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Things you can & cannot do

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Hey I just wanted to compile a list of things you can & cannot do for T's so if you want to add or correct some just tell me and i'll fix it.

most of these rules are from forum posts by admins, etc.


Zombie Freedays at CT Discretion



Sending T's to Solitary (brought up by bad dog ingame)



Saying No Ladders



Making Everyone crouch, walk, or jump

Not allowed for long periods of time


Leaving T's at one place



Warning shots

Not required


Not allowing Flashlights



Killing T's for detonating fail bombs



Killing T's for having a pistol out


Killing T's for shooting, nading, or hurting a CT in anyway



Killing a Team Killer

Not Allowed


Killing Micspammers (only if no admins are on, and you must give the order to quit micspamming)

Not Allowed


Killing a person talking when you're a CT and attempting to give orders (must give orders for them to stfu)

Not Allowed


Killing for a T leaving top of big cage when told to go there

Allowed, you do not have to give the order 'if you fall off you die', it's the same in sitting in the cage, if you leave you die.


Killing for threatening a CT

Not allowed

Automatic freeday if cells weren't opened by 4:00 or a T opened them

Not a rule


LR being something that delays the round such as 'wanting to sit in disco listening to music'

Not allowed

Killing a T for having the bomb (note that this is different from having used it and having it failed)

Not allowed


Killing a T for having an un-holstered nade, flash, or smoke.

Not allowed

Okay so this is just version 1, please tell me what I need to add, fix, etc.

It will help a lot if we can get this dictionary done, it could be implemented into the server to show some newer players about stuff! :d

Once I get further on this I'll organize it more properly.

Edited by Jazzyy
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Zombie freedays are allowed at the discretion of the CT's. You can't make everyone crouch for long periods of time. Sending T's to solitary is fine.

bad dog raised the point of that if the solitary door were to be closed T's would be trapped inside. So in a map like electric large where theres only one button to open solitary the ts would be stuck inside if cts said not to block.

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bad dog raised the point of that if the solitary door were to be closed T's would be trapped inside. So in a map like electric large where theres only one button to open solitary the ts would be stuck inside if cts said not to block.


I did, and I stick with it. Not only that its basically unescapable, but its also a small confided space begging someone to go postal into all of the Ts, or throw a nade into them, or just crossfire. Ts go to solitary should not be allowed and if I see it I try to stop the CTs. Im gonna ask higher ups about it/try to get it changed to that.

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I did, and I stick with it. Not only that its basically unescapable, but its also a small confided space begging someone to go postal into all of the Ts, or throw a nade into them, or just crossfire. Ts go to solitary should not be allowed and if I see it I try to stop the CTs. Im gonna ask higher ups about it/try to get it changed to that.


As of right now, there is nothing against that. Don't enforce false rules. Punish retards who can't get the kill or who throw the grenades.

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well i sometimes send a whole t-team in the solitary ... but mostly that's only for bout 1 minute or 1 minute 30 max ...

-once did it for whole round but that was cuz i got pissed of when they all started shooting me during a deathgame :blink1:-

there on by solitary is a perfect way to check if they got guns or to check if there are rebellors ...

if they are all inside they automaticly start trying to shoot u ... & from then on i open up & send em somewhere else ... crouching ... & i check for guns when they exit solitary 1 by 1 ...

so if u wanna make a rule about no solitary i'd advice u to make it "don't let ct go all the t's to solitary for the whole round"


just my idea of it :blink1:

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