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New PC. What do you think?

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LOL, I looked down your post expecting a big elaboration. Guess you're working on it.


I was going to say the same thing. I started to 2nd guess what elaborate meant. Then i was like WAIT Zero where is your Elaboration:)

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CPU: Spend $10 extra dollars and get a quad core. Link


Motherboard: Good choice it's a good performer at it's price range, but it might be overkill for your needs. Consider buying a GIGABYTE GA-P35-DS3L, it will still overclock and it compatible with 45nm chips if you decide to upgrade at one point.


Memory: Unless you're heavy into overclocking you won't see any significant difference by using DDR2 1066, especially on a 65nm chip. You're better off buying twice as much DDR2 800 for a little more Option 1 Option 2


HDD: Not a bad choice, only you can determine how much space you'll need. Just consider for an extra $25 you get double the space Link


Case & Power Supply: I am extremely paranoid about power supplies. I never recommend using a power supply that came with a case. There is no sense in using a cheap power supply to power an expensive system. You risk loosing all of your hardware if it goes bad.


Case options: Classic or Trendy.


Power Supply: Standard or Modular


Video Cards: I would recommend a 9600GT over and 320MB 8800GTS, but the 8800 GT is the best card under $200. The ATI 3870 would sit in the middle.


The best choice right now would be Link. Use coupon code "EMCAECCCE" to knock $20 off of it if you're a newegg subscriber. It's slightly faster than the XFX and shipped free. Both XFX and EVGA have lifetime warranties.


The BFG Bundle, I gave Red is also a very good choice of PS and GPU.


Shop around. New Egg is very competitive, but there are other reliable e-tailer's which sometimes offer better deals. Always keep shipping price in mind.

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Yeah, I was still writing. Prices are always changing so I have to look around. The Q6600 was actually $180 shipped last week. They're supposed to be dropping to at least $206 at all stores this week via the Intel price drop. All chips are dropping between $2-$45.


If you can drive into the CompUSA in Orlando you can find good cases and you won't have to pay the shipping on the Cooler Master case. $5 tax beats $20 shipping.

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Zero thanks for all the input. Yeah the CompUSA is only 30 mins away from where i live. But there is a wholesale place next to my work i think i might try first. They sell all the same crap that Newegg sells, but cheaper and no shipping:) I am just going to take your list and see what they say.

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Hey Zero i may have a mission for you:)


http://www.acw.net is the place next to my work where i may want to buy the stuff.


Can you take a look on their site and see if you can put something together thats nice?


I just get overwhelmed when i look for stuff like this. I am going to put my list together and see if it matches yours:)


Crap i cant get prices unless i log in. So dont worry about it. I need to call my boss and see if i can even log in

Edited by suricruise
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This build is just under $690 shipped. It should be under $635 shipped after mail in rebates and it won't piss you off a year from now. Down the road, you will be able to upgrade to a quad core or the current 45nm cpu's if you decide to. You can build a better AMD system for a couple more dollars, but you won't be able to upgrade it.


- DVD Burner $31

- Case $70

- Hard Drive $90

- Video Card $150

- Power Supply $80

- RAM $75

- Motherboard $90

- CPU $90

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You know what sucks.


If this Pc is going to run me about $700, and i sold my 360 for $300, and asking about $110 for my DS. That will leave me about $300 bucks to make up.


And i only have 2 things left i could sell. My old 20gig 4thgen Ipod. ( Not sure what i could get for that) OR my brand new 18gig iPod Touch that i love. I paid $400 for it.


We are getting that extra tax money of about $1500, but that has to go to pay the Bill for having our Child. Man it sucks to grow up and not have money for cool stuff you want. :(


you could sell the current laptop youre using :tongue_smilie:

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I think i like that last setup Zero. I will have to buy things here and there for the next month. I might just get the CPU and MOBO first, and the video card. And then get all the other stuff here and there.



I cant sell my laptop. Well i could if i sold it for $1,500 bucks. I got screwed with some lame deal they where doing. When i get done paying for it i would have paid for it twice.


But i think i have talked my wife into letting me pick her PC apart for parts. And if i do that i dont have to buy a new OS. I just got her Vista not to long ago.

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This build is just under $690 shipped. It should be under $635 shipped after mail in rebates and it won't piss you off a year from now. Down the road, you will be able to upgrade to a quad core or the current 45nm cpu's if you decide to. You can build a better AMD system for a couple more dollars, but you won't be able to upgrade it.


- DVD Burner $31

- Case $70

- Hard Drive $90

- Video Card $150

- Power Supply $80

- RAM $75

- Motherboard $90

- CPU $90


If i dont have to buy the HD and Rom I can get this for $569 after shipping:)


Since i am coming in a bit cheaper do you think i should upgrade any one of those items Zero?

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