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SteamGamers Zombie Escape Trailer

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yea. i dont fraps. Im using we game. i think that gives good enough quality and without lagg and all that.


And my next video will be an PB. But i need some advice. Im not sure what to make so leav a comment on what you want the video should be all about. if you want acting and all that ;)


Just film amber.

PB in a nutshell.

I might give something like this a try, seems like a lot of fun.

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  • Content Count:  763
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if u gonna make a vid bout pb i'd make it like u put on some stuff u need to play pb well ....




- ct decides not to shoot a t & get's killed by that t -



- t shoots a gun from a crowd & then throws it in the hands of another t ... the t that got planted receives a hs -



- 1 t distracts a ct while another stabs him in the back -


- a ct with an awp who wants to kill 1 guy but also hits the guy behind him ^^ -



- a sudden rush of alot of t's -



- some kid blowing up alot of t's with the bomb -



- failbomb / failrush / failaim / fail-use-of-the-divingboard -



- just a random nub/freekiller getting banned for the lulz -



- use of vents/teleports to kill enemys -



- well simply some kid raging-



- like an order to make a piramid or somehting-



- rushing 5 ct's on ur own & getting some kills before u die -


edit: Epic film ya got there :clap::jaw:

Edited by Exacto-Be
forgot to say...
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