Bob Loblaw Posted September 16, 2009 Content Count: 3697 Joined: 01/07/09 Status: Offline Share Posted September 16, 2009 (edited) This man is my personal hero for the next half hour. Why? Because in one post he managed to do more than you did in all your essays, while still managing to avoid being an asshat? Definitely agree with Legal though. Good post Itch. And yeah my friends bipolar mom thinks she is above a minimum wage paying job, when really nobody is. Because a minimum wage paying job is better than no job. Edited September 16, 2009 by Bob Loblaw Link to comment
Red Posted September 17, 2009 Content Count: 6559 Joined: 03/14/07 Status: Offline Share Posted September 17, 2009 oh boy Link to comment
TheVirus Posted September 17, 2009 Content Count: 3391 Joined: 06/12/09 Status: Offline Share Posted September 17, 2009 One of your main complaints Virus was that your boss overworks you. You stated you are not living where your gf/fiance/family/etc is. So tell your boss that although you will continue working 40 hours a week you will have to leave by 5 or 6 pm (whatever you feel reasonable) because you are getting a second job. That's right a part-time evening job. This does 2 things. First it get's you out of being overworked by your current boss. He can't tell you no. He can't fire you for getting (non-competitive secondary employment). Basically he can't do jack shit about it. And if approached properly and you let him know upfront that this is so that you can get out of debt and sort out your finances he should respect the decision. Secondly if your debt/finances are really that bad then it will provide you with increased income and a way to pay it down quicker. Of course you can tell him you are working a second job and not actually get one.. but then that would be dishonest and probably not the best option. And don't tell me you can't find work. I work 3 jobs and my wife is working as well. I have neighbors that are "out of work" because they refuse to take jobs at lower pay then they were making when they were laid off. This is a bullshit excuse. I've been working since I was 12 years old. And have yet to run into a situation where I couldn't find work if I tried. It may not be the ideal job nor the best pay but if you are really willing to work you can find a second job. My main complaint isn't that my boss overworks me, it's that he under pays me for what I do. We only have 6 technically inclined people that work for us, there are 10 total. I do the work of at least 3 people and get paid a high-school graduate salary. I knew the pay going into the job, that goes without saying. I also saw potential in the company, which is why I signed the contract in the first place. Recent events made me realize that this company is going to flounder quickly because my bosses are too cheap to pay for real equipment, real software, and more people. He always wonders why people will work for a week and then quit, he's truly dumbfounded that no one wants to work 12-16 hour days for the salary equivalent of $15/hour. I'd be more than happy to work the hours that I do, and more, if he doubled or tripled my salary. A year ago I thought that would actually happen, after my recent yearly review, I've come to realize that it will never happen. The rest of the employees are feeling the same way. The only accountant we have wants to leave, as do 2 of our other IT guys. If that happens then they'd be truly fucked, and they're too blinded by greed to see it coming. The morale around the office is terrible, yet they think everything is sunshine and fluffy-bunny hugs. I plan on speaking to my bosses tomorrow about the situation. I just found out that a new hire makes the same as me, has less experience, and doesn't work as much as I do. I'm not going to waste my time looking for a second job when I plan on moving back home when my contract is up. Since my fiance owns a house, I will have no rent (technically speaking), so the bills will be easier to manage. Since I mostly do development work and research, I can work from home. I'm not wanting to do that out of laziness, but because I actually enjoy the work and can do it back home. If they don't want to pay me what I'm worth then I'm leaving. There have been a few times in the past month or two where I was about to tell them to fuck off and take the rest of my savings and move home. I enjoy my job when I'm not being hovered over by my boss and having him interrupt me with random questions and suggestions that normally lead to me wasting time. I am going to sit down with him and tell him that if he wants me to work longer hours then I expect more pay, otherwise I'm out of there at 4:30pm, on the dot, every day, since I come in early. The company would fall apart if I were to leave right now. We have two major projects finishing up and they know very little about them (their problem, not mine). My only concern is that they will want me to sign a contract for a raise, which I will not do, unless it involves me working from home. I don't know how much they are making, but I know what they are charging some of the clients. We have 80 clients, ranging from small offices to multi-offices, prices will vary depending on their size. Let's assume that they charge, on average, $1000/month per client (which, in my opinion, is incredibly low). That's $80,000/month, or $960,000/year. My guess is that they pay the rest of the employees $200,000/year. That leaves ~$700,000 in profit after misc expenses. Yes, founders of a company make the bulk of the profit, but when an employee is putting in just as much work as a founder, the salary they offer is truly insulting. I didn't have a problem with the pay because my bills weren't that high and I could keep a decent amount in savings. That's all changed now, and my savings will last me about 2 weeks next month. End of October, I will not be making enough money to cover my expenses by a long shot, and canceling my support here is a drop in the proverbial bucket. Tomorrow will be an interesting day, to say the least. Holy wall of text... Link to comment
Itch Posted September 17, 2009 Content Count: 3440 Joined: 12/12/07 Status: Offline Share Posted September 17, 2009 My main complaint isn't that my boss overworks me, it's that he under pays me for what I do. We only have 6 technically inclined people that work for us, there are 10 total. I do the work of at least 3 people and get paid a high-school graduate salary. I knew the pay going into the job, that goes without saying. I also saw potential in the company, which is why I signed the contract in the first place. Recent events made me realize that this company is going to flounder quickly because my bosses are too cheap to pay for real equipment, real software, and more people. He always wonders why people will work for a week and then quit, he's truly dumbfounded that no one wants to work 12-16 hour days for the salary equivalent of $15/hour. I'd be more than happy to work the hours that I do, and more, if he doubled or tripled my salary. A year ago I thought that would actually happen, after my recent yearly review, I've come to realize that it will never happen. The rest of the employees are feeling the same way. The only accountant we have wants to leave, as do 2 of our other IT guys. If that happens then they'd be truly fucked, and they're too blinded by greed to see it coming. The morale around the office is terrible, yet they think everything is sunshine and fluffy-bunny hugs. I plan on speaking to my bosses tomorrow about the situation. I just found out that a new hire makes the same as me, has less experience, and doesn't work as much as I do. I'm not going to waste my time looking for a second job when I plan on moving back home when my contract is up. Since my fiance owns a house, I will have no rent (technically speaking), so the bills will be easier to manage. Since I mostly do development work and research, I can work from home. I'm not wanting to do that out of laziness, but because I actually enjoy the work and can do it back home. If they don't want to pay me what I'm worth then I'm leaving. There have been a few times in the past month or two where I was about to tell them to fuck off and take the rest of my savings and move home. I enjoy my job when I'm not being hovered over by my boss and having him interrupt me with random questions and suggestions that normally lead to me wasting time. I am going to sit down with him and tell him that if he wants me to work longer hours then I expect more pay, otherwise I'm out of there at 4:30pm, on the dot, every day, since I come in early. The company would fall apart if I were to leave right now. We have two major projects finishing up and they know very little about them (their problem, not mine). My only concern is that they will want me to sign a contract for a raise, which I will not do, unless it involves me working from home. I don't know how much they are making, but I know what they are charging some of the clients. We have 80 clients, ranging from small offices to multi-offices, prices will vary depending on their size. Let's assume that they charge, on average, $1000/month per client (which, in my opinion, is incredibly low). That's $80,000/month, or $960,000/year. My guess is that they pay the rest of the employees $200,000/year. That leaves ~$700,000 in profit after misc expenses. Yes, founders of a company make the bulk of the profit, but when an employee is putting in just as much work as a founder, the salary they offer is truly insulting. I didn't have a problem with the pay because my bills weren't that high and I could keep a decent amount in savings. That's all changed now, and my savings will last me about 2 weeks next month. End of October, I will not be making enough money to cover my expenses by a long shot, and canceling my support here is a drop in the proverbial bucket. Tomorrow will be an interesting day, to say the least. Holy wall of text... Based on what you've said here you're not as bad off as you seemed to lead us all to believe. That aside it would be very easy in your current situation to let your boss know in very specific terms that if he expects you to continue to work the hours you do he will need to compensate you for that time accordingly or you won't be able to put in the overtime nor will you sign any contracts requiring you to stay at the job if a better offer comes up or if the chance to move back home becomes a viable option. The second job scenario is just one that your boss wouldn't be able to argue with and would most likely be able to relate to. I have explained to my boss in the past if he wants me available 24/7 (which he does) he will need to pay me enough to compensate for what I would make picking up a second job. Try letting him know in those terms why you can't work the hours he wants and that you are willing to work with him but you can't afford to continue with the situation as it currently sits nor are you willing to get taken advantage of when it comes to contractual terms. Link to comment
Italian Jew Posted September 17, 2009 Content Count: 4473 Joined: 11/26/07 Status: Offline Share Posted September 17, 2009 Why? Because in one post he managed to do more than you did in all your essays, while still managing to avoid being an asshat? Sorry that Legal used bigger words and more complicated statements. It is a shame that you lack those reading comprehension skills because if you had them, you wouldn't be here acting all stupified at all the detailed points brought up. Stop trying to start something that Legal is going to finish. Link to comment
LegalSmash Posted September 17, 2009 Content Count: 2936 Joined: 02/04/08 Status: Offline Share Posted September 17, 2009 Why? Because in one post he managed to do more than you did in all your essays, while still managing to avoid being an asshat? Definitely agree with Legal though. Good post Itch. And yeah my friends bipolar mom thinks she is above a minimum wage paying job, when really nobody is. Because a minimum wage paying job is better than no job. No, just because I enjoyed his post. You read my posts anyways and take time to responded, and you read the threads, so chalk it up to entertainment and enjoy yourself, "asshat". Which happens to be an insult and against the forum rules for flaming. Learn the difference between direct insults and seasoned statements that decry particular behavior, like the behavior this whole thread is the result of. So put your medieval renaissance fair outfit in the closet along with your buttplug of righteous defending, no one here needs white knighting. Unless you are trying to get into virus' pants.... Are you trying to get into his pants? Thanks IJ. He sums it up rather curtly... I'll do one better: Learn to fucking read something more complicated than the twilight book you are jacking off to. Link to comment
TheVirus Posted September 17, 2009 Content Count: 3391 Joined: 06/12/09 Status: Offline Share Posted September 17, 2009 My pants are an open house. Link to comment
'BEANIE Posted September 17, 2009 Content Count: 894 Joined: 02/24/08 Status: Offline Share Posted September 17, 2009 1 Link to comment
Italian Jew Posted September 17, 2009 Content Count: 4473 Joined: 11/26/07 Status: Offline Share Posted September 17, 2009 (edited) My pants are a condemned lot. Fixed Also have "Your mom is an open house". I'm ashamed of myself too.... : ( Edited September 17, 2009 by Italian Jew Link to comment
Repeat Posted September 17, 2009 Content Count: 1384 Joined: 10/05/07 Status: Offline Share Posted September 17, 2009 My main complaint isn't that my boss overworks me, it's that he under pays me for what I do. We only have 6 technically inclined people that work for us, there are 10 total. I do the work of at least 3 people and get paid a high-school graduate salary. I knew the pay going into the job, that goes without saying. I also saw potential in the company, which is why I signed the contract in the first place. Recent events made me realize that this company is going to flounder quickly because my bosses are too cheap to pay for real equipment, real software, and more people. He always wonders why people will work for a week and then quit, he's truly dumbfounded that no one wants to work 12-16 hour days for the salary equivalent of $15/hour. I'd be more than happy to work the hours that I do, and more, if he doubled or tripled my salary. A year ago I thought that would actually happen, after my recent yearly review, I've come to realize that it will never happen. The rest of the employees are feeling the same way. The only accountant we have wants to leave, as do 2 of our other IT guys. If that happens then they'd be truly fucked, and they're too blinded by greed to see it coming. The morale around the office is terrible, yet they think everything is sunshine and fluffy-bunny hugs. I plan on speaking to my bosses tomorrow about the situation. I just found out that a new hire makes the same as me, has less experience, and doesn't work as much as I do. I'm not going to waste my time looking for a second job when I plan on moving back home when my contract is up. Since my fiance owns a house, I will have no rent (technically speaking), so the bills will be easier to manage. Since I mostly do development work and research, I can work from home. I'm not wanting to do that out of laziness, but because I actually enjoy the work and can do it back home. If they don't want to pay me what I'm worth then I'm leaving. There have been a few times in the past month or two where I was about to tell them to fuck off and take the rest of my savings and move home. I enjoy my job when I'm not being hovered over by my boss and having him interrupt me with random questions and suggestions that normally lead to me wasting time. I am going to sit down with him and tell him that if he wants me to work longer hours then I expect more pay, otherwise I'm out of there at 4:30pm, on the dot, every day, since I come in early. The company would fall apart if I were to leave right now. We have two major projects finishing up and they know very little about them (their problem, not mine). My only concern is that they will want me to sign a contract for a raise, which I will not do, unless it involves me working from home. I don't know how much they are making, but I know what they are charging some of the clients. We have 80 clients, ranging from small offices to multi-offices, prices will vary depending on their size. Let's assume that they charge, on average, $1000/month per client (which, in my opinion, is incredibly low). That's $80,000/month, or $960,000/year. My guess is that they pay the rest of the employees $200,000/year. That leaves ~$700,000 in profit after misc expenses. Yes, founders of a company make the bulk of the profit, but when an employee is putting in just as much work as a founder, the salary they offer is truly insulting. I didn't have a problem with the pay because my bills weren't that high and I could keep a decent amount in savings. That's all changed now, and my savings will last me about 2 weeks next month. End of October, I will not be making enough money to cover my expenses by a long shot, and canceling my support here is a drop in the proverbial bucket. Tomorrow will be an interesting day, to say the least. Holy wall of text... I'm going to chime in here. Not to comment on your life situation, but rather on how businesses are run and where their money goes. Too often I see people complaining that they get paid 'x' dollars while their company is making '2 to 3x' off of their billed time. What gives? Shouldn't the employer be able to pay the employee more because of this? Are companies being greedy and bathing in the money you earned them while laughing and eating caviar? Probably not. Ever heard of payroll taxes? Pretty much employers have to have the equivalent of ½ of what YOU pay for your social security and medicare tax, and in some states they also are required to pay additional money for your income tax (state, city, county). Depends on where you live. It adds up. Then we get into benefits. Does your company have insurance benefits for their employees? Insurance for employees, even if it’s only partially covered, bends a company over and not-so-gently rapes them in the keester. There’s more money subtracted from the bottom line. Overhead costs, general and administrative costs, combined with anything else the company does for you (i.e. paying off your medical debt, pretty nice and extremely rare, BTW), and we’ve reached a pretty substantial cost the company needs to be able to pay for, in addition to paying your salary. Again, it adds up. Sure, the company founder is probably getting paid a hefty amount more than you are, but why shouldn’t he? It’s his fucking company. He took the risk to start it – not you. He should be compensated more than his underlings. Just my two pennies. Wanted to comment from the business side of things. 1 Link to comment
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