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Oh my gosh, what a steal.

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They say Crystal Meth is pretty bad for you, are you gonna try that out for yourself too?


If im in the same situation where im lacking money I might go for something cheaper!


I didnt really loose money cause I needed a psu for my dell computer ayway so I just put it in there and it does the job just fine!!

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No, if you can't afford a good power supply you cant afford anything to begin with. This is like insulin and car brakes, you don't half-ass it or try to "save money" on it. Either you can buy it, or you can't buy anything.


A power supply handles enough volts at high enough amperes to kill several grown adults at once, especially since you will almost always be taking the shock right across your heart. There are a great many ways it can go bad and kill you, destroy your computer, or your whole apartment, and none of them are even unlikely since they're all very common electrical faults.


I'm not being an elitist prick, or an alarmist fearmonger. I've already nearly been killed several times, burned even more, and had to stop an electrical fire from off-brand power supplies. There's a reason I still refuse to work on dells older than the last few years, the little shits didn't follow the ATX standards when they wired the motherboards and power supplies and you can kill yourself trying to do something that would ordinarily be a GOOD habit.

Edited by Shadowex3
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No, if you can't afford a good power supply you cant afford anything to begin with. This is like insulin and car brakes, you don't half-ass it or try to "save money" on it. Either you can buy it, or you can't buy anything.


A power supply handles enough volts at high enough amperes to kill several grown adults at once, especially since you will almost always be taking the shock right across your heart. There are a great many ways it can go bad and kill you, destroy your computer, or your whole apartment, and none of them are even unlikely since they're all very common electrical faults.


I'm not being an elitist prick, or an alarmist fearmonger. I've already nearly been killed several times, burned even more, and had to stop an electrical fire from off-brand power supplies. There's a reason I still refuse to work on dells older than the last few years, the little shits didn't follow the ATX standards when they wired the motherboards and power supplies and you can kill yourself trying to do something that would ordinarily be a GOOD habit.


I understand that but lets be honest here OCZ does have a name its not like some of these other brands out there with 30 dollar 700 watts PSUs... in fact I looked it up on jonnyguru knowing thats what you would have said and for that particular model had had ok things to say... not the best but not the worst! Im not arguing with you, I totally agree Im just making a point that it was not such a bad idea originally and though the PSU was decent it was not nearly the quality of a corsair and the extra 60 bucks were well worth it!


I wasnt going crazy here


that was the one btw: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817341016&cm_re=OCZ_psu-_-17-341-016-_-Product

Edited by trakaill
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