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I changed the day to the correct one because he accidentally made a mistake. And I closed the threads to prevent postwhoring and bumping. I even put that in the sticky thread... Why do you criticize me for every thing I do? I'm just trying to keep it organized, and your attitude towards me is very hurtful...

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I changed the day to the correct one because he accidentally made a mistake. And I closed the threads to prevent postwhoring and bumping. I even put that in the sticky thread... Why do you criticize me for every thing I do? I'm just trying to keep it organized, and your attitude towards me is very hurtful...

I love how locking dead old threads that no one cares about anymore is keeping things organized. Do you know the meaning of organization or are you just tossing out bigger words now that you're an EC?

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Look, if you have a problem with me, just tell a higher up. I know I am annoying And a kissass, and it's wrong; but I just want to plan events and keep the section clean, ok? if you don't like how I do something, just tell me or some other person. I honestly don't fare for your negative comments, because trying to bash me won't work.

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Oh god.. its you..


Look, if you have a problem with me, just tell a higher up. I know I am annoying And a kissass, and it's wrong; but I just want to plan events and keep the section clean, ok? if you don't like how I do something, just tell me or some other person. I honestly don't fare for your negative comments, because trying to bash me won't work.


To be fair, he doesn't have access to moderator to know it was you. He just pointed it out to whoever it was because he thought it was a bit ridiculous.

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No, I think he knew. When virus posted that picture, bubbles said "he edits titles too?" that, and this is EXACTLY how he acted when Allan was here. no wonder he left.



Allan would RAPE entire threads and random posts because it offended his weird carebear personality. That and he was just busy I guess.

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