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Everyone has their own traits, however that quote begs the question; what is absolute power?


And more to the point, what is power? Is it simply an illusion of our own greed, or is it real?


thats what i said, but my english class acted like everyone who has power is evil it was the greatest things i was one of 3 people who disagreed


it was aimed more towards julius ceaser and his complete control of roman empire

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Julius Caesar had no choice; he was from one family of three that was fighting for control.


People that believe he was 'evil' are sadly mistaken. If the Julii family did not seize control of S.P.Q.R. then the Brutii or Scipii would have -- the Senate would have had no chance of keeping their power if Julius had not crossed the river Tiber.


Besides, the Roman Empire was mostly a good thing to happen to Europe. Without it communications between countries would have been nowhere near as good. Schools nowadays teach on a completely biased way, and it's ridiculous.


yea, its funny i refuse to talk to one of my teachers she calls on me to do stuff and i just stare blankly at the wall, she is so biased its not even funny i refuse to even participate in anything or even giver her the chance to get me into trouble.....


see but some people see what ceaser did as tyranny, one of the things most americans are scared of is a dictator, therefore, i can see why some would not like the idea of going from a republic to an empire

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Isn't that a StarWars quote? I thought I heard that relating to Star Wars or something. Well first you can never say power corrupts if you never have been at a position of power or had that much power. And I am assuming when someone has power, that they have the power to change a person's life or history, Not nessaccarly greed. And absoulte power I think would be control over everything. From the infinite amount of dimensions and universes that our mind can not comprehend to the micro quarks and the even smaller sub-particles. To control all that is what I assume is absoulte which I think not even God has absoulte power.

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"power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely"


I disagree but I have found a majority of people find the above statement to be true.


What do you guys think?


You can see it plain and simple through game admins or anyone with any amount of control or advantage over someone else. A position of power has a great chance of turning a normal person into a complete dick. Nowadays, money constitutes power over other people and everyone wants more money, hell, if you have enough money you're above the law.

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You can see it plain and simple through game admins or anyone with any amount of control or advantage over someone else. A position of power has a great chance of turning a normal person into a complete dick. Nowadays, money constitutes power over other people and everyone wants more money, hell, if you have enough money you're above the law.


That's only a generalisation.

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To control all that is what I assume is absoulte which I think not even God has absoulte power.


The term "God" conotates an aspect of absolute power and control. So therefore God and absolute power are exchangeable in that sense.


It has been shown that as people acquire more of what ever they believe to be power, whether that be control, money, sex, etc. they tend to use that to improve their own life. Its natural to improve your own life to insure your own survival. When normal people are given such "power" tools, it is natural to use it partially for your own benefit.


In most of our societies "power" is given to individuals purely on the idea that that specific individual will use it for the better of the group. So when a powerful individual uses this "power" to help him or her, it is seen as corrupt.


To those who believe that power corrupts people indefinably, I wonder what they think about religious people in powerful positions. Better yet, what they think about lets say the Dali Lama. Such a man who had control over a sovereign nation, and still has "power" over certain religions certainly shows that not all power corrupts.

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Power You mean the ability to carry out one's will regardless of opposition? Yeah I think that corrupts. The only reason all of the admins aren't banning people left and right and spewing lewd comments at random is because of the fact that their is a system set in place to monitor Admin. behavior. With power the only thing you can do with it is to use it and effect people with less power then yourself. It's inhernetly something that is going to be abused regardless of the person or circumstances. With the one acception of Ichigo Kurosaki of course. :biglaugh:

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