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Everyone online now knows where you live!

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...if you use WiFi.


Are you using WiFi right now?

At your place of residence, do you have WiFi enabled?

If you answered yes to either of these, congratulations! We all have a 99.99% chance of knowing your exact GPS coords!


Get Opera 10.60, and go to: http://www.opera.com/portal/geo/ or http://html5demos.com/geo

It also works on Firefox, though it is designed for Opera.


Anyways, yeah..... it's some company named Skyhook that partnered with Google. You know, Google Street-view.. how they go by in those cars and take pictures of your house from the road? Yeah, those people. Anyways, Skyhook has been doing this shit for YEARS. They don't just do it once, they do it again and again. I moved a few months ago and they already updated my router SSID's corresponding location.

So yeah, long before streetview you have this company called Skyhook that sends cars with GPSes and WiFi sniffers. All they do is map the location of ESSIDs/MAC addresses. Then they sell this to device makers and software companies so that they can have some kind of "WiFi GPS". (Skyhook, more like Skynet, amirite)


I am really tired right now, but I just wanted to throw that out there.


Thank all deities that we live in a country where if major companies log all your information (even private sometimes), they can get away with it!


Call me a tin-foil-hat all you want, I am sure NO ONE wants this information logged about themselves.

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Okay, geolocation isn't because you use WiFi. It's because you have a computer and internet. Read about it before you try to scare everyone about it. All you have to do is hit "Don't Allow". Problem solved. -_-

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All you have to do is hit "Don't Allow". Problem solved. -_-

Because malware could't POSSIBLY query the database of all the addresses without your consent, could it? NAHHHHHHH!

I know about this shit, stop implying I don't.


I am not fear-mongering, I am just stating that people should be concerned.

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It doesn't seem these are very accurate. They discovered what city I live in. Which is all they really need to do for the features they want to implement. The 99.99% chance of knowing the exact GPS coordinates seems overblown since both me and SgtJoo haven't been exactly marked.


It's 1AM, I'm too tired to think of a damaging way malware could use the city I'm in.

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It usually pinpoints your ISP location, I remember when you could type someones name in google map and it would take u to their street address. lol

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