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5 hours ago, Spiritwind said:

My honest opinion, servers aren't really needed anymore, expect for what the community wants to do.  SG does not have to have a counter-strike server.  It does not need to have a rust server.  But, if the community wants to have one, then by all means, keep one active. 


This is literally what is being done right at this moment in SG. 

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The AO promo is to help run a server that is commonly requested, we use ranks to entitle people to permissions throughout SG's platform, such as in-game admin functionality beyond what a typical SA gets, dedi access to their running service, etc.


The supporter rework is is in part to roll up a solution to give supporters and Discord Nitro boosters (which helps with our Discord presence, features, and general social gathering) to show them we appreciate their support.


I have been developing new landing pages for our website to consolidate information and provide a more simplistic approach than the forums, as well as solve some technical debt on a few things regarding our source of truth for ranks, donations, and general news dissemination to the public.


The servers we host today have primarily been deployed by the administrative team on things they like or things that have been requested. Some servers receive more maintenance/love than others, simply because that is the free time associated by the relevant admin in that server. For instance GMOD TTT receives plugin development, map rotations, seeding per week, and serves as our primary source of pulling in members for other things (such as party games). Every single meeting we talk about this, and we meet biweekly typically, is that we will never really deploy a server we personally don't have interest in, or we can't find someone who has interest in. Our interest, like everyone else, shifts over time. We try to maintain what we've built simply because it was effort by our staff and members to build that based on feedback, plugins, development, etc. I will use Surf as an example where we had an exceptional run at population and activity until Kilowatt hit and caused more aggressive ramp bugging, which reduced triou and I's, and many other members, interest in it. We still maintain it in the event anything changes, but ultimately our interest shifted out to other games and endeavors.


The primary goals of the website, forums, discord, servers are all staff (and members, to which I will point out, the staff are) initiated. Every single endeavor done by us is done because someone here wants to do it.


The reason I bring this up is just from the hypothetical suggestion of "why don't you do X, or do Y." It is simply because none of us have any real interest in doing such. There are definitely times where we may do something out of necessity, no doubt, but the primary decision making is done individually most of the time with support or interest from others. There are sometimes solo projects, and sometimes team efforts.

Every single staff member except tamer because he is a bum, work full time or go to school full time, we have limited time in the day to work on anything and try to be selective to what we find fun.

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On 7/19/2024 at 6:41 PM, jazzy said:

The AO promo ...

I'm just pointing out that things are dead and you guys are worried about the wrong things, while acting like the fact things are dead is just a temporary issue.

I don't need a lecture about how giving out staff works.  Especially not from someone that should never have had their perm removed, let alone promoted to BD.  But, that is a modern SG trend and a symptom of what killed it.


The fact your post has 8 likes and only 1 of which is an actual regular member demonstrates my point of what SG has become.  


You can live in denial all you want, but the reality is that SG has failed under TERRIBLE leadership.  


The fact is, only ONE person who has joined the forums in the LAST 3 YEARS has viewed this thread.  More than 70% of the people who have viewed this thread are either currently admin+ or have been admin.  That is what SG has become.  It is just crazy to me that knowing this, the changes upper management is suggesting is a Supporter rework and a few promotions into a staff list that is already 50x bigger than its active player count.  Just go ahead and continue the 12 year old  "Join my minecraft server and get admin  ... please don't leave" move.  


We've literally resorted to BEGGING people who were PERMANENTLY banned to come back and run and manage the servers and communities.  


Yes, I get it, some people like to chat on discord, but even a 14 year old mmo guild I'm in on discord has more activity than the SG discord.  It's the afternoon of a summer break day, and the SG discord general channel at this time has only 3 messages total today, and those 3 messages are from Admin+.  It also has a total of 0 people in voice chat.  The other channels have some messages, but it seems like no different than the shoutbox activity prior to discord - not really of relevance but just people blurting random thoughts with some light communication involved.  


"because someone here wants to do it." Leadership isn't about a free-for-all where people only want to do what they want to do.  It's about guiding and directing people, and encouraging them to do even the hard things they normally would not want to do.  If they are only doing the things they want to, then why in gods name do we have more higher ranking staff than members?  


Oh yeah, forgot to mention.

Our servers currently have 0 people in them.  None of the servers have had more than 2 people in them so far today.  Over the last 48 hours, only one server has had more than 6 players.  That was only for about 2 hours.

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1 hour ago, Spiritwind said:

I'm just pointing out that things are dead and you guys are worried about the wrong things, while acting like the fact things are dead is just a temporary issue.

I don't need a lecture about how giving out staff works.  Especially not from someone that should never have had their perm removed, let alone promoted to BD.  But, that is a modern SG trend and a symptom of what killed it.


The fact your post has 8 likes and only 1 of which is an actual regular member demonstrates my point of what SG has become.  


You can live in denial all you want, but the reality is that SG has failed under TERRIBLE leadership.  


The fact is, only ONE person who has joined the forums in the LAST 3 YEARS has viewed this thread.  More than 70% of the people who have viewed this thread are either currently admin+ or have been admin.  That is what SG has become.  It is just crazy to me that knowing this, the changes upper management is suggesting is a Supporter rework and a few promotions into a staff list that is already 50x bigger than its active player count.  Just go ahead and continue the 12 year old  "Join my minecraft server and get admin  ... please don't leave" move.  


We've literally resorted to BEGGING people who were PERMANENTLY banned to come back and run and manage the servers and communities.  


Yes, I get it, some people like to chat on discord, but even a 14 year old mmo guild I'm in on discord has more activity than the SG discord.  It's the afternoon of a summer break day, and the SG discord general channel at this time has only 3 messages total today, and those 3 messages are from Admin+.  It also has a total of 0 people in voice chat.  The other channels have some messages, but it seems like no different than the shoutbox activity prior to discord - not really of relevance but just people blurting random thoughts with some light communication involved.  


"because someone here wants to do it." Leadership isn't about a free-for-all where people only want to do what they want to do.  It's about guiding and directing people, and encouraging them to do even the hard things they normally would not want to do.  If they are only doing the things they want to, then why in gods name do we have more higher ranking staff than members?  


Oh yeah, forgot to mention.

Our servers currently have 0 people in them.  None of the servers have had more than 2 people in them so far today.  Over the last 48 hours, only one server has had more than 6 players.  That was only for about 2 hours.


Really just confused as to what your goal is here anymore. Your posts are never anything but rude and pessimistic and God forbid you commend anyone for the effort we're at least trying to put in instead of whaling on us for being permanently banned at some point in our 10+ years here. Your posts almost never contain anything of substance and 'work on SEO' is the first thing of value you've said after literally thousands of words typed. And I'm sure you'll go on some long tirade about this post being a prime example of how awful my leadership is, but I suppose you'd wholeheartedly agree that it doesn't change anything at the end of the day. Things are the way they are, people are in the positions they're in, and despite your insistence on the fact that your posts come from a place of love for SG, you fail to see that they're doing so very little to help it.


I have championed the value of critique and my appreciation for it for years, but this is quite literally the first time where I'm inclined to tune someone out. I have utterly zero distaste for you on a personal level, but I just wish you'd stop this nonstop attack on us. I understand that you miss the old days and are trying to give us some harsh advice but at a certain point you have to understand your words lose value when their intentions start to seem ill. I have respect for you, and I appreciate what you're attempting to do here, but you seem reasonable enough to understand where I'm coming from as well. Have you tried starting a discussion in the Discord? Logging on a server? Making a new forum thread in an attempt to engage people?


None of these things are your obligation of course, they're more so mine than yours - but you have a seemingly immense level of passion for how you think things should be done and what you'd like to see SG become. Doing these helpful things in tandem with your harsh posts would at least give your harshness some substance, but instead you do nothing but lurk the forums and wait for another opportunity to strike. Once again, at the end of the day, I have to appreciate you taking the time to post. That's more than what most people with love in their hearts for SG are doing, but man can you show some love? I understand we aren't your ideal choices as leaders, but what do you hope to see accomplished with your aggression about it?

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@SpiritwindI think it's best if we baseline and I am going to ignore all of the things you've said to me and you can ignore all of the things I've said to you and we can start fresh. I feel the wounds from last year have closed and it's whatever, and I feel that my response to you in this thread was formal, mature, and gave you insight into the things we're working on. It was not meant as an insult to you to explain everything you had thoughts about, but instead you attacked me directly, and I'm willing to forgive you for that. And I'm willing to apologize for any insult I made against you in the last thread where we had discussions.


I joined here at one of the biggest heights of SG (not to say there weren't more to follow!), and it was a stellar experience, there was definitely low points for my own character and high points. I was driving home from work the other day and I was thinking about something- a few of my best friends are from this place, people I talk with almost daily despite having NEVER met them IRL (yet!!!). The funny thing I was laughing about was the mygot guys who used to hang out here and built their own meaningful relationships. Starbucks still checks in once and a while and has kids. It's crazy to think about. Anyway, it's funny the parallels to me with goodguys, who were not nearly as bad as mygot when I got here, but I see that they're building their own lifelong relationships, despite how toxic they can be, lol.


But I realized after joining, and although it was a slow start, that what makes the community is such, a community. I have had a wonderful time meeting new, fresh faces, old returning ones that I had not talked with in 8+ years, and spending hours on voice chat and TTT having a blast, talking about life, work, successes, and setbacks. I don't believe there is a community here, I know there is one because I exist within it, and interact even daily with those in it as well.


To me, the only failure that can exist here is when we fail to be warm and welcoming, and I have utterly failed you in that regard, and others as well, no doubt I can be abrasive to those I disagree with, and it's shameful to see now how I have treated you. I don't think I will answer most of your concerns, nor do I think I can, but I will say this:
I don't know if this place will ever grow from the placement in the universe it is at, if it dies tomorrow or dies in a year or dies in a decade I have no idea, and I think concerning myself with that is creating unnecessary anxiety that will simply cloud the experiences I can give to others. I'm proud of the work the fellow administrative team has done to help create experiences and build meaningful relationships with people inside and outside the community. Whether it's the wrong move or the right move is irrelevant, it is the experiences and relationships we build in this community that dictate it.


The important distinction I want to make about everything is there are communities bigger than us who have no forums, or only discord, or no discord, or no servers, or no whatever. The platform or tools used are largely irrelevant to me and only exist to solve problems on a community scale, but those problems must come from the community specifically. We could be a VRChat erotic roleplaying community starting tomorrow if every staff wanted to bang eachother virtually, and we could end up 50x bigger as a result. The medium is irrelevant, the experiences, interest, and captivation are what matters, but that exists on a staff and member level.


As such I recommend everyone join voice chat for party games this Friday at 530PM CST /  330PM PST / 430PM MDT / 630PM EST. It's not a community meeting by any means, but I'll gladly talk about anything else anyone's feeling.




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