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Major Change in Admin and Supporter

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  Dante said:
well i agree with him 100%. Sure we got fuck heads SAs around, maybe some of you guys think i'm one of them, really i couldn't give two shits about that. But it makes us SAs look like we're chopped liver now. We no longer have any opinion about anything around here. You might as well say go fuck yourselves. And I'm not the only SA thinking the same way, many others feel the same way I do.

Geez tone down the QQ. This doesnt not mean SAs have no say in things. SA's will still suggest rules and things to help the community. And when someone is approved to be an apprentice and you think they aren't doing a good job, then tell us. Your Admin is basically free now so why so serious? Also the old Admin system failed because of new supporters voting yes to get a vote back and because of Bandwagons. This sytem wont have that.

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NO one pays for admin. Some of you are confusing this.


If someone donates $20+ they will receive supporter powers as a thank you for donating.


If ex-admins wish to return to admin WITHOUT going through the free apprentice program they must donate $20.00 to be reinstated immediately. That is only for old admins who left on good terms. If they do not want to pay then they can apply for the apprentice program like everyone else which is free.

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