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Ventrilo problem

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The last days I couldn't connect to ventrilo. So I reinstalled ventrilo and then I could connect. But after I got an set up and rejoined this error came and it still comes



Connected to server but unable to authenticate your login name and password. Make sure you entered the correct global server password or the password for your unique login name. You will be automatically banned if you try connecting with the wrong password several more times, so be sure you have the correct password before you try again. Passwords are case sensitive and must be completely retyped if you are making a change to it. The password will always be displayed as 8 (*'s or dots) even if the actual length of the password is shorter or longer then 8. You should also verify that you entered the correct IP address (or hostname) and Port number. If the port number is wrong you are connecting to the wrong server.



I have tried to reinstall ventrilo. But it doesn't help. That error still comes



What is the problem? And what should i do?

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This sounds like you have entered the wrong password.



Try connecting to the Ventrilo server, without a Password.

If it still won't let you connect, make new ventrilo account, with different name and try connecting.


If neither work, try updating your ventrilo.

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