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Logitech MX518 vs Razer Deathadder

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Now ive been debating about which mouse to get, i own a razer lachesis which works great but i feel like getting a new mouse, now ive searched on google and aparently the deathadder and mx518 are practically alike other then the deathadder has the onboard memory and the mx518 is a bit bulkier and heavier which i like. Some people have said that the mx518 breaks quite a bit so meaning 3 mx51's - 1 deathadder. Although logitechs warranty is incredible meaning theyll send you a new mx518 instantly but the deathadder overall has a great build quality. I have to decide by thursday so i wanna hear your opinions. Right now im falling in favour of the deathadder

Edited by ManiacJak
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If you're used to Razer stick with Razer unless the mouse from the other brand is really good like the Logitech G9x. Personally I'd say Death Adder, but if I had a choice I would just stick with my Lachesis. I like the speed/

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I bought an mx510 around when they first came out, it's still on the computer behind me. The 518's main difference is software and a few better parts that let its DPI go higher. Thing is the 518 is a pretty old mouse, and the deathadder from what I've seen is $50. I'd say the deathadder is more fairly compared to the G5 rev2 (which I've also been using almost since they came out) than the mx518.

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honestly it comes down to which you find more comfortable. Logitech mice are traditionally more comfortable for people who palm the mouse like I do and razer mice tend to be much better suited to people who use their fingers more.

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"palm the mouse" - what the fuck does this even mean? I get that people grip them differently or whatever, but even playing like, claw style like i do, your palm is still on the damned mouse.


i like how large the buttons are on the deathadder, the texture of the mouse, and just how all around fucking big it is, fits my large hand comfortably.

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how is it the same thing though? I'm seriously just curious what you mean. a basketball can be palmed if you have large hands or what have you. a mouse, your palm will be on it, regardless.

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I use both. It's not something I think about consciously. I think I claw when I game. When I claw, sometimes my palm isn't touching the mouse at all. When I pull the mouse back towards my hand, eventually the mouse will come up to my palm but it's rare.



Edited by BOOWY
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