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AO abuse, no strike..

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This will all be solved if we held the same standards for abuse on all admin levels...


Examples of lower admin punishments:


[sA-A] Zealot - Removed from admin program, for misuse of admin chat:



[sA] Avro - Punished (Strike I will assume) for no clipping during end of round and turning humans into zombies



[sA] Fullmetal/Desum - Punished (Strikes) for slapping a player and each other, note player did not ask them to stop during the time, he in fact laughed



[sA] Toxin - Punished (Not sure what he got) for no clipping himself out of a cade after becoming stuff [in Napalm]



Example of Higher ups not getting punished:


[bD] Kennith - Fake punish (Took complaint as a joke), slayed everyone at the end of a round.



[AO] Spartan/Paul [Pretty sure they were both AOs at this point] - No Verdict as of 3 months after, rocketing players/altering gravity


[bD] TCP - Resolved (No Punishment) - Blinded Avro for camping, Avro unblinded himself, TCP Removed Avro's admin. Note that camping is not against the rules in pb.



I'm not taking sides in this on who should have been punished for what actions, and how severe those punishments should have been, but there is clearly a gap in what is considered wrong for the lower admins, and what is considered wrong for the higher ups.


Really most punishments given out right now are when people are trying to have fun.....because you know, having fun in a game is so not the point of the game.


Nice list, pity you are missing all the AOs/ex-AOs who had their powers removed, or were banned from the community. Also, your list seems to be a bit odd, can't really compare admins who have been punished with AOs who haven't. Surely you should compare admins who have been punished with AOs who have been punished, or Admins who haven't been punished with AOs who haven't?


Incidently, a lot of punishment/warnings/complaints regarding AOs is handled appropiatly using PMs, or privatly in restricted forum sections, which is why there is a lack of other examples for you to call upon.

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My main problem is with the Paul Spartan complaint ( see my signature) and that nothing had been said even to the blatant abuse, even if paul is a bs he should still be punished

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This is what i see abuse as - Slapping random people - innocent people to their death - randomly slaying people to see what happens.


I see rocketing ones self, teleing friends and what not as fun...


To be honest, this is why we can never have "good" things within SG anymore... And god that pisses me off...


So to end my rage, we should all stop Q-Q'ing, man up and taste the gravy! That is what SG needs.

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I can't comment on a lot of the stuff that's been brought up into this thread, but I will say that I have been playing on the SG servers for close to a year now. I have played with both bay and crimson.


Sure bay uses his admin powers, to his own benefit though? I don't think so. He is on late at night a lot of times, when the servers have been emptied out, and he does whatever he can to make the server fun for everyone else, including himself. I don't think I have ever seen him misuse his admin powers intentionally.


It sounds like (from reading this thread), that this could have been all avoided if Crimson went to bay and talked to him before issuing him a strike. To me, this is a whole misunderstanding that puts both Crimson and bay at fault for what seems to be a fairly harmless act.


I think, if anything, we should all take this situation as an example. Why must we be so quick to turn our back on a fellow SG community member? It's pointless pointing fingers and calling names. We are humans and sure we make mistakes, but all it takes sometimes is a one on one conversation. That's what steam chat is for... or vent. What we are seeing here, to me, is something that could have been nipped in the butt from the get go by Crimson. I feel if the issue was brought to bay's attention then they two could have talked things out and none of this would have happened.


I'm still new here and it sounds like there a whole lot of conspiracy theory's spreading about BD's/CA's and what not. It's stuff like this thread that draw away future community members and current community members. It's one thing to have a thread with rational arguments, but this thread has gotten carried away. With what started with a simple question asked by bay, it has turned into a whole different situation now.


I have always been a fan of, if you have a problem with someone or something, talk to that person or talk to someone else in the community about it. Even though I know a lot of the higher up's might be busy, I'm sure they could schedule some time to talk things out with you. Answer your questions.


I'm going to end this rant that was suppose to only be one paragraph, before I got carried away. \


I think the lesson we need to take here is to not jump to such quick conclusions. Take the time to find out the facts and then proceed from there.

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Shouldn't the whole thread be a poll for members in the forums? They are the ones keeping the servers alive and they are the donators. I don't think this is the right way to punish people, by choices made by higher ups. Democracy FTW! Even if every player in the game would like {bAy} sUP, he would still be striked down from admin this way.


PS. Don't flame me !

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This is what i see abuse as - Slapping random people - innocent people to their death - randomly slaying people to see what happens.


I see rocketing ones self, teleing friends and what not as fun...


To be honest, this is why we can never have "good" things within SG anymore... And god that pisses me off...


So to end my rage, we should all stop Q-Q'ing, man up and taste the gravy! That is what SG needs.



Shit is getting way too serious sometimes.

We all play CS:S to have a good time, not to purposely abuse the fuck out of other players.


So, bay sup teleports 1/2 people, Crimson rockets 1/2 people.

What's the big deal?

We all had a good time, I thought this was also something that you want to experience on the SG servers.


As I said, there is a difference between abuse and fun.

Admins that report other admins for having fun (without involving random players obviously) should be ignored, or perhaps get a strike themself.


bay sup should not be punished for his actions, same goes for Crimson.


Take a chill pill people.

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Shouldn't the whole thread be a poll for members in the forums? They are the ones keeping the servers alive and they are the donators. I don't think this is the right way to punish people, by choices made by higher ups. Democracy FTW! Even if every player in the game would like {bAy} sUP, he would still be striked down from admin this way.


PS. Don't flame me !


This isn't a democracy :)

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The thing is guys is that not everyone finds the same thing fun. If I'm playing ze, I'm playing it for ze, not drugged and beaconed ze. So if someone were to randomly use their powers on me for "fun" I may not file a complaint, but I wouldn't be impressed. And if I were a regular player, I would probably just move to a different community.

Your "fun" is not everyone else's fun. I personally think admin should be there to enhance the gameplay that css was designed to have, (whether it be pb, ze, mg etc) rather than alter it with the fun commands.


If everyone says yeah that's fun! Then I don't think you should be able to get in trouble if you followed the right precautions (vote prior to using), unless someone asks you to stop before filing the complaint. That way people can't silently demo without protest and people who thought they were doing the server some good can't get in trouble.

I think admin abuse (if prior to using you take the right precautions ex. vote) should be treated like mic spam. If everyone is enjoying it, let them do it, until someone asks you to stop then you MUST stop.


This isn't in response to any situation in specific, but I agree with highsky in his post a few pages back.


As for this situation, not going to post here with my opinion, because it's already been stated many times in the last few pages.

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