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TBH, and this is by no means a method of trolling, maturity is not posting your issues on a video gaming community site. Maturity is more along the lines of finding much more helpful ways of getting the answers to these problems. Like a psychiatrist or talking to a friend, someone who actually knows the situation or whom the situation could actually be explained to.


Perhaps it means that he trusted the community enough that he thought he could get some real advice.

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I only skimmed this thread since... Well since I need to take my kitten to the hospital and I'm fairly distracted.


Posting about problems in an open forum is generally a bad idea, especially on SG. I've formed bonds with a few people online and I'm comfortable discussing problems I have with them in private. It's generally easier to do this online given the anonymity.


In either case, I have about 10 complaints sitting in my e-mail inbox from this thread alone. So I'm locking it. Be nice or I'll nuke the OTF.

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