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My laptop wireless is bad too. Every minute or two I get a huge spike as well, lasts for only a couple seconds. I assumed it was just a bad wireless internet receiver or something, so I just stayed plugged in all the time now. Tried googling for a solution but didn't find one to fix it so.... :\ no help here, but I'm interested to see if there is a solution.

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Also can I ask what packets lost is? I mean I know it means packets lost. But I had 1% packets lost when I did a test on my laptop wirelessly, and it says anything above 0 should cause concern as it could interrupt VoIP something or other and could hinder online gaming (it does). Is there anyway to fix this packets lost? Or is it just a bad wireless card, nothing much to do about it?

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also gero since u just started using a different account make sure u have your rates setup right...for a 66 tic server like sg's use this.....cl_updaterate 66 cl_cmdrate 66 rate 20000 type each one into console seperately. if u go to use a 100 tic server just change the 2 66's to 100's and 30000 instead of the 20k....but i use the 100 tic setup anyways. i know this helps me so maybe it will help u.

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if you are using vista and wireless make sure you read this and use the tool




No :\ my laptop is on Windows 7.


Edit: Im going to check it out anyways. Some people were talking about windows 7 in that thread too and stuff. So sometime tomorrow I will try some CSS wirelessly. See the lag spikes to remind myself how they are, then download the program (I'd rather do that than disable Wireless zero) and see if it goes away. If so HAPPY DAYS :d as I won't have to constantly be plugged into the internet to game.

Edited by Bob Loblaw
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also gero since u just started using a different account make sure u have your rates setup right...for a 66 tic server like sg's use this.....cl_updaterate 66 cl_cmdrate 66 rate 20000 type each one into console seperately. if u go to use a 100 tic server just change the 2 66's to 100's and 30000 instead of the 20k....but i use the 100 tic setup anyways. i know this helps me so maybe it will help u.


Actually set it to 100-100-300000 and then you'll never need to change it again since every server will recognize that and just do the best IT is able to without you needing to lower anything.


As for your packet loss problems... you just need to switch to wired on your gaming computer. Packet loss is an ENORMOUS issue for gaming. In a video/voice call its annoying because you just lose the signal for a flash, but in Source it has far more profound consequences.


See source uses delta compression. Each tick the server recalculates everything and sends to the users only what changed since the last tick rather than the full data. On your end your computer "guesses" what will happen next and fills in the gaps to make the game smooth, that's the interpolation. Lose too much data and that system breaks down and you need to get the FULL package from the server rather than just the changes, which takes exponentially more work.


Get a shite wireless connection....

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