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I do, though, have a question. Why are you making this thread instead of PM'ing any HIGHER than CAs instead? I am sure that your concerns would've been taken into consideration.


We all know making a thread in Off-Topic speeds the process up quicker.


See: Bubblez.

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aha nice editing skills?


also u opened a chat with me twice i do belive so maybe the first 1 hinted i wasnt ready to take questions with my no replys and closing of pms


both of which minimized my games


Why are you a CA again?

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How is it fair that 2 votes can drop 3 people from the SG-A program?


Where are all the other CA's? If they can't do their job they need to be demoted. Simple as that.

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When i'm ingame, i'm CERTAINLY not in the mood to answer questions.


Even as a SA I drop out of my game anytime to help people who ask as much as I can, if you dont want to be bothered then turn off all comms that will hinder your focus.

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When i'm ingame, i'm CERTAINLY not in the mood to answer questions.




I myself am going to start banning people for being pricks to other people. The Higher management team will follow suit.
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How is it fair that 2 votes can drop 3 people from the SG-A program?


Where are all the other CA's? If they can't do their job they need to be demoted. Simple as that.


it isn't 2 votes when these people were removed the majority of the ca's 5+ voted to remove them

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