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What you believe is what you believe

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Hello, to the people who do not like my actions read the title.


This is a discussion as to why you think that how you act is the only proper way.


I need to elaborate, but w/e I will do that in a minute



You people use the term troll often, but someone who posts what they think is not a troll, it is someone that speaks their mind.


If I don't agree with what you think about someones video, just because they have a chicken wing leg, not a troll. If I don't think that a human life is something to cry over, not a troll.



And yes, I do often lol


An "Internet troll" or "Forum Troll" or "Message Board Troll" is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Forum Troll delights in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. Flaming discussions usually end with name calling and a flame war.


Just saying, if you got nothing good to say, dont say it at all.

A example is the dude with no arms or leg.

The thread was made for 1 thing only.




If it did not inspire you, just state it didn't and go.


Also, trolls make "posts" that get others mad or butthurt.

In anycase, your chicken wing leg comment did effect me with butthurt.

I have a friend who lost both legs and in a way its close to home.


The other one is the one mikey made.


Some people might think it is real and can understand the pain and suffering.


But hey, you didnt start the flame war.

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I do however believe that you're an idiot.


I agree. BTW, there's nothing against calling an idiot what they are. We aren't personally attacking you, we are saying what you have brought upon yourself.


I am just telling you people how the world normally works, ie what people believe is what they believe.


I had no idea who you were until this thread, but I agree with Hank now mainly because of that line. You make the bed you lie in.

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Lol I really don't care though.


Oh yah you are a fag, I am not personally attacking you, we are saying what you have brought upon yourself.


Why yes I am a cigarette.

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Lol I really don't care though.


Oh yah you are a fag, I am not personally attacking you, we are saying what you have brought upon yourself.


Why are you saying "we"? No one else thinks he's a fag.

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Lol I really don't care though.


Oh yah you are a fag, I am not personally attacking you, we are saying what you have brought upon yourself.



You just did what we are trying to prove.

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Why are you saying "we"? No one else thinks he's a fag.


oops I copied and pasted, a mistake.



You just did what we are trying to prove.


Lol I guess...

Edited by `Pepper.
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