keep it clean.

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I genuinely think the community has been through the ringer enough and no matter what you do now, taking the plunge in one direction is the only answer I can see to salvage any sort of traction to recovery. There is a ton of things every staff member has shortcomings in people thrive in different settings and bring things to the table that as much say they do bring needed to be respected and considered more before damaging decisions were made. I am positive that every +1 former BD in here has argued about a point that they don't think something is a good idea, they lose the vote/argument and it comes to bite us in the ass weeks/months later.


When I was first promoted to CA the talk about becoming Discord only community was the aim given to us by Bom for a solid 2 years and the transitions we're coming out and keeping everyone active enough and busy. That magic was there and solidified group effort of wanting a common goal it was awesome seeing everyone put the effort in, have a server full of players admins and higher ups. Truly a time to around and make influential decisions. I still believe that discord is your hail Mary if you were to finally let the forums go and be in the back of your mind and plunged fully into it. That effort or coordination is gonna be tough given the current state of staff.


If Dominic and Caution remember when I first got promoted one of the first things I brought up was pushing the discord. It is our hub now. The people on the discord more actively reflect who is around more so then the forums but that said, don't let your forums go, a lot of people like Revenga and Nishok have put lots of time and effort trying to make this place more functional and better in general and that work has merit. I just think the forum needs to take a backseat and that all your staff should be focused on the discord. People who use this place are more then free to use it but should be made aware that your effort and backbone is gonna be in the discord if you want to get into the meat and potatoes of the community. 


I think a big problem with the drive and completion of tasks is the branching out. You got too many people generating ideas and working on too many things and nothing gets done.

If everyone were to come together and the boards delegated and assigned groups of people to handle say "Recruitment/Events and Technical/Administration for example" that would allow you to have each of your board members respectively oversee an area with a group of people whos sole job is one of the four things I mentioned. 


Overall I think a lot of this thread has generated tons to talk about for the board. maybe if we're lucky we can try to gather a bunch of these individuals to help steer the community in a better direction then it is. I definitely applaud the sincerity in Dominic replies but it would be nice to see more then just a SINGLE board member posting.

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46 minutes ago, Dominic said:


I genuinely take no offense to this, and applaud your openness. I feel like it's just a tad bit extreme and I'm also 90% sure you've mixed events up a little bit but I understand your point generally speaking. Majority of your post is criticizing me being unbanned, so obviously I'm not gonna take much offense to something I didn't 'do' necessarily. I fucked up when I was 16 years old, same as a hell of a lot of people that have been here including many that made it to the Board. There is no amount of words you could spew in this thread to make me feel very sad about that to be honest lol. Thanks for understanding that I mean well, because that's the only reason, especially nowadays, that I try to do anything for this place. Believe me - I have a whole life going, the only reason I try to give back to SG is because of how much it gave me, and I'm hoping it can still be alive to give other kids the same experience. 



Dominic, again, actions and not words.  I do appreciate that you do not take offence, but I'm seeing very little leadership and talks of how we can actually make it better; and a whole lot of excuse making and 'fluffing'.

The fact you blame it on "I was 16 and other people..." shows that you never truly learned from those actions.  I own my mistakes from when I was 16.  I know I learned from them, but I am still the same person who made them, and I am just as responsible for those mistakes now as I was when I was 16.  


A lot has happened since then, and I may have gotten some of the events mixed, but by no means does that make it any less valid.  I do remember the staff discussions at that time.  I do remember seeing in the logs what you were doing.  I remember seeing on your forums the trashing going on, by yourself and others.  I remember staff members scrambling trying to do damage control on the mess you had created then.  I remember the complete morale loss when you were unbanned, and the string of bad decisions occuring before and after that point.  These bad decisions have brought us here, to a point where there is talk of removing the forums, and what few servers remain are completely dead.  


I don't know if SG will ever recover.  I hope it does.  But it is going to take leadership it does not have now, and has not had in years.  


As to the original talk of moving the forum to discord, I feel like its just for a sense of false security and sense that things are 'ok'.  Discord shows hundreds of people being online, where the forums and servers show the true activity.  The online count by no means marks activity or 'health'.  I had seen people in the past use that as a suggestion years past that discord was doing better than the forums, but truth be told I'm in about 20 discord channels, and I haven't touched 19 of them in at least a couple years...  I have a feeling you are in many too, that you never even glance at.  

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