SgtJoo Posted June 11, 2010 Content Count: 2034 Joined: 03/02/10 Status: Offline Share Posted June 11, 2010 jeN beat me to agreeing with Lux. Even though I wasn't even around when the initial post was made because I'm a newfag. >_> Link to comment
Lux Posted June 11, 2010 Content Count: 6712 Joined: 03/06/08 Status: Offline Share Posted June 11, 2010 Seriously.. I'm agreeing with Lux? What's going on? That brings back some nostalgic threads Link to comment
TheVirus Posted June 11, 2010 Content Count: 3391 Joined: 06/12/09 Status: Offline Share Posted June 11, 2010 Got rid of the bill so good for you......but from a general view I don't think that attempted suicide should be paid out. Insurance companies don't appreciate it when you purposefully make them pay out. They insure you for when something you don't want to happen....happens....if you're trying to commit suicide it's just fail that you'd expect others to pay the cost for it. That wasn't my main complaint. And I really don't want to go into it again. I could go into the whole 'You don't know what it's like' spiel, but I'm not going to rile anyone up. People have rough patches in life. People make mistakes. I have my fair share. I wouldn't have had a problem paying the hospital stay but they should have covered the ~$2000 for the ER. The doctor(s) filed it incorrectly for whatever reason and it's done. Suicide is stupid, I am well aware of that. I've had many, many friends kill themselves over the years and I've even found one of my best friends hanging from his ceiling fan when I was about 10 or 12. Also, I learned that once you're on Zoloft or pretty much any SSRI, you're on it for life. I didn't research this when I tried to take myself off of it without my doctor consent, which more than likely raised the risk of suicide. And, because of this mistake, I cannot get prescription benefits from individual coverage. I'm going to have to go through Pfyzer and the likes to see if they offer discounts to people without insurance, since I'm quitting my job today and never got on the plan. I was wrong to blame our insurance system into thinking that they should pay for my stupidity, I knew that going into it, I just needed to rant. Hopefully, my experience (and this thread) will make someone else think twice before pulling the proverbial trigger. Furthermore, make sure you know full well the side effects and withdrawal symptoms of any drug, especially anti-depressants, before signing up for them. Because I believed everything my doctor said and didn't get a second opinion, I'm stuck taking this pill for the rest of my life as the withdrawal symptoms can last a life time. I apologize to anyone that I argued with and want to admit that I was wrong. If I could go back to 2002, I would, and I'd never start taking this drug. I believe there are better alternatives that won't have long-term adverse effects. If I could change the title of the thread, I would change it to 'Fuck my stupidity and righteousness'. I see SG as an outlet for me and I think I'm fairly well known for speaking my mind and making wall-of-text posts (such as this one, which wasn't intended). I want to thank all of you for your support and input, negative or otherwise, as I've seen the err of my way and have a different outlook on life. I hope none of you think any less of me because of this incident, and possibly others. I have an odd phobia or pet peeve of not being like by others, unless I truly dislike them, then I couldn't care less. My user title says 'Respect is earned' and I hope to earn it back from those that I lost. TL;DR: Turns out my attempted suicide made a savant and can recall any event at any time. Link to comment
delirium Posted June 11, 2010 Content Count: 5382 Joined: 03/10/09 Status: Offline Share Posted June 11, 2010 That wasn't my main complaint. And I really don't want to go into it again. I could go into the whole 'You don't know what it's like' spiel, but I'm not going to rile anyone up. People have rough patches in life. People make mistakes. I have my fair share. I wouldn't have had a problem paying the hospital stay but they should have covered the ~$2000 for the ER. The doctor(s) filed it incorrectly for whatever reason and it's done. Suicide is stupid, I am well aware of that. I've had many, many friends kill themselves over the years and I've even found one of my best friends hanging from his ceiling fan when I was about 10 or 12. Also, I learned that once you're on Zoloft or pretty much any SSRI, you're on it for life. I didn't research this when I tried to take myself off of it without my doctor consent, which more than likely raised the risk of suicide. And, because of this mistake, I cannot get prescription benefits from individual coverage. I'm going to have to go through Pfyzer and the likes to see if they offer discounts to people without insurance, since I'm quitting my job today and never got on the plan. I was wrong to blame our insurance system into thinking that they should pay for my stupidity, I knew that going into it, I just needed to rant. Hopefully, my experience (and this thread) will make someone else think twice before pulling the proverbial trigger. Furthermore, make sure you know full well the side effects and withdrawal symptoms of any drug, especially anti-depressants, before signing up for them. Because I believed everything my doctor said and didn't get a second opinion, I'm stuck taking this pill for the rest of my life as the withdrawal symptoms can last a life time. I apologize to anyone that I argued with and want to admit that I was wrong. If I could go back to 2002, I would, and I'd never start taking this drug. I believe there are better alternatives that won't have long-term adverse effects. If I could change the title of the thread, I would change it to 'Fuck my stupidity and righteousness'. I see SG as an outlet for me and I think I'm fairly well known for speaking my mind and making wall-of-text posts (such as this one, which wasn't intended). I want to thank all of you for your support and input, negative or otherwise, as I've seen the err of my way and have a different outlook on life. I hope none of you think any less of me because of this incident, and possibly others. I have an odd phobia or pet peeve of not being like by others, unless I truly dislike them, then I couldn't care less. My user title says 'Respect is earned' and I hope to earn it back from those that I lost. TL;DR: Turns out my attempted suicide made a savant and can recall any event at any time. No respect because your elitist taste in music is bad. Other than that, it's semi ok. Link to comment
TheVirus Posted June 11, 2010 Content Count: 3391 Joined: 06/12/09 Status: Offline Share Posted June 11, 2010 No respect because your elitist taste in music is bad. Other than that, it's semi ok. I really don't like music. I listen to talk radio. Sometimes I'll listen to NPR, classical, or classic rock. It all depends. I hate rap/country/pop. Most all music made after 2000 is just catchy garbage. I'm looking at you Ke$ha and Miley Cyrus. But, hey, I believe I sung 'The Final Countdown' on vent using Auto-Tune a while ago. Skitzo should have the recording. Link to comment
ColdWar Posted June 11, 2010 Content Count: 283 Joined: 01/27/10 Status: Offline Share Posted June 11, 2010 i read the first few pages of this thread then saw how old it was then skipped to the end. glad your situation got sorted out and im glad you didnt end up killing yourself. as far as SSRIs go, and im hoping your doctor told you this, you cant stop them totally in one day. you've got to lower your doseage a little bit every 4-5 days until you're down to zero. a few years ago i was taking paxil, and i was having issues getting my refill before my current one ran out, so i would have to quit every month and then start back up. it absolutely SUCKS when you are quitting if you try to do it too fast. you didnt say how you stopped taking them but i hope it wasnt all at once! i was taking a pretty low dose so i was able to edge off of it safely in about 2 weeks. eventually i quit seeking refills and now i dont feel as if i need it and have been that way for over 3 years. i took it for anxiety and not for depression. i did have a really bad bout of depression a few years ago and made it through without meds. IMO ssri's are a temporary fix. I quit them because i didnt want to end up feeling like i need them just to wake up every day. and the few side effects i had were no fun. Link to comment
Lux Posted June 11, 2010 Content Count: 6712 Joined: 03/06/08 Status: Offline Share Posted June 11, 2010 It takes courage to turn around and say that you were wrong, we all make mistakes but if you take responsibility for them and learn from them then that's good. Suicide is stupid, I am well aware of that. I've had many, many friends kill themselves over the years and I've even found one of my best friends hanging from his ceiling fan when I was about 10 or 12. Wtf.......I know someone who walked in and saw his dad hanging, but no friends at all.....yet you've had "many, many". That's not the happiest bunch of friends is it? Link to comment
Bad Dog Posted June 11, 2010 Content Count: 3380 Joined: 02/07/09 Status: Offline Share Posted June 11, 2010 Most all music made after 2000 is just catchy garbage. Alternative music is the only music genre that (for the most part) isnt spewing out loads and loads of hot garbage. And apparently John Mayer is "rock" in the eyes of the all mighty iTunes genre listings, but rock died in the 80's pretty much. Btw, this thread is now about shit you dont like. Begin the ranting! Link to comment
TheVirus Posted June 11, 2010 Content Count: 3391 Joined: 06/12/09 Status: Offline Share Posted June 11, 2010 It takes courage to turn around and say that you were wrong, we all make mistakes but if you take responsibility for them and learn from them then that's good. Wtf.......I know someone who walked in and saw his dad hanging, but no friends at all.....yet you've had "many, many". That's not the happiest bunch of friends is it? I have a habit of burying bad memories so much that it's difficult to remember them. My high school years were pure torture, being as I didn't hit puberty until about 16 or 17. I was a runt. Let's see what I can remember. Collin - Hung himself. Me and a friend found him while looking for a neighbor's cat. Scott - Shot himself Scott's neighbor that taught me to repel down trees and shit, OD'd on something. Bo - I think he shot himself or drove his car off a cliff, I don't remember. Rhonda - Not exactly suicide, but her mother went nuts and shot her and then herself. Sal - Not suicide, but died of cystic fibrosis, was a close friend. It was also the first time I ever went to a wake. First time seeing a dead body. It was in high school sometime. I know there are more, but I can't remember them. My mom used to read the obituaries and tell me about high school and middle school friends that either died or committed suicide. I told her to stop. A friend recently sent me a message on Facebook asking if I was going to go to a reunion they were putting together, I said no because high school was miserable for me. Link to comment
TheVirus Posted June 12, 2010 Content Count: 3391 Joined: 06/12/09 Status: Offline Share Posted June 12, 2010 i read the first few pages of this thread then saw how old it was then skipped to the end. glad your situation got sorted out and im glad you didnt end up killing yourself. as far as SSRIs go, and im hoping your doctor told you this, you cant stop them totally in one day. you've got to lower your doseage a little bit every 4-5 days until you're down to zero. a few years ago i was taking paxil, and i was having issues getting my refill before my current one ran out, so i would have to quit every month and then start back up. it absolutely SUCKS when you are quitting if you try to do it too fast. you didnt say how you stopped taking them but i hope it wasnt all at once! i was taking a pretty low dose so i was able to edge off of it safely in about 2 weeks. eventually i quit seeking refills and now i dont feel as if i need it and have been that way for over 3 years. i took it for anxiety and not for depression. i did have a really bad bout of depression a few years ago and made it through without meds. IMO ssri's are a temporary fix. I quit them because i didnt want to end up feeling like i need them just to wake up every day. and the few side effects i had were no fun. When I was taking myself off of them, without doctor consent, I was weening my way down. Instead of taking 100mg a day, I would take 75mg. I did that for about a week and then went to 50mg. Then the incident happened and the rest is history. Believe me, I want to quit taking the meds, too, but I doubt I can. I never initially took them for depression as I was in my final years of college, girlfriend was up there, classes were good, and all was well. I took them because I had noticeable mood swings. Not sure if it's bi-polar or not, but I'd sometimes wake up angry for no reason or very irritable. Other times I'd wake up and feel like doing nothing. I knew this wasn't right and my girlfriend noticed this as well. So, I went to a doctor and told them the story. They said that Zoloft would help balance out my mood and keep me on an even keel, which it did. Then I started forgetting to take them, I usually take them at night before bed. Missing 1 dose made me feel absolutely horrible. Dizzy, light headed, tired, clumsy, nauseous, and the likes. It's difficult to explain. The effects worsened when I went on a weekend vacation home and forgot them. 3 days without taking them and I was in pure hell. I had to go to a local doctor to just give me a temp dose of 4 pills. The sad part is, I just visited my doctor today and didn't even bring up getting off of them. I completely forgot. All I wanted to do was get my refill and get out since I only have about a week left and I'm moving next week. I was too worried to talk about anything else. I asked if there were any alternatives to my SSRI and he suggested Cymbalta, but it's more expensive and there is no generic available (remember, I have no insurance at the moment). Anyway, I think that sums up this rendition of my wall-o-text feature. Link to comment
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