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Well, I'm not good with pcs just like Zealot. Execept I'm worse. I don't know any good motherboards and thats what I'm looking for atm. I was thinking of getting a motherboard within the price range of 150-160 plus shipping and handling. Can anyone reccomend me a good one? Also a decent proccessor. Preferablly Dual Core or maybe an older Quad Core :d


I've found this for a Quad Core http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103706 not sure if its good or not but if it someone tell meh pl0x!

Edited by Fuze
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Well, I don't want a motherboard that's like 160 bucks and same for the processor.




Quad Core-http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103706


If the processor is good and compatible with the motherboard that's what I'll get.

If not then I'd look towards $100-120 for the processor which would be like a Dual Core/Early Quad Core(I think) and then around $130-140 for the motherboard. Again never had to do this before so I'm not sure if the prices match up with the budget.

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Well we also need to know what kind of ram you have and your graphics card and power supply.


Uhh tbh idk the kind of ram I have. All I know is that its a 2 gig stick of it its made by Elpida and that its made in Taiwan.

My video card is a NVIDIA Geforce 6600 PCI Express 2.0

No idea what my power supply is all I know is that itsmade by "micro"


So around 260 bucks in total?


Ideally yes.


If it comes down to it I could easily buy a new power supply. If my current one doenst work then for the price of the motherboard and the Quad Core I'll just find another power supply.

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For a CPU I would go for




And for a Motherboard I would go for either http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131398&cm_re=M4A785TD-V-_-13-131-398-_-Product


Or a slighty more expensive one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131366&cm_re=M4A78T-E-_-13-131-366-_-Product


Which comes to a $258 for the first motherboard and processer.


Or $277 or something for the second.


You do realise you need more parts if you were to get the full use out of this?

Edited by FloydRix
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