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Pick 5-10 SG Members you would like to meet

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1. Your Mom


1. Cloud's mom

2. Mercy

3. XeNo (Again.. the camping thing)

4. Spartan

5. Slash maybe

6. Zeeloot (Squirtle Squaaaaaaad)

7. Phonicz (Probably)

8. Amby (So I can slay him irl)

9. Uber Cookie/Im a Walrus!

10. Scout.








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1. MPQC- Rank whore

2. Vivian

3. Psyche

4. Cromyth

5. Dracula- So he can BS me in RL



Time for a SG con?


but sadly you guys cant meet me, b/c i live at a computer so i wont come to see you lol

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1. Caution - Almost met in Sacramento; Buyin the weed.

2. Bubbles - 30 minutes away from me; For the raves

3. Cloud - 30 minutes away from me; Challenged me to find him.

4. Jack Sparrow - 1 hour away from me; I'm a bit scared of him from what happened yesterday.

5. Wrathek - So I'll throw my Frying pan at him and tell him I'm not cookin.

6. Lux - To beat him down for not lieking oreo's and not knowing what Mac and Cheese is.

7. Potshot - To see if he really does live in a frat house.

8. Ms. Blargh - She'll bang me for a Klondike bar.




Filling in the rest later.

Edited by DoubleSb
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I only meet people who won't laugh at the size of my genitalia


You sir must be very very lonely.



As for my list.. It's hard to say.. it does vary from time to time.


- Raven (drag bodybag along with you)

- Red

- Green Bastard (so long as his mom comes with him)

- Modgers

- Mystique

- Beth

- SpikedRocker

- Daze

- Suri

- Amby

- TCP (If they can fit him in the cargo plane)

- Garfield

- Bubba (I guess his parents should escort him)

- Cloud & Mini Cloud


I was going to put Obez on the list but he's no longer around and that Crimson guy but he says we're all losers.


There are many more I would add.. it's hard to limit such a big community down to 10 or so people.

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1. Rusty


3.LegalSmash (would be wierd with the age difference).




7. Keylin




Caution, just because I want to meet them doesn't mean I like them.

I have my reasons.

Edited by Omar
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