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How often do you pm a BD and they help you even though they're on? That's why I think your question was dumb, cause not even most of the higher ups don't bother to help when they're busy.


When I have asked for things, they sure as hell didn't tell me to fuck off when they couldn't help. I was either told to wait a bit or ask so and so for help. This was way back when though, probably mid-late 2009 at the latest.

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When I have asked for things, they sure as hell didn't tell me to fuck off when they couldn't help. I was either told to wait a bit or ask so and so for help. This was way back when though, probably mid-late 2009 at the latest.

Rusty saying fuck off and a higher up saying 'ask so and so' achieves the same thing to both. You stop talking to them.

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How often do you pm a BD and they help you even though they're on? That's why I think your question was dumb, cause not even most of the higher ups don't bother to help when they're busy.


How the ranks work its very rare I would need to PM a BD to begin with, if I did I usually get a reply from the BD's I do pm within a day which is fine.


Personally I think that's the problem with this place, we don't feel like helping anybody and then we act like we're tough shit. If we want to better this place then start caring so we don't have stupid arguments like this on a monthly to weekly basis. I love how this place can be at times when its at its prime, which is funny since I am one of the quiet people when it comes to getting involved. I think we should all care alittle bit more since most of us wont be around here forever, the new guys coming up need something to look as a way of handling things.


This "I dont care" garbage that everyone has been going though is not the way to do that, like I said if your ways are off that much step aside and let others take care of business.

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Rusty saying fuck off and a higher up saying 'ask so and so' achieves the same thing to both. You stop talking to them.


No, one response is helpful. The other is immature and lazy. One responses pisses off the person while the other actually helps them (shocking for someone to do apparently), so they really don't achieve the same thing.

Edited by Italian Jew
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Rusty saying fuck off and a higher up saying 'ask so and so' achieves the same thing to both. You stop talking to them.


Although in scenario A, the higher up gives you an impression that they're a complete asshole, rather than the latter, where they politely say "Sorry, I'm busy, ask someone else please".

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How the ranks work its very rare I would need to PM a BD to begin with, if I did I usually get a reply from the BD's I do pm within a day which is fine.


Personally I think that's the problem with this place, we don't feel like helping anybody and then we act like we're tough shit. If we want to better this place then start caring so we don't have stupid arguments like this on a monthly to weekly basis. I love how this place can be at times when its at its prime, which is funny since I am one of the quiet people when it comes to getting involved. I think we should all care alittle bit more since most of us wont be around here forever, the new guys coming up need something to look as a way of handling things.


This "I dont care" garbage that everyone has been going though is not the way to do that, like I said if your ways are off that much step aside and let others take care of business.

So basically, you're taking two words from a CA not involved in any way with the decisions (Rusty is not active in CA section as much as most) and taking away from that, that the community has a problem with not helping people.


That's cool.

Although in scenario A, the higher up gives you an impression that they're a complete asshole, rather than the latter, where they politely say "Sorry, I'm busy, ask someone else please".

Rusty is a CA, hardly a higher up. We have the same abilities as SA's, the only thing we have more than most SA's is our own forum, talk with the higher ups, and decide on apprentices. It's not like just cause we get promoted we suddenly have a higher tolerance level for annoying bullshit.

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So basically, you're taking two words from a CA not involved in any way with the decisions (Rusty is not active in CA section as much as most) and taking away from that, that the community has a problem with not helping people.


That's cool.



Nah its not just 2 CA's bro, and it isnt just the CA's. Im talking about everyone who doesnt give a shit, but only get into shit when it somehow effects them or their interest. Either care or dont care, dont beat around the bush and only care some of the time then say fuck off to everything else.

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It's not like just cause we get promoted we suddenly have a higher tolerance level for annoying bullshit.


If you took a step back and actually think about what you and Rusty have been saying, you might develop a higher tolerance.


Think of it as training.

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Zaraki was removed for inactivity because telling him he's an annoying disrespectful antagonist seemed a bit harsh.


Yet that's exactly what you guys told him Xeno, well not quite, but it was never implied nor said that he was removed for inactivity, in fact you guys (CAs) were pretty rude with your reasons.


Anyway the main point is 3 Admin Apprentices were removed due to inactivity. Me, Jmd, and Zaraki. For being inactive. Anyway this is the message we received and I would like to appeal this decision b/c I talked to with some Ca's and some of them didn't vote at all or weren't at the meeting or didn't even hear this mentioned. Plus when I tried talking to a couple when they had locked themselves in their Private rooms I got this response.


Dear Harpr33t,


The Adviser Staff has decided to remove you from the apprenticeship program. The majority of the CA's at the meeting felt you are inactive, including ones that play TTT , and we are cleaning house on all SG-A's.


After 3 months you may apply for apprenticeship again, and we look forward to your next application.




The Adviser Staff



-I am asking if we can implement the old Apprentice Program and Us three be allowed back in. Also I would like it if personal animosity doesn't affect decisions and that Ca's should go into meetings saying I've never seen this guy around - Removed.


I can't really speak for Harpreet or JMD because truthfully I have only seen Harpreet on a few times, and I have not seen JMD on in months. Also Hapreet you probably should have contacted the other two people demoted rather than just assume that you were all gone for the same reason.


Also if the old system were to be brought back, what would you guys be brought back into....because clearly the CAs have decided that they don't want you to have admin (or that you're not ready/they don't trust you yet), and the old admin system had no SA-As, so you'd pretty much just be a HON like you are now....


Also one of the CAs responsibilities are to be in charge of the SA-A program. In short stop bitching and moaning because one of them wants to contact you, because when they have questions or concerns about this stuff you guys should be the ones that people come to (not really addressing all the CAs, just the ones being bitchy).

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I'm not going to turn into the sort person that blocks all sort of outside chat, i have no problems talking to people when they need help. What does bug me is that people message me when i'm game, i'm not going to be inclined to help them. Especially if they bother me in the next 20 minutes, i would get pissed if i get tabbed and get ganked in a game of LoL.


I'm sorry but LOL WAT. This is the same shit my dad pulls with assuming everyone is a god damn mind reader. Either indicate in your comment that you're ingame or preferably disable P.Chats whilst you're ingame. How the fuck is someone supposed to know you're playing a game unless you TELL them? If you tell them you're ingame and they still harass you, then do something about it.


As an AO, I fully admit that I set a terrible example; but it's been said since day 1 that we should set an example to the community. Yet most of the higher ups are the first to start disrespecting an individual. When you tell an individual asking a legit question to "fuck off", you're basically just a douche. There's very few who I can say never participated in making fun of another user, or just being a "bully" for no reason. The hypocrisy here is amazing, really. How many threads have we seen saying to respect individuals, and how action will now be taken? Rarely does anyone ever get punished for these it, yet it's continually brought up.


Demoting an SA-A who is active ingame and does their job is pretty cool though, keep at it. :thumb: Kind of funny since I rarely see most of the current CA's ingame. Though they're active on forums and vents, but there's more to the community than that.


How is it fair that 2 votes can drop 3 people from the SG-A program?


Where are all the other CA's? If they can't do their job they need to be demoted. Simple as that.


I tried that with inactive AO's when I was an AO. At least bringing it up to the higher ups, nothing really got done about it except a simple warning. Obviously people have lives, but when you do almost nothing, you should be demoted so someone who can do the work will actually -do- it.

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