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pray for NIKO

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  Omega said:
Wait, so you and your ex didn't even listen to what you had to say? You didn't talk it through? Or she was that convinced that you did it that she went straight to court? Pardon me, but what a bitch either way you look at it.


I'm thinking its not that shes convinced that he did it, but is trying to make him into a scapegoat considering his one post about her having violent thoughts, anger management issues, and med changes makes it seem highly likely that it might've been her that done it.

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I pretty much don't have very nice thoughts about his ex either. Niko has wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more forgiveness and patience towards her than I could muster up.

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to clear things up more with people. She took our son to the doctor about bruises in his ear that im suspecting he got from fallin on a toy, and the doctor called the abuse investigator, im sure my ex is uber pissed at me, but i have zero clue on how she feels about this, but to be honest i dont really care. Im not thinkin of her anymore, im just trying to save my own ass and trying to move out and meet new girls, we may get back in the future, but not for several years. i wont forgive her this easily for this BS. Especially if i go to jail or get fucked over big time.

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How can you go to jail there's no PROOF Of anything, there's just hearsay. This is fucked up. This is like a girl crying rape and just because she's a girl the guy is automatically guilty


What the hell happened to innocent til proven guilty, how is any of this your fault. There's no proof that it was there before, or that she didn't do it. This is so fucked up.

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well i think that proof is the main thing that will save my ass. there are many times that she could have done it, or that he could have fallen. I only think jail may be the worst out come, im willing to take parenting classes to shut them up and make em happy, what ever i have to do, to be able to be with my son, or atleast have visiting rights

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  NIKO said:
well i think that proof is the main thing that will save my ass. there are many times that she could have done it, or that he could have fallen. I only think jail may be the worst out come, im willing to take parenting classes to shut them up and make em happy, what ever i have to do, >> to be able to be with my son


This is what im hoping happens Niko, sounds like shes trying to get back at you for something you might've done or just to be an ass....This is something I bet my ex would do, best thing I did was put her in the past best of luck man once again.

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