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im cool

people just generally like me

im told im very charismatic and charming

im a pretty cool guy

im albanian and like 2 other gay things that arent as cool as albanian

ive never been perm banned

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I'm a Warrant Officer Second Class in Canadian Air Cadets

I'm in 12th grade, almost graduating high school

I've gotten high 90s in all of my business courses

Going for my commerce degree, double major in finance and accounting, then to get my MBA in graduate school

Possibly joining the military to pay for my schooling, may go with combat engineers or just DnD

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  • Content Count:  3052
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I am double jointed in my thumbs

I wear contacts

I never broken a bone (just fractured)

Rear-ended my best friend (didn't know till after :p )

I love to play dodgeball (part of a Collegiate Dodgeball team)

I throw / bowl with my left, do everything else with my right hand

Went to Mcdonals drive-thru at 12:50AM with a 3 other people (they close at 1AM). ordered 22 apple pies.

Dont drink milk - drink soy milk

I know ASL (American Sign Language)

I have a short attention span (especially for movies)

Never pissed in my bed

I can make cat sounds

Had my appendix out (It bursted when I got hit with a soccer ball)

I dunk PB&J in soy milk then eat it

Started playing CSS 2 years ago - first server I played on was SG Zombie escape :p

Get random nose bleeds that wont stop unless I blow my nose... wierd

OCD about computer software (i.e. I like to have one program that does 1 job. thats it.)

I can blow bubbles from my mouth

Never smoked in my life... never will

Drink at social events

Im not grossed out by much

Im a nice guy

People with no common sense piss me off

Im a nervous guy when it comes to something new

Almost drowned when I was 4ish(jumped in deep end without my swimmies - sank to bottom)

I too pee in the shower...

I sleep naked - sooooo comfyyy

Me and my dad came very close to fighting a bear

I'm not spoiled - I work for my money and pay for my own stuff

I bite my nails --- I Dont know why... I cant stop

Im a follower - not a leader

I love animals - volunteer at SPCA

I cant say words with "ING" endings - comes out as "EN"

I plain to work for the CSI

I hate spider webs... could careless about spiders

My 10th grade teacher robbed a bank - armed (came in the next day and taught... was taking out by police during my class)

Roller coasters are boring for me :p

I hate commercials.. so I download tv shows - rarely watch tv

I have VERY realistic dreams.. scary!!

I program better when listening to music



I will add more when i think of it...

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