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is there some rage thread I should have read before reading this..


Because i have no idea what the fucks going on...


I think he activated sad mode because of his complaint.

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Alright. I'm one who is tired of your antics.


I personally don't believe that you're a "Troll", I do however believe that you're an idiot. I'm not trying to be rude, mean, or anything that goes against the new rule, I'm just saying what I believe.


From the moment that I saw your first few posts, i could tell that that you were an idiot. Your posts fall under two catagories

  1. Useless (One word, having nothing to do with the thread)
  2. Rude


It seems that you go out of your way too try and make people irate. I gave you a warning (You know that thing on the forums, that really means nothing at all? Yeah that kind of warning) You felt it was a big deal, and decided to make a rude, useless thread, saying that I told you too. (Again, Thanks go to LVG for dealing with that promptly)


So, seeing from your first post You don't really care to change. So I can only give you suggestions, And that would be as follows:

Stop trying to deliberately piss people off, and you won't get complaints.




*If a BD/AO feels that this post is against the new rule, please feel free to edit/delete this post as needed.

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Alright. I'm one who is tired of your antics.


I personally don't believe that you're a "Troll", I do however believe that you're an idiot. I'm not trying to be rude, mean, or anything that goes against the new rule, I'm just saying what I believe.


From the moment that I saw your first few posts, i could tell that that you were an idiot. Your posts fall under two catagories

  1. Useless (One word, having nothing to do with the thread)
  2. Rude


It seems that you go out of your way too try and make people irate. I gave you a warning (You know that thing on the forums, that really means nothing at all? Yeah that kind of warning) You felt it was a big deal, and decided to make a rude, useless thread, saying that I told you too. (Again, Thanks go to LVG for dealing with that promptly)


So, seeing from your first post You don't really care to change. So I can only give you suggestions, And that would be as follows:

Stop trying to deliberately piss people off, and you won't get complaints.




*If a BD/AO feels that this post is against the new rule, please feel free to edit/delete this post as needed.




That's the reason I made the complaint in the first place, and it seems that many admins feel the same way.

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I'm not trying to be rude, mean, or anything that goes against the new rule, I'm just saying what I believe.





*If a BD/AO feels that this post is against the new rule, please feel free to edit/delete this post as needed.


That is against the rules.



If they feel it is against the rules, so be it.


Thanks, by the way Artimus, for the above post.

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