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Moral dilemma

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Speaking from someone in a similar job type, I would not inform the customers of what he is doing. It's unprofessional and can make you look bad in the long run (even though it's not your fault at all). Contact the powers that regulate your company (this so called BSA?) and tell them what's happening. Start looking for a new job, good luck.


No one regulates the company. The BSA is the Business Software Alliance. They simply handle pirated software used in a commercial setting. I could complain to the BBB, but I doubt this place is even registered. I will probably tell one client just because I have a lot of respect for them and enjoyed working with them. They deserve better treatment.

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Gave my two weeks notice today. Just to give you an idea of what kind of piece of shit my boss is, here's what he told me.


He said I was being disrespectful to him after all he's done for me. That it was my fault that the images were deleted and that he didn't force me to delete the records or replace the images with fake ones. He essentially brushed it off as if it were nothing, no surprise there.


He said this was like spitting in his face since I didn't talk to them about this before resigning. He asked if there was a way to change my mind and I said no, I've made up my mind. Even if they did offer me something to stay, I wouldn't. Not after the way they behaved. Immature pricks.

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Taking advice from a bunch of people from a online community isnt very smart.


Normally people are more mature with PC games, sure there are some little kids but mostly more mature. Steamgamers, the forums, have people who are more mature, or working adults. They understand moral dilemmas.


Your comment earlier was one that makes people from gaming communities look bad.


On topic: Good for you for getting out of there :p


What an anus, for what he told you :p


EDIT: If you do do things the legal way, get your 3 previous co-workers to help you, or atleast let them know. 4 people is better than one.

Edited by `Pepper.
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K, this is very simple.


You know the unethical shit that's going on, so if you don't report it and the police find out, you're going down with him.


Also, report him anyways to save your own ass. If you've been working there for over 3 months he can't fire you without a reason. If he makes up a reason, you can take his ass to the job board or w/e its called and sue him. I didn't read your paragraph, just the summary, but depending on what unethical stuff he was doing, he could be fired and even have his license removed(picked up he was a doctor from the sounds of other peoples posts).


Aka, you can totally fuck this guy over while your own ass is safe. If he fires you, you can take him to the employment board or w/e and sue him for money, aka keeping your bills payed for a while, long enough to find another job if you're not hopeless.


"Its the right thing to do."


Edit: Just read your post about your two weeks notice Virus. From the sounds of that comment and depending on how well he covered his own ass, if he's the vengeful type and he has his shit straight so it can't be traced back to him, he could potentially go after you and blame you for all the "unethical actions" that have happened in his office.

Edited by The Famous Zombie Hunter
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