XeNo Posted May 14, 2010 Content Count: 6466 Joined: 07/22/08 Status: Offline Share Posted May 14, 2010 nope, every 5 years CS 1 came out in 1999, source came out in 2004, Sooo, a new CS would be nice, It would actually make game reviewers remember what a good game is, so they wouldnt be giving bad games good reviews, like MW2... CS 1.0 came out in 2000. CS Source isn't CS 2.0. MW2 is a great game, it's a good shooter, it's not my style, doesn't mean it isn't a great game with awesome graphics. Youtube changed to much, the more from this user option is up at the top, took me a long time to find it. And CSS has changed too much, before it felt somewhat realistic, not arma realisitic, but it was somew what, but now with this whole death cam bullshit, it will be so gay. Also, I wouldn't hate a new game, I understand that a new game, is a new game. CSS is CSS, not CSS + everything gay from TF2. CSS was never realistic. Don't even get started. The most realistic thing about CS:S is the gun looks. What are you talking aboot? because a huge ass explosion is tactical? and the US rangers, an elite group, are so bad that they need air support every 15 seconds or that my throwing knife, that obviously every soldier is trained at throwing, can kill if I hit them in the toe, which also happens with the knife CSS is a hell of a lot more realistic than modern warfare 2. The guns sound like pea shooters, silencers remove range, when in real life they do not even touch the bullets. And CSS, the reticule isn't where you are actually going to hit, it gives you an idea where you are aiming, and that it it. I am sorry that your call of duty is so bad that guns have hardly any recoil. I typed this up better before, but my computer restarted, so I just typed this quickly. Guns in real life being used by actual Marines/Rangers will not have much recoil cause they can control their spread by holding the weapon correctly. As for your comment on the reticule in CS:S, it's actually pretty accurate, then again you're bad as CS:S so I don't expect you to know that. I'm sorry that your baby muscles can't handle a gun. It's a game, it's as realistic as possible. It's better than CS:S when you aim at the ground and get a headshot. If the bomb situation was real in CS:S, I doubt they'd send a few people and go "o durn al 5 ground ppl r ded we nut gona send backup or nything else k guys LHLULULUL" Go play ARMA2 if you want a realism, these are FPS games. I'd take "LOL DEYS GUYS WUDNT GET AIR SUPPORT EVERY 15 SECONDS" over "LOL I AIMED AT THE SKY AND SHOT A GUY IN THE FACE 10000000 MILLION FEET AWAY, TO THE SIDE, BEHIND A BRICK HOUSE" 5 man squads are generally what get sent in to deal with a situation, especially one where it's terrorists planning to bomb a building or artifacts, they don't waste the resources of 200 men to take out 5 terrorists. I don't know what logic you use, but if you send some men to take out a terrorist situation, generally by the time you realize they need backup, the terrorists have already planted their bomb and gotten out of there or rigged it to blow already. It's not a 'Awww shucks, we didn't get those pesky terrorists today but we'll get them tomorrow' thing. As for your obvious inaccuracy about spread, it's never that bad except in the air and rarely while strafing. Otherwise if you're standing still, a footshot will never be a headshot. ------------------------------------------ Now for the update, it looks good, they're headed in a better direction without really changing any main mechanics of the game. They've already stated the 'ice skating' feel of movement and making sound when you move your crosshair is in the process of being fixed, aside from that they've removed interp issues, which is FUCKING AWESOME, because the way it is now, a person can actually peek you and see you before you see them, depending on angle. It will also fix registry errors in a way as well. Hitboxes have been updated vastly as well. Honestly you guys in this thread are fucking stupid if you think this update is bad. At first glance with the movement issues it is, aside from that they've updated: Graphics Smoothness Hitboxes Registry Interp Which is all fucking cool shit. The only need to fix the scoreboard, and the movement issues and the whole thing will be a huge improvement on CS:S. From a Reg CS:S standpoint. They also have grenades coming out of your body at a different direction, which probably will be weird to get used to, but they do same damage and bounce the same way so probably will just take a little adjusting. 1 Link to comment
`Pepper. Posted May 14, 2010 Content Count: 513 Joined: 12/06/09 Status: Offline Share Posted May 14, 2010 (edited) CS 1.0 came out in 2000. CS Source isn't CS 2.0. MW2 is a great game, it's a good shooter, it's not my style, doesn't mean it isn't a great game with awesome graphics. CSS was never realistic. Don't even get started. The most realistic thing about CS:S is the gun looks. Guns in real life being used by actual Marines/Rangers will not have much recoil cause they can control their spread by holding the weapon correctly. As for your comment on the reticule in CS:S, it's actually pretty accurate, then again you're bad as CS:S so I don't expect you to know that. Its only accurate for the first few shots. What aboot getting shot only a few times and not having health regenerate... What I was saying is that it is slightly realistic, but not to realistic. Rangers don't hold the trigger down though, It is hard to spray with a whole clip, and be as accurate as they are. And BTW 1.0 came out in 1999 as a mod, and source isn't 2.0, but it is still a new counterstrike. ;) You sound like you're pulling this shit out of your ass. Dude, sure, why don't we send all our men head-first into battle and take HUGE, HUGE casualities while we leave our air planes idle. And they're not bad, it's called strategy. You take casuality, you lose. You deal casuality, you win. Learn the facts. And, in CS:S, you are dealing with terrorist organization and counter-terrorist organizations, not with a fully equipped millitary. Jeez. Someone is raaaaaaging. It's a game. Hardly any recoil? Ever fired the SCAR-H or F2000 in MW2? When you do, I beg you to come back and complain about "hardly any recoil". Made me lol, I am not upset, unless you see that caps locks is turned on. I'm sorry that your baby muscles can't handle a gun. It's a game, it's as realistic as possible. It's better than CS:S when you aim at the ground and get a headshot. If the bomb situation was real in CS:S, I doubt they'd send a few people and go "o durn al 5 ground ppl r ded we nut gona send backup or nything else k guys LHLULULUL" Go play ARMA2 if you want a realism, these are FPS games. I'd take "LOL DEYS GUYS WUDNT GET AIR SUPPORT EVERY 15 SECONDS" over "LOL I AIMED AT THE SKY AND SHOT A GUY IN THE FACE 10000000 MILLION FEET AWAY, TO THE SIDE, BEHIND A BRICK HOUSE" I hunt, so obviously I can handle a gun. In fact, I am running a half marathon, or full marathon next year, I would have done it this year, but I missed it I had more important things to do. Please don't try to insult my physical fitness when you obviously don't know me. Edited May 14, 2010 by `Pepper. Link to comment
kabLe Posted May 14, 2010 Content Count: 2206 Joined: 08/30/09 Status: Offline Share Posted May 14, 2010 Its only accurate for the first few shots. What aboot getting shot only a few times and not having health regenerate... What I was saying is that it is slightly realistic, but not to realistic. Rangers don't hold the trigger down though, It is hard to spray with a whole clip, and be as accurate as they are. And BTW 1.0 came out in 1999 as a mod, and source isn't 2.0, but it is still a new counterstrike. ;) Made me lol, I am not upset, unless you see that caps locks is turned on. I hunt, so obviously I can handle a gun. In fact, I am running a half marathon, or full marathon next year, I would have done it this year, but I missed it I had more important things to do. Please don't try to insult my physical fitness when you obviously don't know me. Dude, its an update thats going to better the game. It will taking adjusting as Xeno said but chill out. And I'm pretty positive he said that CS:S isn't CS 2.0 so your statement makes no sense. CS:S is however a sequel to CS:CZ Link to comment
b0red Posted May 14, 2010 Content Count: 4360 Joined: 04/25/09 Status: Offline Share Posted May 14, 2010 Once movement is fixed everything will be A-OK. Motion blur is still badass and I get more fps than normal. Link to comment
kabLe Posted May 14, 2010 Content Count: 2206 Joined: 08/30/09 Status: Offline Share Posted May 14, 2010 whats motion blur? I wasn't able to dl the beta so I'm just listening to the feedback. Link to comment
Repus Posted May 14, 2010 Content Count: 1802 Joined: 04/05/08 Status: Offline Share Posted May 14, 2010 whats motion blur? I wasn't able to dl the beta so I'm just listening to the feedback. Its this effect that comes when you go to warp drive, to give you feeling in yo..... Link to comment
P3rg3 Posted May 14, 2010 Content Count: 1484 Joined: 06/18/08 Status: Offline Share Posted May 14, 2010 If they allow achievements to be turned off and get rid of the weird scoreboard this might actually be a good update. Link to comment
James Posted May 14, 2010 Content Count: 2645 Joined: 06/05/07 Status: Offline Share Posted May 14, 2010 Why are you complaining so much.. IT'S A BETA. It isn't guaranteed to be PERFECT. From a few hours of gameplay, I can see it has improved a lot of things, such as an option to support multi core processors, a feature similar to that of TF2, which will obviously take full advantage of modern processors. The new engine also makes the game look a lot better. As for netplay, what Xeno said basically about hitboxes and reg, I can actually shoot someone in the head now and it counts as a registered hit. I think it's good that they dusted off CS:S a bit by throwing in achievements and the random statistics, makes the game a lot more fun to play in my opinion!! Link to comment
`Pepper. Posted May 14, 2010 Content Count: 513 Joined: 12/06/09 Status: Offline Share Posted May 14, 2010 (edited) Game is cheap and years old, I don't blame them for trying to get everthing out. Would you rather buy new counter strike ever year? Dude, its an update thats going to better the game. It will taking adjusting as Xeno said but chill out. And I'm pretty positive he said that CS:S isn't CS 2.0 so your statement makes no sense. CS:S is however a sequel to CS:CZ And BTW 1.0 came out in 1999 as a mod, and source isn't 2.0, but it is still a new counterstrike. ;) Made me lol, I am not upset, unless you see that caps locks is turned on. Match the colors Everything that I needed to say has already been said. I dont like motion blur, makes it feel odd. Edited May 15, 2010 by `Pepper. Link to comment
Cypher Posted May 15, 2010 Content Count: 275 Joined: 03/06/10 Status: Offline Share Posted May 15, 2010 I'm fashionably late again, judging from the photos, the graphics look the same, but i didn't hear about the beta in time, so i can't really tell. Link to comment
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