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At the beginning of each round, have a little notification pop up giving T's the orders and CTs the rules on whats going on... So as to prevent the same orders being administered.... Like 5 or 6 didnt locations t's should go and have them cycle.


Remeber when it used to say "Do gay exercises" and shit like that, something like that

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Another fun Idea would be the plug in for buying suicide bombs as terrorists, it adds a lot of fun into the game.


In my opinion, it wouldn't. The whole point in the first minute (After cells open) or so of Jail Break is to disarm terrorists and get them to the correct location. Granted, I can see how the vests would be fun, but an entire team would be crazy. The costs would have to extreme and limited to no more than 1-2 per round without the ability to purchase more.



Also, I believe that it should be an instant kill should you be found having one. It needs to be visible in some way, but being overly visible is like a death sentence. This can also lead to JUMPY CTs who shoot someone who doesn't have it.

Edited by Awacs
Fixed the quote
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In my opinion, it wouldn't. The whole point in the first minute (After cells open) or so of Jail Break is to disarm terrorists and get them to the correct location. Granted, I can see how the vests would be fun, but an entire team would be crazy. The costs would have to extreme and limited to no more than 1-2 per round without the ability to purchase more.



Also, I believe that it should be an instant kill should you be found having one. It needs to be visible in some way, but being overly visible is like a death sentence. This can also lead to JUMPY CTs who shoot someone who doesn't have it.


What happens with them, is you have to arm it, which makes a loud noise, so CT's can be watchfull for it. and also once you arm it, you begin to loose health. It is really fun, and you can only buy it after you are playing as a T for a certain amount of time (I think around 3 rounds for a small, 5 for a large) so you cant buy one every round.

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Ppl didn't follow those then, why would they follow now?


The rules then were a joke...Do gay push ups? Give head the whole round?


I mean like 1 round...Freeday. Another set to big cage or something. you know...


put it in the m.o.t.d and update that bitch...shit isnt effective if it doesnt work and hasnt been updated

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The rules then were a joke...Do gay push ups? Give head the whole round?


I mean like 1 round...Freeday. Another set to big cage or something. you know...


put it in the m.o.t.d and update that bitch...shit isnt effective if it doesnt work and hasnt been updated


This actually seems nice. But the problems I see is that they cant really threaten us to behave nicely with next round.

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Another suggestion would be to edit the maps and post rules for Jail Break on the walls somewhere so that if anyone has a question about them they can view them. Also a motd that they can read them on.

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