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How to seem like you have an IQ of over 40

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No he dosent and everyone argeeing with him is stupid.


Think of it this way: Poor people know they are poor but when they have kids, the kids dont know untill they are told, now said idiots posting these threads need to be told, and you say tell them nicely im not sure if youve ever noticed this but most people dont like to admit their own stupidity or problems easily and being nice makes it worse. Look what happend when we were nice to Jiggle/Kay.


I don't know who Jiggle/Kay is, so that is a bad example.


Think of it this way: Poor kids don't know they are poor until they are told by their parents. Now if the poor kids just keeps asking to buy stuff (posting pointless threads), they will be ignored by their parents sooner or later (mobe's example of people just ignoring the pointless threads). Sooner or later, the poor kids will stop.





Been around long enough. If being a flaming, annoying, douche bag, making people stop posting all together, is "working" then it does work doesn't it. If you don't care about the video, YOU DON'T HAVE TO POST. I'm gunna start quoting myself.


MY POINT: Repeating/flaming the same thing doesn't help. If you don't like, don't post.


And to add on to my post, you obviously care if you are posting in the pointless thread. To show you really don't care, you would not even go in the thread. You cared when you clicked the thread, you cared when you read the thread, you cared when you clicked reply, you cared when you typed out the reply and you cared when you submitted the reply. You cared some more when you kept on reading the thread and replying some more.

Edited by Akaru
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When did I say I didnt care? Also that just proves it you cant make a real decision because you havnt been here long enough to know about this.


Flaming and stupid threads does not only happen on SG forums. There are MILLIONS of forums out there that get flamed daily. I belong to a few of them. If you think 1deag is bad, you are wrong.


Just like Omar, I used to be a spamaholic. I used to type with improper grammar. There was this forum for a game and they were taking applications for admins and mods. So to become recognized, I posted on average 200+ post a day. You know what happened? Everyone knew me, as the spammer because I got to rank 1 poster in a week when the community has been around for months. But, I became an admin for the game. That proves to you how much of a spammer I used to be. I am still trying to work on it, but like any disorder/disease/whatever, something can't be fixed by merely telling the person they are doing something stupid. They have to work on it. Alcohlics, smokers, drug addicts, etc. None of their problems ever get fixed in 1 day, unless suicide is a solution.


And with that story; no, I have not been on SG forums long enough to make a decision, but yes, I have been on forums (in general) long enough to make a decision.

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I wasn't a fucking spammer? You don't know me, I just typed like retard.. You don't know shit man. :(


Well, whatever the fuck you were, I was worst than you and still am. I'm sorry if I my assumption offended you.

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SO your saying everyone whos been around long does that? Hmmm I seem to remember Red posting DIAF pics obviously hes not a good VP right?


Exactly what I'm sayi-no.


Where did you get this from?




A PM WILL work, why wouldn't it? It's you telling him what you think is wrong. If he continues to make these types of threads, a higher up will notice and talk to him (I'd hope).


Oh yeah and posting these "DIAF" pictures makes you bad at your role/rank. I DON'T CARE ABOUT THESE PICTURES. I get frustrated when people post it over and over and over and over. It gets annoying and keeps the thread alive when it should just die, seeing as it's called a "useless thread"

Edited by Trogdor
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