Metal Posted September 15, 2009 Content Count: 11728 Joined: 09/17/08 Status: Offline Share Posted September 15, 2009 Well good luck in the end. All i know is Canada has it tough too. I had a few surgery's and we still had to pay half even tho it was covered by OHIP. But in the end your not the only one. Link to comment
Flash_whAt.? Posted September 15, 2009 Content Count: 503 Joined: 08/08/09 Status: Offline Share Posted September 15, 2009 dunno what to say if your job isnt that great of a paying job you might be able to use charity. Link to comment
LegalSmash Posted September 15, 2009 Content Count: 2936 Joined: 02/04/08 Status: Offline Share Posted September 15, 2009 (edited) Sorry, I didn't remember to go up the street Again, I don't feel the least bit sorry for you. You trying to garner sympathy from the internet is about as smart as jews showing up to an al-qaeda pep rally, tbh (credit to whoever said that to me, it was lol). Re Contract: Well, actually I think I would know a thing or four about them, I'm an attorney... but you seem hellbent on the idea that contracts can't be modified for not making sense, being overbroad, unconscionable, impracticable, or a plethora of other reasons. Even where it is a right to work state, even if its an ancillary contract..., and FYI there IS such a thing as wrongful termination... Normally I'd explain how and why, but you annoy me, so go fish. Re work hours, I've worked the same hours when I did have work. I appreciated having something to do. Regarding the note, unless you signed a promissory note and his specific remedy was "Work you slave hours" its likely to fall on its face... but again, why explain anything to someone who feels I know shit. Your lack of fiscal sense are not my concern, you came onto a forum to cry a river and get sympathy, vent, sand out your vag, whatever, most of us here have in some "nicer" or blunter way told you that your assertion re healthcare is wrong and you need to man up. Working for free is stupid, period, despite motive. Again, sorry, sympathy doesn't work here. DC is WORST than most places re rent except for in Cali and NY, so, unless you are in one of those two locals, you are nowhere near as fucked on rent control as these places are. My comment re your rent control rant is simply that its a natural course of expenditure, you plan it into your expenses... like phone bills.... and *SHOCK* healthcare costs for shit you plan to do, like having children and trying to off yourself. Lastly, my education was financed by private and public loans, I'm 1st gen American and have absolutely no sympathy for the fact that you had to borrow to get your education, so did I, and about 60% of students. Its an investment... considering the fact that you are doing server work, I'd hope you did something tech related... the problem with just about half student is that they don't go to college to be an engineer or a chemist, or an accountant or something of use, they want to bullshit around and take useless shit. Then they QQ when they see their Mexican American theatre appreciation bachelor didn't get them more than a job at the Gap as a jeans folder. Me, and most professionals: Doctors, lawyers, engineers, Psychs, etc. have more debt bankrolled due to school than you can have... and if you DO have more than 100K and ALL you got was a masters and a bachelor, someone robbed your ass blind. With that, I'm all out of care, allow me to try to dredge some more up out of " dontgiveafuck bay". BTW, its not that I am trying to troll you, but if you look at your circumstances as presented, they are really not that bad, and you need to realize that is why most people who are signifying violins and trying to say what I am politely are doing so. 1 Edited September 15, 2009 by LegalSmash Link to comment
matt 187 Posted September 15, 2009 Content Count: 2678 Joined: 08/07/07 Status: Offline Share Posted September 15, 2009 Again, I don't feel the least bit sorry for you. You trying to garner sympathy from the internet is about as smart as jews showing up to an al-qaeda pep rally, tbh (credit to whoever said that to me, it was lol). Re Contract: Well, actually I think I would know a thing or four about them, I'm an attorney... but you seem hellbent on the idea that contracts can't be modified for not making sense, being overbroad, unconscionable, impracticable, or a plethora of other reasons. Even where it is a right to work state, even if its an ancillary contract..., and FYI there IS such a thing as wrongful termination... Normally I'd explain how and why, but you annoy me, so go fish. Re work hours, I've worked the same hours when I did have work. I appreciated having something to do. Regarding the note, unless you signed a promissory note and his specific remedy was "Work you slave hours" its likely to fall on its face... but again, why explain anything to someone who feels I know shit. Your lack of fiscal sense are not my concern, you came onto a forum to cry a river and get sympathy, vent, sand out your vag, whatever, most of us here have in some "nicer" or blunter way told you that your assertion re healthcare is wrong and you need to man up. Working for free is stupid, period, despite motive. Again, sorry, sympathy doesn't work here. DC is WORST than most places re rent except for in Cali and NY, so, unless you are in one of those two locals, you are nowhere near as fucked on rent control as these places are. My comment re your rent control rant is simply that its a natural course of expenditure, you plan it into your expenses... like phone bills.... and *SHOCK* healthcare costs for shit you plan to do, like having children and trying to off yourself. Lastly, my education was financed by private and public loans, I'm 1st gen American and have absolutely no sympathy for the fact that you had to borrow to get your education, so did I, and about 60% of students. Its an investment... considering the fact that you are doing server work, I'd hope you did something tech related... the problem with just about half student is that they don't go to college to be an engineer or a chemist, or an accountant or something of use, they want to bullshit around and take useless shit. Then they QQ when they see their Mexican American theatre appreciation bachelor didn't get them more than a job at the Gap as a jeans folder. Me, and most professionals: Doctors, lawyers, engineers, Psychs, etc. have more debt bankrolled due to school than you can have... and if you DO have more than 100K and ALL you got was a masters and a bachelor, someone robbed your ass blind. With that, I'm all out of care, allow me to try to dredge some more up out of " dontgiveafuck bay". BTW, its not that I am trying to troll you, but if you look at your circumstances as presented, they are really not that bad, and you need to realize that is why most people who are signifying violins and trying to say what I am politely are doing so. Same bills: Income 0. Cry me a river. Reality check: BTW, 80 hours are good. Its called experience. Be thankful you got hired. A yearly contract means he CANT FIRE YOU FOR A YEAR WITHOUT EXPOSING HIMSELF TO LIABILITY. Also a plus. Paying off a student loan is good. Stop bitching and man up. You can refinance loans if you really had spine and wanted to. Mom and Dad should not be supporting you at 5 years undergrad and 2 year grad school. The fact you mentioned their income is despicable. You are educated and are employed, stop paying for admin, stop pissing money away on internet and work online in cafes, stop paying for cable, there are hundreds of ways to save money. You like splendor though apparently. Where I live, rent and utilities increase every year by 50-100 dollars minimum. When I lived in DC it was minimum 6-19% more because of rent control... wrong tree to bark up pillboy. First: Your assertion regarding the purpose of insurance is wrong. Insurance is not to insure you against yourself, but against a fortuitous event that may naturally occur, such as getting sick. Most, if not every insurance company and contract carry a suicide invalidation clause, making it null, void, or ineffective and nonpaying when an insured individual commits self injurious acts. Its a policy issue, to prevent dipshits and their dipshit families from profiting from one of them taking one for the team to get rid off all their debt, or let them live it up in walmart splendor after they give daddy a $29.99 funeral special. Second: On behalf of "this shit", insurance companies, politicians, medical professionals, and well, the rest of us that have to cover the cost of people like you; fuck you. Medical professionals are not doing their jobs for shits and giggles, and contrary to what you may believe, ANY healthcare reform, be it single payer or otherwise will NOT, I repeat, will NOT cover "suicide insurance" so you can An-hero your way into profitability. Your "claim" is listed as "mental health" because they don't want to call it "suburban pussy who tried to off himself with midol" or "wtf waste of education and time". Once euphemisms are out of the way, it's much easier to explain the situation: You got pissy, and decided to pretend you were pacman and eat all the magic pills. That should not be covered... it should come with a criminal penalty. Third: Don't pay the bill, go bankrupt it and let the rest of us pay it, they'll just mark it off as bad debt... and in seven years, you are scott free, just do me a favor, and next time, don't be a pussy and use a 45 Auto, and keep the barrel in near your eye cavity so you CANT fuck it up, because I'd rather not pay for another bill because you get your panties in a twist. And Your fault entirely for choosing to self diagnose and remove yourself from your antidepressants and psychotropic meds. The insurance company and its doctors can only instruct you what to do and provide you with the means to do it, they cannot force you.... It was your conscious action and choice to NOT take your meds that were prescribed to you to keep you from doing exactly what you did. As for the school comments, cry me a river, there are a lot of people who actually finished undergraduate on time (4 years, what what...) and got professional degrees (not bullshit mental masturbation, random subject grad school) who would run over their dear granny for a job with insurance and a paycheck, even if its not ideal.... Lastly and as forcefully as possible: Just STFU, you HAVE a job, (Your comment about drive thru at McDonald's and going back to work denotes it), so stop bitching about not having one that is ideal. The fact is you didn't get to keep your dream job because you are an overbearing, oversensitive prick in the workplace according to your own admission... your boss was just too nice to tell you so, "rockstar"..... There are lots of us that have NO jobs, are looking and some of us who are jobless and can't even afford a big mac, so don't come cry about you losing a rather minor portion of your successes to this point when you are still on your feet... for fucks sake, you even have health insurance, TWO forms.... AND a job, AND Family, AND a fiance, AND a pet... you have NO real reason to bitch. I'm gonna say this as nicely as possible because you really need to hear it: Stop being a pussy and man up, you are not doing that badly. Do us all a favor, next time you decide to try and kill yourself at least make a will out to transfer the policies to people who could benefit from them. With all due respect... none. Don't look too hard for vodka... go look in the mirror and try to figure out when you grew such a gaping vag. Link to comment
LegalSmash Posted September 15, 2009 Content Count: 2936 Joined: 02/04/08 Status: Offline Share Posted September 15, 2009 xJ5LmQmQZqg Link to comment
TheVirus Posted September 15, 2009 Content Count: 3391 Joined: 06/12/09 Status: Offline Share Posted September 15, 2009 Again, I don't feel the least bit sorry for you. You trying to garner sympathy from the internet is about as smart as jews showing up to an al-qaeda pep rally, tbh (credit to whoever said that to me, it was lol). When did I say I wanted pity? Are you blind or just ignorant? It's thanks to people like you that made me realize how good I have it. Who needs alcohol when I can read your posts and get elated that I'm truly better off than you. Sounds to me like you're just bitter, at what or whom? I do not know. Maybe you should take a look in the mirror and think about your life instead of wasting your time dissecting someone else's who couldn't give two rats asses back. Re Contract: Well, actually I think I would know a thing or four about them, I'm an attorney... but you seem hellbent on the idea that contracts can't be modified for not making sense, being overbroad, unconscionable, impracticable, or a plethora of other reasons. Even where it is a right to work state, even if its an ancillary contract..., and FYI there IS such a thing as wrongful termination... Normally I'd explain how and why, but you annoy me, so go fish. You must be pretty horrible attorney if your income is 0, unless that's all a lie. Maryland isn't a Right-to-Work state, and that only applies to unions, which has absolutely no bearing on this. Wrongful termination will be lost 99% of the time. My boss can give me an impossible task and fire me for not finishing it. I've yet to see anyone actually win a wrongful termination case that didn't have other incidents behind it. All a boss has to do is say the person was terminated due to performance. How is the employee going to argue that? Nice try, but your argument, once again, fails. Re work hours, I've worked the same hours when I did have work. I appreciated having something to do. Regarding the note, unless you signed a promissory note and his specific remedy was "Work you slave hours" its likely to fall on its face... but again, why explain anything to someone who feels I know shit. Nice contradiction there, chief. If I refuse to work, he can fire me, but then I can sue for wrongful termination? Right. My boss just fired someone because 'He was not in it for the long run and was looking for other jobs.' But is he going to file for wrongful termination? No, because it's a waste of time and money. The reason I'm with the company is because it's growing and growing fast. But, I've come to realize that my boss just doesn't want to pay employees what they are worth. Your lack of fiscal sense are not my concern, you came onto a forum to cry a river and get sympathy, vent, sand out your vag, whatever, most of us here have in some "nicer" or blunter way told you that your assertion re healthcare is wrong and you need to man up. Working for free is stupid, period, despite motive. Again, sorry, sympathy doesn't work here. You seem to be making your concern over and over again by continuously replying and refuting my claims. As I said before, I never wanted sympathy, I simply wanted a way to vent my frustration. You try and act all high and mighty and troll me in hopes of proving your SG.Hon worthy. I'm sorry you think that working for free is stupid. Tell that to all of the community service groups, charity groups, and family members that do it their entire lives. You've obviously grew up with a silver spoon in your mouth if you never helped provide for your family. Not all of us are rich e-lawyers. DC is WORST than most places re rent except for in Cali and NY, so, unless you are in one of those two locals, you are nowhere near as fucked on rent control as these places are. My comment re your rent control rant is simply that its a natural course of expenditure, you plan it into your expenses... like phone bills.... and *SHOCK* healthcare costs for shit you plan to do, like having children and trying to off yourself. No comment on this. Lastly, my education was financed by private and public loans, I'm 1st gen American and have absolutely no sympathy for the fact that you had to borrow to get your education, so did I, and about 60% of students. Its an investment... considering the fact that you are doing server work, I'd hope you did something tech related... the problem with just about half student is that they don't go to college to be an engineer or a chemist, or an accountant or something of use, they want to bullshit around and take useless shit. Then they QQ when they see their Mexican American theatre appreciation bachelor didn't get them more than a job at the Gap as a jeans folder. Congrats on the non-sequitor. I have a BS in Computer Science and a MS in Interactive Entertainment. You sure seem to be propping yourself up on a high horse there, mister. Me, and most professionals: Doctors, lawyers, engineers, Psychs, etc. have more debt bankrolled due to school than you can have... and if you DO have more than 100K and ALL you got was a masters and a bachelor, someone robbed your ass blind. Yes, and those professionals also earn far, far more than what I do. There's a reason why they pay a premium for their education, but I guess you haven't figured that part out yet. With that, I'm all out of care, allow me to try to dredge some more up out of " dontgiveafuck bay". Uhm, ok? BTW, its not that I am trying to troll you, but if you look at your circumstances as presented, they are really not that bad, and you need to realize that is why most people who are signifying violins and trying to say what I am politely are doing so. Nice try, keep backpedaling. Politely? How is any of what you said polite? "Sand in my vag" and all that. You, sir, are a walking, talking contradiction. Give up. At least I tried to give up and failed. I learned from that, maybe you should, too. Link to comment
Bad Dog Posted September 15, 2009 Content Count: 3380 Joined: 02/07/09 Status: Offline Share Posted September 15, 2009 First: Your assertion regarding the purpose of insurance is wrong. Insurance is not to insure you against yourself, but against a fortuitous event that may naturally occur, such as getting sick. Most, if not every insurance company and contract carry a suicide invalidation clause, making it null, void, or ineffective and nonpaying when an insured individual commits self injurious acts. Its a policy issue, to prevent dipshits and their dipshit families from profiting from one of them taking one for the team to get rid off all their debt, or let them live it up in walmart splendor after they give daddy a $29.99 funeral special. Second: On behalf of "this shit", insurance companies, politicians, medical professionals, and well, the rest of us that have to cover the cost of people like you; fuck you. Medical professionals are not doing their jobs for shits and giggles, and contrary to what you may believe, ANY healthcare reform, be it single payer or otherwise will NOT, I repeat, will NOT cover "suicide insurance" so you can An-hero your way into profitability. Your "claim" is listed as "mental health" because they don't want to call it "suburban pussy who tried to off himself with midol" or "wtf waste of education and time". Once euphemisms are out of the way, it's much easier to explain the situation: You got pissy, and decided to pretend you were pacman and eat all the magic pills. That should not be covered... it should come with a criminal penalty Again, I don't feel the least bit sorry for you. You trying to garner sympathy from the internet is about as smart as jews showing up to an al-qaeda pep rally, tbh (credit to whoever said that to me, it was lol). Re Contract: Well, actually I think I would know a thing or four about them, I'm an attorney... but you seem hellbent on the idea that contracts can't be modified for not making sense, being overbroad, unconscionable, impracticable, or a plethora of other reasons. Even where it is a right to work state, even if its an ancillary contract..., and FYI there IS such a thing as wrongful termination... Normally I'd explain how and why, but you annoy me, so go fish. Re work hours, I've worked the same hours when I did have work. I appreciated having something to do. Regarding the note, unless you signed a promissory note and his specific remedy was "Work you slave hours" its likely to fall on its face... but again, why explain anything to someone who feels I know shit. Your lack of fiscal sense are not my concern, you came onto a forum to cry a river and get sympathy, vent, sand out your vag, whatever, most of us here have in some "nicer" or blunter way told you that your assertion re healthcare is wrong and you need to man up. Working for free is stupid, period, despite motive. Again, sorry, sympathy doesn't . Hey, LegalSmash, Im really happy for you Imma let you finish, BUT POTSHOTPOLKA HAD ONE OF THE BEST RANTS OF ALL TIME. ONE OF THE BEST RANTS A ALL TIME! Link to comment
Jager Posted September 15, 2009 Content Count: 1300 Joined: 06/24/07 Status: Offline Share Posted September 15, 2009 I will try more politely to state the more obvious points here. you have made some bad decisions, you are either A. frustrated because you know you did, or B. angry because you signed a contract and failed to read the fine print. and now that its time to stand up to obligations, you aren't willing to seek remedy. that sounds like more of a personal issue then anything. before anyone starts in on well your life is this and mine is that b.s. here are some facts for you. 1 unless your boss signed a contract with you that you have a copy of then it is easily possible to argue that is not binding, not to mention fraudulent. if that is the case simply go to his boss and report up the chain. and learn to say no. If you signed a contract, and you have a copy, read the terms and see what your options are. it doesnt matter if your "boss" paid your loan off or not, or w/e unless you signed a contract stating you will ignore your work agreement contract because of your loan, then he has no right to expect you to do anything beyond your stated hours. if you are a real idiot you signed on as salaried, which means you cannot make claim for overtime, but you are still entitled to mount the argument that you are overworked according to your contract. 2. your student loans credit cards w/e debt. student loans have a guaranteed clause in them stating a forebearence will be issued for a year if you meet certain criteria. depending on the forebearence, you may pay the interest that accrues, or your loan may pay that for you (through the government portion) either way its off the books for a year. if you do not meet those requirements, you can always work out a new pay schedule. takes about 1 hour on the phone and mailing/faxing copies of documents they require. hospital bills all have similar pay schedules that can help you ease the burden now and spread out payments so they are doable. their accounts number is on the bill and i strongly suggest you call and discuss with them your options. tbh while id prefer to have a legalsmash level bitch fest at you because 5 grand for a hospital visit is chump change. (covers my first 3 hours of a hospital visit if that) telling you I have it worse isn't gonna fix anything, and I'm not as much in it for "teh lols" . You may be the person who doesn't take time to read your paperwork, or ask questions about contract clauses. but rest assured once you sign them you are bound by them regardless of your understanding. you received paperwork stating what is and isn't covered, what networks of doctors, what procedures etc, I suggest you read it. and understand the limits of your health care. if nothing else simply to be informed before sticker shock hits in a letter. as for why legal seems frustrated with you , its because he has worked his ass off to get where he is and unfortunately the economy is not allowing him to find a job that offers any sort of stability. Not my place to go into details, but he isnt the only one here, and you better believe that any post coming across as "whiney", with all the crap this community has or is dealing with behind the forums veneer, is gonna trigger a landslide of fuck yous. honestly surprised there haven't been a lot more. you have a good life/health, a strong future in jobs and overall lifestyle with the degrees you have if you apply them, a future wife, and family that is still alive. what more do you really freaking expect in this day and age. I would be thrilled to have any of the above. much less all of them. if calling people and talking to accounts managers and bill collectors isn't your thing, you need to find a debt counselor who can help you walk the crap though and get you organized. no joke, life isn't ever gonna be easy, and no one promised you anything except you will die at some point. Everything else in between is yours to make or fail at. 3 Link to comment
Itch Posted September 15, 2009 Content Count: 3440 Joined: 12/12/07 Status: Offline Share Posted September 15, 2009 and you better believe that any post coming across as "whiney", with all the crap this community has or is dealing with behind the forums veneer, is gonna trigger a landslide of fuck yous. honestly surprised there haven't been a lot more. I think the only reason there hasn't been a ton of "fuck you's" is because Legal has done such a nice job of it. Really most of us - especially those of us with Families, mortgages, etc. Have dealt with or are dealing with far worse than what you listed. $5000 is nothing when it comes to health care. And when we see something that is SELF INFLICTED such as your current situation is we just have a very very hard time swallowing the whine and can't muster any real sympathy. It's not that some of your current situation doesn't suck.. it's that the real world is full of crap that you have to deal with like it or not. I doubt that anyone here has lived the picture perfect life and had everything handed to them on a silver spoon. Link to comment
LegalSmash Posted September 15, 2009 Content Count: 2936 Joined: 02/04/08 Status: Offline Share Posted September 15, 2009 When did I say I wanted pity? Are you blind or just ignorant? It's thanks to people like you that made me realize how good I have it. Who needs alcohol when I can read your posts and get elated that I'm truly better off than you. Sounds to me like you're just bitter, at what or whom? I do not know. Maybe you should take a look in the mirror and think about your life instead of wasting your time dissecting someone else's who couldn't give two rats asses back. You come online and bitch about healthcare not covering the costs associated with your suicide attempt. This coupled with the fact that you took yourself off antidepressants and want to QQ about it, then give ramshackle reasons why you decided to anhero pretty much equates to you seeking attention and pity. No ignorance there, and judging by the reaction of most people to your fail thread, they'd agree to this You must be pretty horrible attorney if your income is 0, unless that's all a lie. Maryland isn't a Right-to-Work state, and that only applies to unions, which has absolutely no bearing on this. Wrongful termination will be lost 99% of the time. My boss can give me an impossible task and fire me for not finishing it. I've yet to see anyone actually win a wrongful termination case that didn't have other incidents behind it. All a boss has to do is say the person was terminated due to performance. How is the employee going to argue that? Nice try, but your argument, once again, fails. 1. The legal field is severely oversaturated, I graduated very recently. There are partners and multiple year associates getting laid off and fighting for work all over the country. I do solo work, but there's not much out there right now. a lack of salary, in my opinion, is income 0, despite me doing work where I can get it. Regarding Wrongful Termination, you never know unless you explore the issues or talk to an attorney but then again, apparently you know more about that then I do. 99% of the time lose in MD? In Liberal-land? Red will laugh his ass off at this comment... given the taxes that get paid in MD to cover unemployment and other related programs . Re: Right to work, read the statement "EVEN WHERE IT IS" a right to work state, its a modifying statement, the same as "even if its an ancillary contract", learn context. Your comments about this issue in general shows how little you really know about the subject, or care to inform yourself about it. but you totally show me up dude... E-peen enlargement for you. Nice contradiction there, chief. If I refuse to work, he can fire me, but then I can sue for wrongful termination? Right. My boss just fired someone because 'He was not in it for the long run and was looking for other jobs.' But is he going to file for wrongful termination? No, because it's a waste of time and money. The reason I'm with the company is because it's growing and growing fast. But, I've come to realize that my boss just doesn't want to pay employees what they are worth. Where did I tell you NOT to work, or to refuse to work? If he fires you for not being able to keep an 80 hour work week, and you've tried reasoning with him on the matter there are issues that can be raised regarding the grounds for termination. Again, you seem to be more interesting in making your problem seem insurmountable than doing something about it ... you do that and you will fail at anything you try.. "chief". Your commentary on your boss' paying of employees is hilariously short sided, and basically tells me you either don't really want to work, or bitch and complain even when the going is good. You seem to be making your concern over and over again by continuously replying and refuting my claims. As I said before, I never wanted sympathy, I simply wanted a way to vent my frustration. You try and act all high and mighty and troll me in hopes of proving your SG.Hon worthy. I'm sorry you think that working for free is stupid. Tell that to all of the community service groups, charity groups, and family members that do it their entire lives. You've obviously grew up with a silver spoon in your mouth if you never helped provide for your family. Not all of us are rich e-lawyers. Venting on the internet about failed suicide attempts is seeking attention and sympathy, even if you want to facade it with venting. LOL @ Silver Spoon comment, seriously. I'm sure others here who know me will find this typed bukake you spew hilarious. No comment on this. Congrats on the non-sequitor. I have a BS in Computer Science and a MS in Interactive Entertainment. You sure seem to be propping yourself up on a high horse there, mister. Did you completely miss the " I hope you did something tech related" comment? How about the comments related to loans, which directly related to your previous QQing about having to pay for your education? The remainder of that statement is a summation of the problem with education today, learn to read the statements in context.. they might pay you more. Yes, and those professionals also earn far, far more than what I do. There's a reason why they pay a premium for their education, but I guess you haven't figured that part out yet. You are high if you think Drs and Lawyers are doing well in this economy... or you really are not paying attention to the economy at all Nice try, keep backpedaling. Politely? How is any of what you said polite? "Sand in my vag" and all that. You, sir, are a walking, talking contradiction. Give up. At least I tried to give up and failed. I learned from that, maybe you should, too. There's no backpedaling, I'm not the pussy that failed at trying to off himself, or put himself to sleep, or whatever you want to say. There's no contradiction here, you tried to do something relatively stupid and failed, then you are mad your insurance(s) wouldn't cover, I responded in kind because your logic is screwed. As for polite conversation, I haven't told you to go kill yourself outright... nor have I said you are a waste of human life and talent. I came here because I was told about the hilarity of the bullshit on this thread, and it totally delivers. Make fun of me all you like, knock my situation, my career... but despite things being difficult right now, I'm not badly principled, soft, or morally bankrupt enough to try to kill myself and abandon all those things you say you are working for "family, fiance, etc. lolwut" 2 Link to comment
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