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Insomnium(Melodic Death Metal)

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Thought that people knew about them. They aren't really that under-rated.


Well they aren't exactly popular, and I don't have friends that listen to much Melodic Death Metal so I have to find my music on my own which isn't easy, especially considering if the music is any good. Finding good music is like finding a time on PB when there aren't whiners.

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I'm actually thinking of doing a bass cover of one of their songs, but if I do, I will probably try to do a vocal cover too. But I'm not sure if I can do his growls, haven't exactly tried.


Only problem is I have only a mic and no video recorder and I can't do both in one. cause the mic is a vocal mic so I probably wouldn't be able to get both my voice and the bass on the same recording

Edited by zoidberg
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I'm actually thinking of doing a bass cover of one of their songs, but if I do, I will probably try to do a vocal cover too. But I'm not sure if I can do his growls, haven't exactly tried.


Only problem is I have only a mic and no video recorder and I can't do both in one. cause the mic is a vocal mic so I probably wouldn't be able to get both my voice and the bass on the same recording


well do you have an amp that isnt a 15 watt practice amp? exactly what kind of mic do you have? the singer for my band uses a Shure SM57 for vocals yet its also a very popular instrument mic. not expensive either as far as microphones go.


you could play the song on your computer speakers and put your amp kind of far away from the sound, then mic it, so the mic would get your bass and little or none of the music. or you could download something called the Weird Metronome. really helpful tool and you and sort of map out different beats in it too. like you put a 1 for wood block, 2 for bass drum, 3 for snare etc and you type out the pattern you want like 1020201020203020 (the 0s count as rests)


sorry i get excited about recording. hope we can hear this bass and vocals cover if you get around to doing it. what kind of bass do you have?

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