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What are you scared of?

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Sharks (real ones, or pictures of real ones.)



The Ocean (and the little holes at the beach, I've cried before. never again..)

Heights (when it's really high up.)

Cockroaches (hate them.)

Being alone in the dark room in my Photography class. I always have to bring my friends in with me.

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I'm terrified by the idea of planets, extremely close to earth (or whatever other planet). It seems so out of place, it's not that I'm afraid parse, it's more like being hypnotized, going into shock almost.


Like a wondrous awe, the same goes for seeing pictures of planets through telescopes.

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The point of being scared of something is that you don't die or harm yourself.


Some fears can be passed down biologically, like fears of snakes and heights, because our ancestors knew that if you got bitten by a snake or fell off a cliff, you would probably die. You can learn not to fear them, but you always get that impulse in your body to move away.


Other things, like clowns and aliens, tend to be related to things that happened as a child, some you may remember, others you can't because you were too young. It is just your body trying to keep you safe, so fears can be pretty useful...unless you are a Jedi...


Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, HATE leads to suffering.... it is the path to the dark side, so watch out! :001_tongue:

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