CollieFlower Posted February 27, 2011 Content Count: 1406 Joined: 09/25/08 Status: Offline Share Posted February 27, 2011 Dear Caution, Im back bitch! Hope your training is going good. All of us here miss you a lot and wish you the best of luck! If you die ill haunt you. pce man. good luck and dont f**k it up! Longwave. Link to comment
James Posted February 27, 2011 Content Count: 2645 Joined: 06/05/07 Status: Offline Share Posted February 27, 2011 Dear Caution, Hello American friend, I hope bootcamp is not like it is portrayed in FMJ (lol), good luck with the rest of your training and stay safe out there!! -James Link to comment
floffypus Posted February 27, 2011 Content Count: 5063 Joined: 02/25/09 Status: Offline Share Posted February 27, 2011 Dear Caution I know you hardly but Good luck and dont forget to tbagg ;) Link to comment
Harbor Posted February 27, 2011 Content Count: 2596 Joined: 02/23/09 Status: Offline Share Posted February 27, 2011 Dear Caution, Holy shit did you pick a time to leave, just as shit hit the fan! Its crazy but the new owners seem cool, they gave us a shit load of font colors in chat box.... so theres that. Hope Bootcamp is crazy awesome. Neji is still a fag, and Blargh refused to let him into this letter, as Bubbles said a bunch of kids were saying they missed you, and like they dont know you bro. haha, OH and "cum on me bro" said by Matt, is acctually Zealots not Matt's. Just sayin, well Hope your staying strong and GL HF. ps. The new owners are bringing back SGSL so hurry up with this silly Boot camp. PSS if you are ever down, just think of the MAJOR pussy you'll get once you are ripped and in your uniform. JUST SAYIN' Link to comment
Omar Posted February 27, 2011 Content Count: 2994 Joined: 03/06/08 Status: Offline Share Posted February 27, 2011 Sup Caution If you EVER, I mean EVER suspect a little hint of your bunk-bed buddy to be gay, then they probably fucking are, so for the love of god, ask to change to another bed, cause you will probably get fucked, and I don't want you to come back all traumatized in shit. Also, if you ever meet an arabic guy, if somehow you're suddenly deported to some shit-stained warzone, then "salam" means hi. (this covers all middle-eastern territory) Best of luck, Omar. The only sandy bastard in this community. Link to comment
SilentGuns Posted February 27, 2011 Content Count: 4799 Joined: 08/14/08 Status: Offline Share Posted February 27, 2011 (edited) Dear Caution. 42 6c 6f 77 20 75 70 20 74 68 65 20 61 6d 6d 75 6e 69 74 69 6f 6e 20 73 74 6f 72 61 67 65 21 20 44 65 61 74 68 20 74 6f 20 74 68 65 20 63 61 70 69 74 61 6c 69 73 74 20 70 69 67 73 2e 0d 0a 0d 0a 42 6c 6f 77 20 75 70 20 74 68 65 20 61 6d 6d 75 6e 69 74 69 6f 6e 20 73 74 6f 72 61 67 65 21 20 44 65 61 74 68 20 74 6f 20 74 68 65 20 63 61 70 69 74 61 6c 69 73 74 20 70 69 67 73 2e 0d 0a 0d 0a 42 6c 6f 77 20 75 70 20 74 68 65 20 61 6d 6d 75 6e 69 74 69 6f 6e 20 73 74 6f 72 61 67 65 21 20 44 65 61 74 68 20 74 6f 20 74 68 65 20 63 61 70 69 74 61 6c 69 73 74 20 70 69 67 73 2e Take care. You are more man than most of us combined. Your good friend -SilentGuns Edited February 27, 2011 by SilentGuns Link to comment
Psyche Posted February 27, 2011 Content Count: 3343 Joined: 06/03/08 Status: Offline Share Posted February 27, 2011 Dear Caution, Holy shit if you could all the shit that went down while you were gone, Garfield got fucking bitchslapped by the community, and he's gone. Now we have two business people running the community, they seem okay, as long as they don't fuck up I am okay with this. Bubbles wan't your dick, really bad. D2W went into a coma because of his decreased exposure to you. And I am just a faggot, and you should admit you are one too because DADT got repealed and shit and you can be proud of that. Also dander, ehhhhhhh, and all that other stupid shit. I love you. Psyche Link to comment
High Posted February 27, 2011 Content Count: 3073 Joined: 01/28/08 Status: Offline Share Posted February 27, 2011 Dear Caution, As much as I enjoy writing letter after letter about Mr. Caution, the fact remains that it is obviously not the intention of Heaven to let Caution incite racial hatred. Unless you share my view that one cannot help but notice that I am burning to know what sorts of warped, twisted reasons exist in the heads of those who eat our nation to its bones, there's no need for you to hear me further. I indubitably intend to exercise my franchise to fight to the end for our ideas and ideals. Now that's a strong conclusion to draw just from the evidence I've presented in this letter so let me corroborate it by saying that Caution's sinful yes-men are nothing more than subservient blobs of easily controlled protoplasm. That's why they're so willing to help Caution resort to ad hominem attacks on me and my family. I don't see how he can be so discourteous. This brings me to my next criticism of Caution: I'm no psychiatrist. Still, from the little I know about psychiatry I can really say that he seems to exhibit many of the symptoms of Asperger's syndrome. I don't say that to judge but merely to put his counterproductive slurs into perspective. Caution's ability to capitalize on the economic chaos, racial tensions, and social discontent of the current historical moment can be explained in large part by the following. Like a verbal magician, Caution knows how to lie without appearing to be lying, how to bury secrets in mountains of garbage-speak. His serfs don't represent an ideology. They don't represent a legitimate political group of people. They're just flat abusive. Ignorance is bliss. This may be why Caution's foot soldiers are generally all smiles. If we don't remove the Caution threat now, it will bite us in our backside in a lustrum or two. This truth will be as pertinent six years as 60 years hence. Don't make the mistake of thinking otherwise. Caution does, and that's why if his projects were intended as a joke, he forgot to include the punchline. I recently received some mail in which the writer stated, "The best advice I can give to a group is to knock some sense into Caution." I included that quote not because it is exceptional in any way but rather because it is typical of much of the mail I receive. I included it to show you that I'm not the only one who thinks that the objection may still be raised that Caution's ultimata are a breath of fresh air amid our modern culture's toxic cloud of chaos. At first glance this sounds almost believable yet the following must be borne in mind: Caution's self-fulfilling prophecies reek of Marxism. I use the word "reek" because if everyone does his own, small part, together we can give Caution condign punishment. While perhaps offensive to some readers, only a direct quote can fully convey the inconsiderate nature and content of Caution's hatchet jobs: "Attention, adulators! Your orders are to encourage a deadly acceptance of intolerance, and to do so at any cost." Ordinarily, Caution is dimwitted, but he has lucid moments when he is only arrogant. You may make the comment, "What does this have to do with picayunish warlords?" Well, once you begin to see the light you'll realize that it's possible that Caution doesn't realize this because he has been ingrained with so much of blackguardism's propaganda. If that's the case, I recommend that we make some changes here. Just don't expect consistency from a man who is totally and undoubtedly delusional. Idle hands are the devil's tools. That's why Caution spends his leisure time devising ever more shrewish ways to make excessive use of foul language. As I remove the veil of ignorance I have lived behind, I find that he recently got caught red-handed trying to fortify a social correctness that restricts experience and defines success with narrow boundaries. Well, surprise, surprise, surprise, as Gomer Pyle would say. By comparing today to even ten years ago and projecting the course we're on, I'd say we're in for an even more worthless, complacent, and myopic society, all thanks to Caution's ipse dixits. Sure, even unpleasant philosophasters may have some good points but I have yet to find one. I strive to be consistent in my arguments. I can't say that I'm 100% true to this, but Caution's frequent vacillating leads me to believe that I've heard of impolitic things like priggism and materialism. But I've also heard of things like nonviolence, higher moralities, and treating all beings as ends in and of themselves—ideas which his ignorant, unthinking, shambolic brain is too small to understand. Caution refuses to come to terms with reality. He prefers instead to live in a fantasy world of rationalization and hallucination. Caution's "I'm right and you're wrong" attitude is supercilious because it leaves no room for compromise. I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people. I can therefore assure you that statements like, "Base-minded stumblebums and iconoclastic dipsomaniacs will join forces one of these days to destabilize the already volatile social fabric that Caution purportedly aims to save" accurately express the feelings of most of us here. This is not to say that Caution does not play nice with others. It is merely to point out that Caution's contrivances are not pedantic treatises expressing theories or extravaganzas dealing in fables or fancies. They are substantial, sober outpourings from the very soul of sadism. Now, it is not my purpose to suggest that we are in trouble when hitherto reputable people introduce disease, ignorance, squalor, idleness, and want into affluent neighborhoods but rather to stop the Huns at the gate. He used to be a major proponent of faddism. Nowadays, Caution is putting all of his support behind exclusivism. As they say, plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. I understand that Caution's drones are encouraged—or more aptly, dragooned—into helping Caution ensure that there can never in the future be accord, unity, or a common, agreed-upon destiny among the citizens of this once-great nation, but I enjoy the great diversity of humankind, in our food, our dress, our music, our literature, and our forms of spiritual expression. What I don't enjoy are Caution's feral plans for the future, which rob Peter to pay Paul. Caution doesn't understand politics or simply doesn't care. This implies that mankind needs to do more to remove the misunderstanding that Caution has created in the minds of myriad people throughout the world. Understand, I am not condemning mankind for not doing enough; I am merely stating that Caution truly believes that his opinions represent the opinions of the majority—or even a plurality. I hope you realize that that's just a disrespectful pipe dream from a pestilential pipe and that in the real world, I recently heard Caution tell a bunch of people that we have no reason to be fearful about the criminally violent trends in our society today and over the past ten to fifteen years. I can't adequately describe my first reaction to this notion; I simply don't know how to represent uncontrollable laughter in text. Caution's positions are merely childish attempts at ridicule. Sure, it sounds prudish. Blame that on stingy, foolhardy swindlers. You've never heard that Caution's intention is to insist that our society be infested with antagonism, barbarism, pharisaism, and an impressive swarm of other "isms"? That's because his cult followers have been staging a massive cover-up for quite some time now. But if you keep your eyes open you'll notice that he has remarked that it's perfectly safe to drink and drive. This is a comment that should chill the spine of anyone with moral convictions. To make sure you understand I'll spell it out for you. For starters, Caution is a total zero, so to speak. Lastly, as Mr. Caution feels less and less need to conceal his ebullitions, he makes increasingly open moves towards illaudable denominationalism. Your Friend, Thor. Link to comment
Jewpiter Posted February 27, 2011 Content Count: 2661 Joined: 02/11/08 Status: Offline Share Posted February 27, 2011 Dear Caution, As much as I enjoy writing letter after letter about Mr. Caution, the fact remains that it is obviously not the intention of Heaven to let Caution incite racial hatred. Unless you share my view that one cannot help but notice that I am burning to know what sorts of warped, twisted reasons exist in the heads of those who eat our nation to its bones, there's no need for you to hear me further. I indubitably intend to exercise my franchise to fight to the end for our ideas and ideals. Now that's a strong conclusion to draw just from the evidence I've presented in this letter so let me corroborate it by saying that Caution's sinful yes-men are nothing more than subservient blobs of easily controlled protoplasm. That's why they're so willing to help Caution resort to ad hominem attacks on me and my family. I don't see how he can be so discourteous. This brings me to my next criticism of Caution: I'm no psychiatrist. Still, from the little I know about psychiatry I can really say that he seems to exhibit many of the symptoms of Asperger's syndrome. I don't say that to judge but merely to put his counterproductive slurs into perspective. Caution's ability to capitalize on the economic chaos, racial tensions, and social discontent of the current historical moment can be explained in large part by the following. Like a verbal magician, Caution knows how to lie without appearing to be lying, how to bury secrets in mountains of garbage-speak. His serfs don't represent an ideology. They don't represent a legitimate political group of people. They're just flat abusive. Ignorance is bliss. This may be why Caution's foot soldiers are generally all smiles. If we don't remove the Caution threat now, it will bite us in our backside in a lustrum or two. This truth will be as pertinent six years as 60 years hence. Don't make the mistake of thinking otherwise. Caution does, and that's why if his projects were intended as a joke, he forgot to include the punchline. I recently received some mail in which the writer stated, "The best advice I can give to a group is to knock some sense into Caution." I included that quote not because it is exceptional in any way but rather because it is typical of much of the mail I receive. I included it to show you that I'm not the only one who thinks that the objection may still be raised that Caution's ultimata are a breath of fresh air amid our modern culture's toxic cloud of chaos. At first glance this sounds almost believable yet the following must be borne in mind: Caution's self-fulfilling prophecies reek of Marxism. I use the word "reek" because if everyone does his own, small part, together we can give Caution condign punishment. While perhaps offensive to some readers, only a direct quote can fully convey the inconsiderate nature and content of Caution's hatchet jobs: "Attention, adulators! Your orders are to encourage a deadly acceptance of intolerance, and to do so at any cost." Ordinarily, Caution is dimwitted, but he has lucid moments when he is only arrogant. You may make the comment, "What does this have to do with picayunish warlords?" Well, once you begin to see the light you'll realize that it's possible that Caution doesn't realize this because he has been ingrained with so much of blackguardism's propaganda. If that's the case, I recommend that we make some changes here. Just don't expect consistency from a man who is totally and undoubtedly delusional. Idle hands are the devil's tools. That's why Caution spends his leisure time devising ever more shrewish ways to make excessive use of foul language. As I remove the veil of ignorance I have lived behind, I find that he recently got caught red-handed trying to fortify a social correctness that restricts experience and defines success with narrow boundaries. Well, surprise, surprise, surprise, as Gomer Pyle would say. By comparing today to even ten years ago and projecting the course we're on, I'd say we're in for an even more worthless, complacent, and myopic society, all thanks to Caution's ipse dixits. Sure, even unpleasant philosophasters may have some good points but I have yet to find one. I strive to be consistent in my arguments. I can't say that I'm 100% true to this, but Caution's frequent vacillating leads me to believe that I've heard of impolitic things like priggism and materialism. But I've also heard of things like nonviolence, higher moralities, and treating all beings as ends in and of themselves—ideas which his ignorant, unthinking, shambolic brain is too small to understand. Caution refuses to come to terms with reality. He prefers instead to live in a fantasy world of rationalization and hallucination. Caution's "I'm right and you're wrong" attitude is supercilious because it leaves no room for compromise. I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people. I can therefore assure you that statements like, "Base-minded stumblebums and iconoclastic dipsomaniacs will join forces one of these days to destabilize the already volatile social fabric that Caution purportedly aims to save" accurately express the feelings of most of us here. This is not to say that Caution does not play nice with others. It is merely to point out that Caution's contrivances are not pedantic treatises expressing theories or extravaganzas dealing in fables or fancies. They are substantial, sober outpourings from the very soul of sadism. Now, it is not my purpose to suggest that we are in trouble when hitherto reputable people introduce disease, ignorance, squalor, idleness, and want into affluent neighborhoods but rather to stop the Huns at the gate. He used to be a major proponent of faddism. Nowadays, Caution is putting all of his support behind exclusivism. As they say, plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. I understand that Caution's drones are encouraged—or more aptly, dragooned—into helping Caution ensure that there can never in the future be accord, unity, or a common, agreed-upon destiny among the citizens of this once-great nation, but I enjoy the great diversity of humankind, in our food, our dress, our music, our literature, and our forms of spiritual expression. What I don't enjoy are Caution's feral plans for the future, which rob Peter to pay Paul. Caution doesn't understand politics or simply doesn't care. This implies that mankind needs to do more to remove the misunderstanding that Caution has created in the minds of myriad people throughout the world. Understand, I am not condemning mankind for not doing enough; I am merely stating that Caution truly believes that his opinions represent the opinions of the majority—or even a plurality. I hope you realize that that's just a disrespectful pipe dream from a pestilential pipe and that in the real world, I recently heard Caution tell a bunch of people that we have no reason to be fearful about the criminally violent trends in our society today and over the past ten to fifteen years. I can't adequately describe my first reaction to this notion; I simply don't know how to represent uncontrollable laughter in text. Caution's positions are merely childish attempts at ridicule. Sure, it sounds prudish. Blame that on stingy, foolhardy swindlers. You've never heard that Caution's intention is to insist that our society be infested with antagonism, barbarism, pharisaism, and an impressive swarm of other "isms"? That's because his cult followers have been staging a massive cover-up for quite some time now. But if you keep your eyes open you'll notice that he has remarked that it's perfectly safe to drink and drive. This is a comment that should chill the spine of anyone with moral convictions. To make sure you understand I'll spell it out for you. For starters, Caution is a total zero, so to speak. Lastly, as Mr. Caution feels less and less need to conceal his ebullitions, he makes increasingly open moves towards illaudable denominationalism. Your Friend, Thor. Exactly how long did it take you to lift a completely irrelevant rant from the net and put cautions name in every other sentance? This is stupid, don't be an ass just write him something nice. 2 Link to comment
Spiffy Posted February 27, 2011 Content Count: 984 Joined: 08/20/09 Status: Offline Share Posted February 27, 2011 Exactly how long did it take you to lift a completely irrelevant rant from the net and put cautions name in every other sentance? This is stupid, don't be an ass just write him something nice. About as long as it took him to google 'copy pasta generator' Link to comment
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