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So my friend gave me this broken xbox 360.. Im stil investigating how much works it needs but pretty much the cord that attaches the PSU to the walll was chewed on by his parrot >.


How different is the cable from a regular PC power supply cable?? I have a couple extra I might just be able to cut on of these up and fix it with electrical tape.. the original is pretty beat up..


As for the CD drive issue I already started reading and it seems fairly easy to fix...


I tried to use http://www.google.com not much info..

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ehh I have that cd issue with my 360, but it reads my games as dvd. After ejecting it and then rejecting it back in a couple times it usually reads the game. Although its at the point where I threaten to throw it out my door. lol


Your probably better off seeing if someone is selling a cheap cord for it instead of makeshifting one.

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the answer is... dont bother. by the time you get the thing to stop being a miserable pain in the ass you could have already bought a used one on ebay. like a used arcade and put in the hard drive from that one.

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  Dirkjr said:
the answer is... dont bother. by the time you get the thing to stop being a miserable pain in the ass you could have already bought a used one on ebay. like a used arcade and put in the hard drive from that one.


Well since he got it for free and trying to fix that one, I don't think he wants to buy a used one...

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  Dirkjr said:
the answer is... dont bother. by the time you get the thing to stop being a miserable pain in the ass you could have already bought a used one on ebay. like a used arcade and put in the hard drive from that one.


  SATAN said:
Well since he got it for free and trying to fix that one, I don't think he wants to buy a used one...



like really?... im glad common sense is common in my fam..


A CD reader is 25 bucks... if you find one on ebay for 25 bucks props to you sir! In the mean time Ill try to fix this one!

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well I repaired the cord using the old one! just cut it up tie it back use electrical tape and there we go!!


Now the CD drive doesnt even open :( but I played a demo that was on the hdd and everything else seems fine! No red rings for now :)


drive is open..like literally open so I can seem to find the brand..anywho Ima tr to clean it up first and now I need to find a game to try it....

Edited by trakaill
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Hmm. did your friend try to mod his xbox and fail miserably?


My friend likes to tinker with all the electronics he has. He tried to mod his xbox, screwed up in the process, and now his drive has no firmware to run it. Aka, no opening, no closing, no reading, etc. If it doesnt open/close, theres most likely a bigger problem with it. This is different than drox's issue, which is a failing laser.


P.S.: You cannot just buy a new DVD-drive for the xbox like you can for a ps3 or PC. The motherboard and the drive have a key/code that connect and bind them, and without that code you cant even install a new drive.

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