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Video game addiction.

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Addiction are always in the head, nowhere else.


Wrong. Let me give you all the actual characteristics and requirements of an addiction:



1. Physical AND/OR Mental cravings for the subject at hand. You have a physical and mental craving for most drugs after you abuse them continuously as your body develops a requirement for them in order to function... At best you may have a mental craving to play video games, but honestly you have the mind of a 5 year old if you can't live without games. This is actual cravings, not "...Mm, I can't wait till I get home so I can play some L4D."




2. This is probably the more defining part of an addiction... Physical and/or Mental withdrawal symptoms. Meaning when the subject at hand is taken from you you experience EXTREME physical and/or mental withdraws. This doesn't mean "Damn, haven't playing WoW in awhile. Really need to get my subscription back before I get even more bored." If that classified as an addiction, then everything someone enjoyed would be an addiction. Withdrawal symptoms are where you vomit because you haven't done crack in awhile, or your mind just goes blank and you go fetal position because you haven't gotten drunk in a few days. THOSE are withdrawal symptoms. When my internet goes down or my comp is fucked up and I can't play any computer games for a few days sure, I get bored, but i have never just started vomiting and getting nausea or headaches(physical withdrawal) from not playing them, nor have I ever crawled up into a corner and started shaking from not being able to shout "BOOM HEADSHOT"(mental withdrawal).


This whole video game addiction crap is just an excuse for people to blame their failing grades, lack of a job, etc on. If someone goes to their job everyday for years why is that not an addiction? Why is some kid that loves to run outside and play sports instead of homework not 'addicted'? This video game shit is just a bunch of political crap made up by therapists and parents. People who think that we're addicted to video games just because we like playing them instead of doing homework or whatever(LOL, Duh. EVERYONE likes doing fun things better than work. Not doing your work in favor of something leisurely is called LAZINESS. Not addiction) are honestly stupid. Because we like doing something continuously since its fun doesn't mean we have a comparable addiction to someone whose been tripping balls on meth everyday for years. So, until someone presents me with solid, SCIENTIFIC proof about video games(not some bullshit study that shows teens who play video games have worse grades or some shit. Nor some news station with a 5 minute special on some kid with ADHD getting all cranky. Those are studies, not proof.) that directly connects a video game with both extreme cravings and withdrawal I'm not even going to believe for a second there's addiction involved.







Edited by Desum
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I have a comeback for that... check this one out!! ( Viewer discretion advised )


Plus Fail your mother is morbidly obese. I do have a job just check my profile ( Jeez )


How the fuck did you know?????


Well thanks for the input guys this as helped me, but now my other question is this.


do violent video games make 'Dangerous kids"


plus isnt texting an addiction?

i see my friends get the shit kicked out of them for texting someone about their girl or something

Edited by Metal
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I have a comeback for that... check this one out!! ( Viewer discretion advised )


Plus Fail your mother is morbidly obese. I do have a job just check my profile ( Jeez )


Can't even spell your own job right?



Corperate Anylast

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How the fuck did you know?????


Well thanks for the input guys this as helped me, but now my other question is this.


do violent video games make 'Dangerous kids"




Fuck to the no. Bad parenting makes kids dangerous. I cannot count how many kids I know, including myself, that have been playing extremely violent video games(as in M shit your brix nao video games) since elementary school and are completely normal, if not even doing better currently then many sports players/fans. Im fairly certain there is currently more crime going on in the ghetto, where kids have never even seen a PS3 or owned a computer better than Windows 98, then there is at my nice little suburban area. So, as I said in my last post regarding video game addiction... Unless someone presents cold hard evidence(again, NOT STUDIES. Studies do not mean SHIT.) then I'm not buying any of it.


An increase in crime and kids freaking the fuck out and going batshit crazy in school should be linked to parents not being able to give their kids a good smack in public anymore. As the generations progress every new set of parents punishes their kids less and less(in the sense of weakening punishment. We went from a good whack on the ass with a plank as the norm to even a small slap will land you in jail). Now, my parents didn't bend me over and hit me with a stick or anything, but when I did something ridiculously stupid or dangerous I got a nice smack(if we weren't in public that is). And guess what? I NEVER DID IT AGAIN. Its such a simple concept, as an early brain progresses if you teach them doing something bad makes even badder shit happen they won't do it. Now, lets compare it to modern punishment... Timeout? Lolwhat? Cool, I get to chill here for 10 minutes. In School Suspension? EVEN BETTER. I get to chillax a whole freaking day not doing any school work while I listen to my iPod and text friends. Out of school suspension? kick ass. Don't have to go to school for months, how sweet is that. All these new punishments are based on the assumption children are going to automatically think its some crappy hell to be put through when its not. ISS and OSS? What the fuck ever. In ISS you get to just sit there instead of doing work... The thought that they'd have more work to do when they returned would be based on the fact that that child actually cares about school, which most kids don't. OSS is based on the thought that the parent would punish their kids at home.. Which is wrooooooong. Hardly any OSS'd child's parents actually care enough to make a severe punishment longer than a few weeks.


Taking away technology(lol, our parents and everyone before them could live without it, so what the hell makes them think we can't?), putting them in the corner, not making them do all work... none of them are effective. Punishment like a smack or spanking, or being kicked out of the house for a night or two is what makes kids get the hell in line and stay there.

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Wrong. Let me give you all the actual characteristics and requirements of an addiction:



1. Physical AND/OR Mental cravings for the subject at hand. You have a physical and mental craving for most drugs after you abuse them continuously as your body develops a requirement for them in order to function... At best you may have a mental craving to play video games, but honestly you have the mind of a 5 year old if you can't live without games. This is actual cravings, not "...Mm, I can't wait till I get home so I can play some L4D."




2. This is probably the more defining part of an addiction... Physical and/or Mental withdrawal symptoms. Meaning when the subject at hand is taken from you you experience EXTREME physical and/or mental withdraws. This doesn't mean "Damn, haven't playing WoW in awhile. Really need to get my subscription back before I get even more bored." If that classified as an addiction, then everything someone enjoyed would be an addiction. Withdrawal symptoms are where you vomit because you haven't done crack in awhile, or your mind just goes blank and you go fetal position because you haven't gotten drunk in a few days. THOSE are withdrawal symptoms. When my internet goes down or my comp is fucked up and I can't play any computer games for a few days sure, I get bored, but i have never just started vomiting and getting nausea or headaches(physical withdrawal) from not playing them, nor have I ever crawled up into a corner and started shaking from not being able to shout "BOOM HEADSHOT"(mental withdrawal).






I might be a newfag, and have no idea what I'm talking about, but:

I meant that addictions are on a larger scale always in the head. They have physical symptoms, but it's still the mind that got used to something and when that something is taken away, mind starts to make physical symptoms.


Don't flame meh.

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do violent video games make 'Dangerous kids"


NO. At least in my case. I used/use video games to vent my violent tendencies in a positive way. Had I not been able to release my anger/violent emotions through video game I probably would have ended up in the new & not in a good way.

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addiction is always a broblem. whatever kind it is...


Nope, you can be addicted to something but still it can be good for you or at least not bad.


You can be addicted to anything you do, feel, eat or drink but you can still control it.

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