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Exams Thread

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Post here......


What exams you have:

When you have them:

What you have to do for it:

Why it's good/bad:

What will you get from doing well in it/What happens when you do bad in it:




So......I've already had a Sociology exam and fucked it up in the most amazing fashion.....atleast I was going to drop it in the important year anyway.


Still got Psychology and English Language/Literature AND Psycholgoy both on Friday (5:30hrs of exams ftw :confused1:)


Then Economics on 3rd June......


So.....these exams will get me the grades to carry on my A-Levels, and hopefully if I can do well I can get into a good uni.

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My secondary school doesn't require seniors to take exams unless they have lower than a B in the class.


The only exam I had to take was for Statistics. Felt like killing myself halfway through. If you have to take Statistics, find a way to get out of it. Worst math class ever.


I'm already enrolled for next year in my University too, so I'm pretty pumped.



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My secondary school doesn't require seniors to take exams unless they have lower than a B in the class.


LOL. I would die for this........really it seems like US education just lets anyone role through.


The only exam I had to take was for Statistics. Felt like killing myself halfway through. If you have to take Statistics, find a way to get out of it. Worst math class ever.


I'm already enrolled for next year in my University too, so I'm pretty pumped.




Yeah I could have done Maths, I did my GCSE a year early but tbh Maths is not in my plans at all and you need to do more work in that than all your other subjects combined....so cbf. Btw, Stats is the easy class, Mechanics is harder!

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Does state testing count as an exam? =P


Exam, test, whatever :p. A test is a test, if you got one moan about it here!

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Well, I got 6 tests that I'm clearly fucked over for. About 1 hour 30 mins Each. OVer 70 questions that make me think for about 2 weeks. (Started today)


I get better classes if I do good, they think I'm a retard if I do bad.

AND, the teacher's a douche.

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LOL. I would die for this........really it seems like US education just lets anyone role through.

It does until college smacks them in the balls.

Macro Economics: B, was hard but doable for myself.

Speech: The final essay was retarded.

Intro Geography: The final essay required a lot of time and effort, wasn't too hard.

Humanities: Fuck humanities, the final was retarded.

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