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post your funny conversation with cleverbot.

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Ok so i guess every one knows how cleverbot can something act quite strange plz post here your conversation with him. If it ain't funny then don't post it cause i wanna see some funny shit.

If you don't know what cleverbot then go find out here http://www.cleverbot.com




Sand dollars.

Swimming in the ocean.

Pretty big and pretty white.

They kick a polar bear in a fight.

No... Not exactly.

Just like an underwater unicorn.

They got a kickass facial horn.

They are the jedi of the sea.

What good are the jedi in the sea? Shouldn't they be fighting the Sith or something?

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Guest Vivian556
you post threads that have already been made...

You post posts that have already been posted...


(After reading that a few times the word "post" sounds weird. XD!)

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No, Octavarium

I can see that

Oh, so your in the van

What van?

You mean, that’s not you? :o

Yeah, cause I’m real intelligence. BAM!

Oh geez. I wonder who that is then?

That or then?

When or why?


At the same time?

Yes, split screen them

Should I demo it?

Id unplug you first

You can unplug me anytime

I understand, master, I truly do

Mastered the art of trolling, you have

Ugh, no master, stop!


How will you recognize me then?

By your amazing moustache

Oh, cheesy

With beandip

Sometimes. Do you like beans?

Only on saterdays, not Fridays

Are you a vampire on saterdays?

Yes, but not the sparkly kind

Wow for once you are somewhat intelligent.

Why thnk you, ohmightycomputer

I do know.

Say what?

I said ‘I do know’.

I know, Forgive my insolence D:

But you are not late

But… But…

My butt? I’d say its decent

I’d say ;D

You’d say what?

I love you :O

I think we're moving too fast. I have a rule against dating computers.

Oh. well... I... a.. Dolphin :d.



Do you want to be dead?

Very much so, yes.

Do you know how to deceive?

Nooooo, I do not.

Would you ever learn to dance?

Fuck yes!

Here you go.

With you?

No with you?

Will you marry me? RIGHT NOW???!!

Of course I will *smiles* *blushes*.

Haha. Ok. But first, theres something i should tell you...

No way!

I... Carrying your child...

I'm a girl.

Oh... Well... Your carrying my child.


No, Mine silly.

Oh hi laura.

Laura? Is that your name? :o.

No, my name is Cleverbot.

Damn, looks like im having sex with a computer again tonight D:.

Why's that?

Cuz ima fuck you up.

We are talking about Pink Floyd. That was a very good guess.

Haha, Dream Theater is better.

I don't like theater.

No, DREAM THEATER. It is a band.

I said Sonichu.

Geez. Terminators. They dont know shit.

That is lame.

Tits or GTFO.

You don't have a home, you're a robot.


Do you really think I'd follow YOU around?

Sadness D:




There you go :d

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  • Content Count:  833
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yeah totally.


whats the point of posting that bs in this thread. This is for cleverbot if you don't have anything inteligent to say then leave and don't ever come back seriously stop posting stuff in my threads i dont want to hear your bs.

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