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Man Lights Match at Gas Pump, Watch what happend!

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Remind me to stay away from you and your dad when you're trying to be funny.
It's not that we were trying to be funny but I took my revenge on burning my hand off my pops by modded lighter instead of causing some more serious damage :rolleyes:


wow im sorry but how dumb can you be for lighting a max near a gas pump

Duude, I'm not a match! Anyhow Wtf A mistype perhaps?


Im just glad he burn up rather than innocent smarter people..

Max Im never coming around you for april fools..fire jokes arent funny..proof is this video!!!

Riight.. I tend to do harmless jokes but my pops haven't always thought things through when doing something like that..

Honest, I've broken my ribs, misplaced my shoulder and once broken my leg for not thinking something through but rather most of time - little thinking, no damage :LOL:

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It's not that we were trying to be funny but I took my revenge on burning my hand off my pops by modded lighter instead of causing some more serious damage :rolleyes:


Riight.. I tend to do harmless jokes but my pops haven't always thought things through when doing something like that..

Honest, I've broken my ribs, misplaced my shoulder and once broken my leg for not thinking something through but rather most of time - little thinking, no damage :LOL:


What would of happened if it burnt his eyes out X_X.


I've done stupid things too, like riding down this very steep hill when the path was zig zagging and I had no brakes......lets just say it "hurt"

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What would of happened if it burnt his eyes out X_X.


I've done stupid things too, like riding down this very steep hill when the path was zig zagging and I had no brakes......lets just say it "hurt"

Thing is, my pops habbited closing his eyes while lighting a sig.. So it was a perfect way to payback :toung:

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