poppin-frsesh Posted July 12, 2010 Content Count: 1 Joined: 07/12/10 Status: Offline Share Posted July 12, 2010 Hii. I am trying to unrestrict weapons in my hosties.cfg file but its not working..? I Dont know why. It should. I Couldnt upload it so this is what i have.............. // For the unrestricted weapons, you can do this // #weapontype // Weapon types are // pistols,shotguns,smgs,rifles,snipers,machineguns,grenades // You can declude an item from a catagory too so you could do // hosties_unrestricted_ct_weapons m249,#rifles!m4a1 // That would unrestrict the m249, all rifles, minus the m4a1 // You can unrestrict multiple weapons, too // hosties_unrestricted_ct_weapons m249,#rifles!m4a1&ak47,p228 // That would unrestrict the m249, p228, all rifles minus m4a1, and ak47 // Other items that can be unrestricted are // smokegrenade,flashbang,hegrenade,knife,vesthelm,vest,nvgs,c4 // Unrestricted CT weapons hosties_unrestricted_ct_weapons m4a1,usp,deagle,famas,aug,tmp,knife,vesthelm,vest,nvgs,smokegrenade,flashbang,hegrenade // Unrestricted T weapons, ones that they can pick up. Not buy hosties_unrestricted_t_weapons m4a1,deagle,famas,aug,tmp,knife,vesthelm,vest,nvgs,smokegrenade,flashbang,hegrenade // Weapons given to t's on start hosties_t_start_weapons knife // Weapons given to ct's on start hosties_ct_start_weapons // Whether or not T's can kill CT's for jumping on their heads hosties_allow_to_kill_for_jumping_on_head 1 // Whether or not to strip players weapons on round end hosties_strip_weapons_on_round_end 1 // Add all hosties rules/descriptions of how to play here! hosties_rule CTs can only kill rebelling Ts hosties_rule CTs must give Ts a warning before killing hosties_rule CTs can't give Ts guns and then kill them (gunplanting) hosties_rule Ts can kill CTs for jumping on their heads hosties_rule When there's only 2 Ts left, Ts can have a LR hosties_rule Ts can type !lr to get their last request hosties_rule CTs cannot hurt Ts without warning hosties_rule CTs can't ask Ts to do something that will kill them // Announce when a CT hurts a T, valid options are tell = just tell the hurt player, msg = tell the whole server, 0 = tell no one hosties_announce_ct_hurt_t 0 // Whether or not to show the rules menu to a player when he/she joins hosties_show_rules_on_join 1 // Whether or not to end the round at 0:00 since some maps don't do it automatically hosties_end_round_at_round_end_time 1 // After how many rounds the teams are swapped, 0 is disabled hosties_round_swap_teams 0 // Commands which players can use hosties_commands !lr,!rules,!checkplayers,!commands,!hosties,!control,!checkguns,!wspoint,!setpoints,!teamtime,!hostiesadmin // Enable/Disable noblock. Noblock will be turned off for last request hosties_enable_noblock 1 // The server's menu language hosties_menu_lang en // Whether or not it will be announced when someone gets attacked with a gun hosties_announce_attacked_with_gun 1 // The T to CT ratio // 0 is disabled // 2:1 means that for every CT, there has to be at least 2 Ts // Players will always be able to join the terrorist team, regardless of ratio // If there is less than 3 players on the server, anyone may join any team hosties_t_to_ct_ratio 2:1 // Make it so players can only use auto assign // Note: If a player selects T, CT, or Auto Assign, it will automatically assign them a team // They will still be allowed to choose terrorist and counter-terrorist, but the script will actually assign the team hosties_auto_assign_only 0 // How long people will be noblocked at round start // 0 is disabled hosties_noblock_on_round_start 0 // Enable admin commands hosties_admin_commands !hostiesadmin,!banteam,!makerebel,!stoplr // Mute dead people // If you have SM, it will only mute their mic // If you have mani, it will mute their mic, and text // If you do not have, or do not want to use either of those, you may also download NativeTools // Native Tools -- http://forums.eventscripts.com/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=32582 // To remove mute spam, have the following in server.cfg: // Mani - mani_mute_con_command_spam 1 // SourceMod - sm_show_activity 0 hosties_mute_dead 1 // People who are immune to mute // The list of steamids must be in quotes! (Not individual steamids) hosties_mute_immune "STEAM_0:0:00000000,STEAM_0:1:1111111" // Mute Ts on round start for seconds // Note: does NOT mute dead people! // Scroll up to hosties_mute_dead for that feature hosties_mute_on_round_start 15 // Admins that may use the !hostiesadmin and other admin commands // Split steamids with a comma // If you want all mani admins to have admin rights, add mani_admins to there // Any user with hosties_admin auth can use this // The list of steamids must be in quotes! (Not individual steamids) hosties_admins "STEAM_0:0:11089864" //-----Punishments-----// // The punishment for killing too many innocent hosties per round // Options are // stripweapons (Will strip a players weapons, them give them an unloaded deagle) // takehp // slay // kick // maket // ban // The format of the command is hosties_addpunishment hosties_addpunishment 2 takehp15 hosties_addpunishment 5 stripweapons hosties_addpunishment 10 maket5 // How many innocent T's a player can kill before punished (in 1.5 seconds, like a CT lines up T\'s then kills them, same options as too many non rebel killed hosties_max_innocent_kills_per_3_seconds 3 // Punishement, same as too many non rebels killed hosties_too_high_kps_punishment stripweapons //-----Rebels-----// // Enable/Disable the rebel system hosties_enable_rebel_system 1 // Whether or not to announce when a rebel is killed hosties_announce_rebel_killed 1 // Whether or not to announce when a player is rebelling hosties_announce_turn_into_rebel 1 // The RBG color that rebels are turned into, 255,255,255,255 is default hosties_rebel_color 255,0,0,255 // Whether or not T's become rebel when they hurt a CT // If it's 0, they'll become rebels when they kill a CT while not on LR hosties_rebel_on_hurt 0 //-----Custom Mods-----// // Load custom mods here // Mods can be loaded and unloaded any time during game by typing in server console // hosties_loadmod // hosties_unloadmod // hosties_reloadmod hosties_loadmod control hosties_loadmod gunplant // hosties_loadmod voteteamban // How long a T has to obey a command given via menu by a controller hosties_control_command_time 5 // The color of the controller hosties_controller_color 255,128,0,255 // The color a player will turn when they complete a simon says task hosties_simon_says_completed_color 255,0,255,255 // Whether or not to have simon says option on the control menu hosties_control_allow_simon 1 // Whether or not to allow last reaction/first reaction hosties_control_allow_lastreaction 1 // The minimum votes neede to teamban a person hosties_voteteamban_minimum_votes 3 // The time (in minutes) the player will be banned rom the CT team hosties_voteteamban_ban_time 60 // For every players on the server, the total votes needd is * hosties_voteteamban_vote_ratio // IE, if the ratio is 0.5 and there is 20 players on the server, it will require 10 votes to teamban the player. hosties_voteteamban_vote_ratio 0.5 // The file path (after ./cstrike/) in which hosties will find every steamid, and add them to the list of players that can't be voteteambanned // If you want to disable this, have it as 0 // You can have any file that has steamids in it, after ./cstrike/ // For example, cfg/mani_admin_plugin/clients.txt will find all steamids in clients.txt and make them voteteamban immune hosties_voteteamban_immune_file addons/eventscripts/hosties/data/immune.txt // Whether or not to show a hudhint to Ts when they pick up a weapon, who the last CT owner was hosties_gunplant_show_last_owner 1 //-----Last Requests-----// // Load last requests here // Last requests can be unloaded with hosties_unload and reloaded with hosties_reload // By default, not all last requests are loaded // To load included last requests, take away the two slashes before the hosties_load line hosties_load shotforshot hosties_load race hosties_load chickenfight hosties_load westernshootout hosties_load knifefight hosties_load guntoss hosties_load russianroulette hosties_load noscope hosties_load hotpotatoe hosties_load jumpcomp hosties_load dodgeball hosties_load redlightgreenlight // Whether or not to make T's red and Ct's blue during lr hosties_change_lr_colors 1 // Whether or not a CT has to accept an LR with a rebel. If the T isn't a rebel, the accept LR menu won't be shown hosties_make_ct_accept_lr_with_rebel 1 // Whether or not to beacon on last request hosties_beacon_on_lr 1 // Whether or not to teleport the T and the CT during Last request to a designated map area after three seconds after initiation. // If 1, and it's either gun toss, or s4s and there's a map point designated, they will be teled there hosties_teleport_to_designated_areas_for_lr 1 // The minimum amount of Terrorists (dead or alive) required for lr hosties_lr_required_ts 0 // The maximum amount of LRs that can be started at the same time hosties_max_lrs 2 // The max amount of alive T's for people to be able to use !lr hosties_min_players_for_lr 2 // Whether or not to announce when a player can use the !lr command hosties_announce_lr_available 1 // Whether or not the distance of weapons thrown will be shown for guntoss hosties_guntoss_show_distance 1 // Enable/Disable single shot at a time for S4S // This makes sure that players only take one shot until the other player has shot // WARNING: This may temporarily cause lag on your server during S4S if there's a lot of people and your server sucks hosties_enable_s4s_single_shot 1 // Whether or not to use the check won on the chicken fight, it's not perfect hosties_enable_chicken_fight_won 1 // Whether or not knife fight will be stopped when someone shoots hosties_stop_kf_shoot 1 // Whether or not to stop a player from dropping their deagle more than once when they are chosen for GT hosties_stop_double_drop 1 //-----Warning Weapon-----// // The warning weapon that CTs can use to provide warning to T's. Does minimal damage // Make sure to add the weapon you want to unrestricted weapons! hosties_warning_weapon usp // The amount of damage the warning weapon does // If a person does a one shot kill (IE, a headshot with certain weapons) it will kill them hosties_warning_weapon_damage 1 // Enable/Disable players regaining damage taking from warning damage // The time until they regenerate is the cvar value hosties_warning_damage_regenerate 0 Link to comment
Farmer Mick Posted July 12, 2010 Content Count: 1842 Joined: 07/25/07 Status: Offline Share Posted July 12, 2010 im not too sure what you want to happen by posting this seems to me like your at the wrong place Link to comment
Kiwi Posted July 12, 2010 Content Count: 1324 Joined: 07/25/09 Status: Offline Share Posted July 12, 2010 ........ We aren't here to help you with your server. Link to comment
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