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No Blocking on Escape

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The objective of Zombie Escape is to escape from the zombies and win by nuking them. But on some maps you cannot run away or when its time to defend there will be sorry for my expression ( IDIOT ) that will block to get you mad. I was playing on the


i was going to go on the chopper but as soon as i jump he blocks the entrance of the chopper making me fall to my death.

anyways i think most people want blocking off since there is people who do not know how to play counter strike source properly and mature

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If a player is blocking you on purpose, record a demo and submit it in a complaint on the forums. Be sure to include a screenshot of their steamid in console, and their name. If you can't do that, message an admin on the forums or in your friends list to take care of the situation.

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If a player is blocking you on purpose, record a demo and submit it in a complaint on the forums. Be sure to include a screenshot of their steamid in console, and their name. If you can't do that, message an admin on the forums or in your friends list to take care of the situation.



Thanks Artimus i know i have to record a demo and thats what ill do next time

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Block filters out the noobs.


The people who mainly complain about it are the people who never got to play escape when there was no noblock. Instead they would rather hold W and run.


But keep in mind that the chopper can only hold a decent amount of people, and just because someone isn't moving doesn't mean they're blocking you on purpose, someone might be blocking them as well. It's like a chain reaction.


Someone slows down, someone gets stuck behind them, and other people crowd behind them. This can only happen so much before it fills the chopper.

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