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360 or PS3

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I'm looking into saving for a PS3 or 360.

As i look the the list above on XBL and PSN names it seems its 50/50.

What are a few reasons to buy a 360 and a ps3.

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But yeah anyway...


Price - Cheaper to buy 360, but perhaps in the long run (depending on when a new console comes out)...online fees of the 360 will probably make the difference minimal.


Games - Depends on what you like. Both have quite a lot of exclusives...you might want the PS3 ones or the 360 ones more. One thing you might want to consider is that a few 360 games not on the PS3 could be bought on the PC.





Have a look through those to see what you might be missing out on. Dunno if it includes all up-and-coming games though.


Quality - Debatable. In the end it's not that different.


Extras - PS3 has a blu-ray player if that is something you want....and Home which is quite a nice free application with some fun arcade games...looks a bit like Second Life. Don't even know what the 360 has extra to the PS3. Some avatar stuff??? From what I know....nothing I would care about having.


Online - Some say that 360 online is better...but is it worth the cost? Up to you, but most of the time I can play games and have no issues...some untrue stereotypes come into place when you talk about 10 year olds being on PS3 and there being friendly people on 360.....It depends on what you want really, but if you just want to play online games then either are good. If PS3 ever gets in-game private mic chat rooms (only got text chat ones atm) then there'd be no difference in my online experience at all.


Friends - Only something you can answer.......if playing with your friends is something you do a lot then get the console they have.

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i was thinking of getting a PS3 for some of the JRPG's.

But 360 also as a good amount of JRPG's.


Also i do know that 360 has a better friend to friend feel.

The online i can pay for.


Thanks Luxz0rz.

Plus sony and Microsoft might not even make a new system for 2-3 more years.

How do i know this, i dont.

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360 has better games in my opinion but that doesn't mean ps3 doesn't have good games... In the end it's really up to what you want.. Check to see which console has which games and see which console outweighs the other.

(The biggest negative about the 360 in my eyes is the xbox live subscription.)

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all noobs play ps3, 360 for more competitive




Depends on the games you like. PS3 has uncharted, mag, god of war.


Xbox gets fable, halo, etc.


But then all my friends had ps3 so i bought the ps3.


Be careful, red ring of death is evil. I got it after a month. On xbox!

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Every console has it's pros/cons. It's all a matter of preference.


I have all 3 currently.. Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3. And which is better all depends on what you are into and in my case what I'm in the mood to play.


This thread is pure bait for a fanboy battle.

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I have a 360 and I love it. I got the red rings of death or whatever one time and had to send it in but I haven't had a problem since. The only thing that I don't like about 360 is having to pay to use the online services but really I think that the online play on 360 is better than the PS3 and I have played both.

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