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Hii. I am trying to unrestrict weapons in my hosties.cfg file but its not working..? I Dont know why. It should. I Couldnt upload it so this is what i have..............





// For the unrestricted weapons, you can do this

// #weapontype

// Weapon types are

// pistols,shotguns,smgs,rifles,snipers,machineguns,grenades

// You can declude an item from a catagory too so you could do

// hosties_unrestricted_ct_weapons m249,#rifles!m4a1

// That would unrestrict the m249, all rifles, minus the m4a1

// You can unrestrict multiple weapons, too

// hosties_unrestricted_ct_weapons m249,#rifles!m4a1&ak47,p228

// That would unrestrict the m249, p228, all rifles minus m4a1, and ak47

// Other items that can be unrestricted are

// smokegrenade,flashbang,hegrenade,knife,vesthelm,vest,nvgs,c4


// Unrestricted CT weapons

hosties_unrestricted_ct_weapons m4a1,usp,deagle,famas,aug,tmp,knife,vesthelm,vest,nvgs,smokegrenade,flashbang,hegrenade


// Unrestricted T weapons, ones that they can pick up. Not buy

hosties_unrestricted_t_weapons m4a1,deagle,famas,aug,tmp,knife,vesthelm,vest,nvgs,smokegrenade,flashbang,hegrenade


// Weapons given to t's on start

hosties_t_start_weapons knife


// Weapons given to ct's on start



// Whether or not T's can kill CT's for jumping on their heads

hosties_allow_to_kill_for_jumping_on_head 1


// Whether or not to strip players weapons on round end

hosties_strip_weapons_on_round_end 1


// Add all hosties rules/descriptions of how to play here!

hosties_rule CTs can only kill rebelling Ts

hosties_rule CTs must give Ts a warning before killing

hosties_rule CTs can't give Ts guns and then kill them (gunplanting)

hosties_rule Ts can kill CTs for jumping on their heads

hosties_rule When there's only 2 Ts left, Ts can have a LR

hosties_rule Ts can type !lr to get their last request

hosties_rule CTs cannot hurt Ts without warning

hosties_rule CTs can't ask Ts to do something that will kill them


// Announce when a CT hurts a T, valid options are tell = just tell the hurt player, msg = tell the whole server, 0 = tell no one

hosties_announce_ct_hurt_t 0


// Whether or not to show the rules menu to a player when he/she joins

hosties_show_rules_on_join 1


// Whether or not to end the round at 0:00 since some maps don't do it automatically

hosties_end_round_at_round_end_time 1


// After how many rounds the teams are swapped, 0 is disabled

hosties_round_swap_teams 0


// Commands which players can use

hosties_commands !lr,!rules,!checkplayers,!commands,!hosties,!control,!checkguns,!wspoint,!setpoints,!teamtime,!hostiesadmin


// Enable/Disable noblock. Noblock will be turned off for last request

hosties_enable_noblock 1


// The server's menu language

hosties_menu_lang en


// Whether or not it will be announced when someone gets attacked with a gun

hosties_announce_attacked_with_gun 1


// The T to CT ratio

// 0 is disabled

// 2:1 means that for every CT, there has to be at least 2 Ts

// Players will always be able to join the terrorist team, regardless of ratio

// If there is less than 3 players on the server, anyone may join any team

hosties_t_to_ct_ratio 2:1


// Make it so players can only use auto assign

// Note: If a player selects T, CT, or Auto Assign, it will automatically assign them a team

// They will still be allowed to choose terrorist and counter-terrorist, but the script will actually assign the team

hosties_auto_assign_only 0


// How long people will be noblocked at round start

// 0 is disabled

hosties_noblock_on_round_start 0


// Enable admin commands

hosties_admin_commands !hostiesadmin,!banteam,!makerebel,!stoplr


// Mute dead people

// If you have SM, it will only mute their mic

// If you have mani, it will mute their mic, and text

// If you do not have, or do not want to use either of those, you may also download NativeTools

// Native Tools -- http://forums.eventscripts.com/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=32582

// To remove mute spam, have the following in server.cfg:

// Mani - mani_mute_con_command_spam 1

// SourceMod - sm_show_activity 0

hosties_mute_dead 1


// People who are immune to mute

// The list of steamids must be in quotes! (Not individual steamids)

hosties_mute_immune "STEAM_0:0:00000000,STEAM_0:1:1111111"


// Mute Ts on round start for seconds

// Note: does NOT mute dead people!

// Scroll up to hosties_mute_dead for that feature

hosties_mute_on_round_start 15


// Admins that may use the !hostiesadmin and other admin commands

// Split steamids with a comma

// If you want all mani admins to have admin rights, add mani_admins to there

// Any user with hosties_admin auth can use this

// The list of steamids must be in quotes! (Not individual steamids)

hosties_admins "STEAM_0:0:11089864"





// The punishment for killing too many innocent hosties per round

// Options are

// stripweapons (Will strip a players weapons, them give them an unloaded deagle)

// takehp

// slay

// kick

// maket

// ban

// The format of the command is hosties_addpunishment

hosties_addpunishment 2 takehp15

hosties_addpunishment 5 stripweapons

hosties_addpunishment 10 maket5


// How many innocent T's a player can kill before punished (in 1.5 seconds, like a CT lines up T\'s then kills them, same options as too many non rebel killed

hosties_max_innocent_kills_per_3_seconds 3


// Punishement, same as too many non rebels killed

hosties_too_high_kps_punishment stripweapons






// Enable/Disable the rebel system

hosties_enable_rebel_system 1


// Whether or not to announce when a rebel is killed

hosties_announce_rebel_killed 1


// Whether or not to announce when a player is rebelling

hosties_announce_turn_into_rebel 1


// The RBG color that rebels are turned into, 255,255,255,255 is default

hosties_rebel_color 255,0,0,255


// Whether or not T's become rebel when they hurt a CT

// If it's 0, they'll become rebels when they kill a CT while not on LR

hosties_rebel_on_hurt 0



//-----Custom Mods-----//



// Load custom mods here

// Mods can be loaded and unloaded any time during game by typing in server console

// hosties_loadmod

// hosties_unloadmod

// hosties_reloadmod

hosties_loadmod control

hosties_loadmod gunplant


// hosties_loadmod voteteamban


// How long a T has to obey a command given via menu by a controller

hosties_control_command_time 5


// The color of the controller

hosties_controller_color 255,128,0,255


// The color a player will turn when they complete a simon says task

hosties_simon_says_completed_color 255,0,255,255


// Whether or not to have simon says option on the control menu

hosties_control_allow_simon 1


// Whether or not to allow last reaction/first reaction

hosties_control_allow_lastreaction 1


// The minimum votes neede to teamban a person

hosties_voteteamban_minimum_votes 3


// The time (in minutes) the player will be banned rom the CT team

hosties_voteteamban_ban_time 60


// For every players on the server, the total votes needd is * hosties_voteteamban_vote_ratio

// IE, if the ratio is 0.5 and there is 20 players on the server, it will require 10 votes to teamban the player.

hosties_voteteamban_vote_ratio 0.5


// The file path (after ./cstrike/) in which hosties will find every steamid, and add them to the list of players that can't be voteteambanned

// If you want to disable this, have it as 0

// You can have any file that has steamids in it, after ./cstrike/

// For example, cfg/mani_admin_plugin/clients.txt will find all steamids in clients.txt and make them voteteamban immune

hosties_voteteamban_immune_file addons/eventscripts/hosties/data/immune.txt


// Whether or not to show a hudhint to Ts when they pick up a weapon, who the last CT owner was

hosties_gunplant_show_last_owner 1



//-----Last Requests-----//



// Load last requests here

// Last requests can be unloaded with hosties_unload and reloaded with hosties_reload

// By default, not all last requests are loaded

// To load included last requests, take away the two slashes before the hosties_load line


hosties_load shotforshot

hosties_load race

hosties_load chickenfight

hosties_load westernshootout

hosties_load knifefight

hosties_load guntoss

hosties_load russianroulette


hosties_load noscope

hosties_load hotpotatoe

hosties_load jumpcomp

hosties_load dodgeball

hosties_load redlightgreenlight


// Whether or not to make T's red and Ct's blue during lr

hosties_change_lr_colors 1


// Whether or not a CT has to accept an LR with a rebel. If the T isn't a rebel, the accept LR menu won't be shown

hosties_make_ct_accept_lr_with_rebel 1


// Whether or not to beacon on last request

hosties_beacon_on_lr 1


// Whether or not to teleport the T and the CT during Last request to a designated map area after three seconds after initiation.

// If 1, and it's either gun toss, or s4s and there's a map point designated, they will be teled there

hosties_teleport_to_designated_areas_for_lr 1


// The minimum amount of Terrorists (dead or alive) required for lr

hosties_lr_required_ts 0


// The maximum amount of LRs that can be started at the same time

hosties_max_lrs 2


// The max amount of alive T's for people to be able to use !lr

hosties_min_players_for_lr 2


// Whether or not to announce when a player can use the !lr command

hosties_announce_lr_available 1


// Whether or not the distance of weapons thrown will be shown for guntoss

hosties_guntoss_show_distance 1


// Enable/Disable single shot at a time for S4S

// This makes sure that players only take one shot until the other player has shot

// WARNING: This may temporarily cause lag on your server during S4S if there's a lot of people and your server sucks

hosties_enable_s4s_single_shot 1


// Whether or not to use the check won on the chicken fight, it's not perfect

hosties_enable_chicken_fight_won 1


// Whether or not knife fight will be stopped when someone shoots

hosties_stop_kf_shoot 1


// Whether or not to stop a player from dropping their deagle more than once when they are chosen for GT

hosties_stop_double_drop 1



//-----Warning Weapon-----//



// The warning weapon that CTs can use to provide warning to T's. Does minimal damage

// Make sure to add the weapon you want to unrestricted weapons!

hosties_warning_weapon usp


// The amount of damage the warning weapon does

// If a person does a one shot kill (IE, a headshot with certain weapons) it will kill them

hosties_warning_weapon_damage 1


// Enable/Disable players regaining damage taking from warning damage

// The time until they regenerate is the cvar value

hosties_warning_damage_regenerate 0

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