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You don't know shit dude and my one parent is asian so STFU if you don't know anything even if I do have some shit doesn't mean my life is good



LOL My family went bankrupt in Taiwan, so we moved to the US to live with relatives. My parents are divorced, and I live to my aunt and my dad. My dad makes around 10k an year. I can go to college because of scholarships that I earned. Can you quit your bitching now?


EDIT: grammar for potshot

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Look guys I am not suicidal or anything I just fucking and tired of shit happening in my life ever since I was little and hate pretending everything is alright :|


Think of where you're posting, our motto "SG:we know drama." At the end of the day, all we know of you is from an online game and there isn't much we can actively do to help your problem. Yah, we can listen and be buddy buddy, but that wont change your problem at home. Chances are it'd just annoy most people who would rather not listen to a teenager bitch about something mundane. So as much as you probably want to rant, get it off your chest this wouldn't be the proper place to do so and receive legit advice(unless you have a vagina.) You're going to have people pointing out how you don't have it so bad, and how you should get over it, blah blah. You'll argue they don't know your life, you'll want to rage quit the community.


If you do need someone to talk to, this is the last place I'd ever come for advice. Yes, there's members here who will help you or talk with you, but on the forums you'll mostly be met with condescending replies. Despite my trolling and bitchyness, if you ever do want someone to rant to just PM me. I can turn off the trolling and constant need for a witty reply at times.

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Where is Legalsmash when you need him?


I'm going to put this as nicely as I can: Get the fuck over it.


Edit: You're 15, time to drop the huggies and put on the big boy pants and take care of your business.

Edited by idealist
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Where is Legalsmash when you need him?


I'm going to put this as nicely as I can: Get the fuck over it.


Edit: You're 15, time to drop the huggies and put on the big boy pants and take care of your business.


Alright I am 15 and never once in my life did I rant until now, I took the bullshit and didn't say one thing about I am not crying over it and what do you expect me to do when I have no options or anyone to talk to in my family.

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I fucking hate my life so much yelling and shit ever since I was little, I can't take it anymore should I get adopted?


Yeah that's a horrible life talking about how there is "yelling and shit", be quiet man. This happens to many people, your case is not big of a deal. Also, why would you post this on the Off Topic? You think anyone would care for your bullshit? Get over it, like Insomnia said, grow up you stupid twat.

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if my kid were a queer animetard who never got his face off a tv/computer screen, i'd yell at him too.


be happy he's not fucking you in the butt too.


lol damn, shit just got real

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Suck it up, I'm sure your parents aren't that bad. People always moan about how they hate their parents but they don't realise how great they actually are and they don't respect them the way they should.


Remember that you don't know what you've got till it's gone.

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